
Professor V.B. Konasov: Between Russian and German History

Petelin Boris
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The name of the Vologda historian, doctor of historical sciences, professor Viktor Borisovich Konasov is known not only in Russia, but also in Germany. Dealing with the history of military captivity, he reflected in his books, articles and speeches upon the fates of German prisoners of war in the USSR on a broad documentary basis originating from previously classified records. Certain political, legal and social factors were shown, as well as the conditions of Soviet captivity, which was much more humane than German captivity for millions of Soviet soldiers and officers. V.B.Konasov’s scientific, pedagogical and social activities, as noted in this article, have received a well-deserved recognition among the Russian historical community, and his students continue his work, endeavours and studies.
Petelin Boris V.
Cherepovets State University
Cherepovets, Russia
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military captivity, history of Russia, post-war Germany, historians-Germanists, international law, penitentiary system, historical memory
For citation:
Petelin, B.V. “Professor V.B. Konasov: Between Russian and German History”. Historia provinciae – The journal of regional history, vol. 2, no. 3 (2018): 145–172, https:// 10.23859/2587-8344-2018-2-3-3

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