CDU / CSU: From the history of the alliance of two German parties

CDU / CSU: From the history of the alliance of two German parties

Boris V. Petelin
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The post-war history of Germany appears to be a complex intertwinement of interests between various political and social forces, organizations, parties and fractions operating in the Allied-occupied Germany. Under such extraordinary contradictory conditions, as it will be shown in the article, the two parts of Germany – the FRG and GDR –  were created, each having its own con-stitution, political party system and electoral authorities formed by the citizens of these countries. In West Germany, the Christian parties, the CDU and the CSU, played the key role, having united in a single fraction at the federal level, which is still functional in modern Germany.
Boris V. Petelin
Cherepovets State University
Cherepovets, Russia
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Christian parties, federalism, Josef Müller, Konrad Adenauer, the Economic Council Germany, faction, Parliamentary Council, Basic Law, elections to the German Bundestag
For citation:
Petelin B. CDU/CSU: From the history of the alliance of two German parties. Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2018, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 62–74. DOI: 10.23859/2587-8352-2018-2-2-4

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