
Reorganisation of the Political Police in Hungary after the Suppression of the Revolution of 1956

Baráth Magdolna
Full text:
After the radio message of Imre Nagy, the revolutionary prime-minister of Hungary, on 28 October 1956, the state protection (secret police) organs, which had been incorporated into the Ministry of Interiorin the summer of 1953 but preserved their independence, were disbanded. A significant part of the employees stayed in Hungary. Having joined the units of the Soviet Army which were brought into the country on 4 November, many of them participated in investigation and search operations against the rebels. Livening up of the former employees of the abolished State Protection Authority (SPA/ÁVH) raised concerns of the Hungarian party and state leadership. The article examines the establishment of new state protection departments at the turn of 1956 and 1957 and the role played in this process by the Soviet Army units that assisted in suppressing the revolution. The article shows changes in the attitude and in the line of conduct with respect to the former employees of state security.
Baráth Magdolna
PhD, research fellow,
Historical Archives of the State Security,
(Budapest, Hungary)
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Hungary, State Protection Authority (SPA/ÁVH), Ministry of Interior, Soviet Army units, state security, revision, reorganization
For citation:
Baráth, M. “Reorganisation of the Political Police in Hungary after the Suppression of the Revolution of 1956”. Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 3, no. 1 (2019): 438–478, http://

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