
Mass Deportations and the System of Special Settlements in Vologda Region in the 1930s–1950s

Starostin Sergei
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The article considers the history of mass deportations of population as well as formation and development of the system of special settlements in the territory of Vologda Region in 1930s–1950s. The defining role in establishing and operating the system was played by the bodies of OGPU–NKVD–MVD–MGB of the USSR. During the period of collectivization of agriculture peasants subjected to repression were removed from the territory of Vologda Region, which at the same time became the place of exile for thousands of Soviet and foreign citizens. With the adoption of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1761-1 of October 18, 1991 “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression” forced administrative removal to special settlements was recognized as political repression. From 1992 till 2017 the bodies of internal affairs of Vologda Region considered 24 877 applications for rehabilitation; the verification of the applications resulted in issuing 10 899 certificates of rehabilitation for the citizens who had undergone repression by administrative order and for the members of their families.
Starostin Sergei I.
Head of the Department for acquisition, publication and use
of documents of the public archival institution
of the Vologda region,  ‘Vologda Regional Archive of Contemporary Political History’
Vologda, Russia
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Vologda Region, OGPU, USSR NKVD, mass deportations, special settlers, political repression, rehabilitation
For citation:
Starostin, S. “Mass Deportations and the System of Special Settlements in Vologda Region in the 1930s–1950s”, Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 3, no. 1 (2019): 212–317, http://

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