
The Relationship of the Police and Society: A Historical Excursion into the Beginning of the 20th Century

Reent Yuri
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The article traces the main regularities of relations between representatives of the Russian society and the police overall, as well as the forms of professional influence of police officers, gendarmes and security departments on the different segments of population. The increase of society commitment under the conditions of the revolution of 1905–07 and World War I largely changed the focus of attention on part of the police. However, this did not always help its representatives to realize the causes for changes in the nature of crimes and to find effective measures to curb the criminality. The police could not and should not have brought to bear the active influence on the improvement of the socio-political situation in the country. It was the prerogative of the emperor and his government, where the nascent civil society had not gained effective leverage yet.
Reent Yuri A.
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Academy of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
Ryazan, Russia
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The Russian Empire, power, society, person, police, gendarmes, security departments, law enforcement
For citation:
Reent, Yu. “The Relationship of the Police and Society: A Historical Excursion into the Beginning of the 20th Century”. Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 3, no.1 (2019): 397–429, http://

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