The Russian North in the life and the creative geography of Alexander V. Kamkin

The Russian North in the life and the creative geography of Alexander V. Kamkin

Anton V. Vsevolodov
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The article gives a brief overview of the contribution of the famous Vologda historian, ethnologist and culture studies scholar Alexander Vasilyevich Kamkin (1950-2017) to the study of the history and culture of the Russian North. On the one hand, the North is viewed as a place, or rather a space, where the scientist spent his life and his work was taking place, and on the other hand, as the main object of his interests.
Anton V. Vsevolodov
Candidate of Historical Sciences (PhD), Senior Researcher,
Cherepovets Museum Association, Cherepovets, Russia
Senior Lecturer, Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets, Russia
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    7. Kamkin A.V. Pravoslavnaia tserkov' na Severe Rossii: Ocherki istorii do 1917 g. [Orthodox Church in the Russian North: Essays on History until 1917]. Vologda: VGPI, 1992. 164 p.
    8. Kamkin A.V. Pyotr Andreevich Kolesnikov – istorik Ustiuzhny [Pyotr Andreevich Kolesnikov – the historian of Ustyuzhna].  Ustiuzhna. Kraevedcheskii al'manakh [Ustyuzhna. Local History Almanac]. Vologda: Rus', 1995, Is. III, pp. 411–420. (In Russian).
    9. Kamkin A.V. Sel'skii klir i krest'ianstvo v XVIII v. Nekotorye problemy prikhodskoi zhizni na Evropeiskom Severe Rossii [Rural clergy and peasantry in the 18th century. Some problems of parish life in the European North of Russia].  Evropeiskii Sever: istoriia i sovremennost' [The European North: History and Modernity]. Petrozavodsk: KarNTs AN SSSR, 1990, pp. 25–26. (In Russian).
    10. Kamkin A.V. Traditsionnye krest'ianskie soobshchestva Evropeiskogo Severa Rossii v XVIII veke [Traditional Peasant Communities of the European North of Russia in the 18th century. Doc. Dis.]. Moscow, 1993. 38 p. (In Russian).
    11. Kamkin A.V. Teoriia vospriiatiia: ot verbal'nogo k vizual'nomu (Materialy master-klassa) [Theory of perception: From the verbal to the visual (Materials of the master class)].  Institut evropeiskikh kul'tur [Institute of European Cultures]. Available at: aakamk.htm (accessed 16.01.2018).
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    13. Kamkin A.V., Spasenkova I.V. Otchety vologodskikh blagochinnykh (materialy k tserkovnoi istorii Vologdy (1906–1907 gg.) [Reports of Vologda deans (materials on the church history of Vologda (1906–1907)].  Vologda. Istoriko-kraevedcheskii al'manakh [Local History Almanac]; gl. red. M.A. Beznin. [In M. A. Beznin (Ed.)]. Vologda: Rus', 1994, Is. 1,  pp. 440–453. (In Russian).
    14. Kamkin A.V., Tikhomirov S.A. Petr Andreevich Kolesnikov (1907–1996) [Pyotr Andreevich Kolesnikov (1907–1996)]. Arkheograficheskii ezhegodnik za 1996 g. [Archaeographic Yearbook of 1996]. Moscow: Nauka, 1998, pp. 401–404. (In Russian).
    15. Kamkin Alexandr W. ‘Was für ein tiefer Glaube‘: Zur Geschichte der Russischen Orthodoxen Kirche in Russlands Norden. Aussaat Verlag, (1998).132 p.
    16. Pravoslavnye traditsii na Evropeiskom Severe Rossii v XVIII–XX vekakh [Orthodox traditions in the Russian European North in the 18th – 20th centuries]. Vologda: Izd. tsentr VIRO; VGPU, 2007. 220 p. (In Russian).
    17. Tot'ma. Istoriko-literaturnyi al'manakh [Totma. Historical and Literary Almanac]; gl. red. A.V. Kamkin [In A. V. Kamkin (Ed.)]. Vologda: Rus', 1995, Is. 1. 428 p. (In Russian).
    18. Tot'ma. Kraevedcheskii al'manakh [Totma. Historical and Literary Almanac]; gl. red. A.V. Kamkin [In A. V. Kamkin (Ed.)]. Vologda: Rus', 1997, Is. 2. 664 p. (In Russian).
    19. Tot'ma. Kraevedcheskii al'manakh [Totma. Historical and Literary Almanac]; gl. red. A.V. Kamkin [In A. V. Kamkin (Ed.)]. Vologda: Legiia, 2001, Is. 3. 294 p. (In Russian).
    20. Vologda v minuvshem tysiacheletii: Ocherki istorii goroda [Vologda in the Past Millennium. Essays on the History of the City]; red. Iu.K. Nekrasov [In Iu.K. Nekrasov (Ed.)]. Vologda: Drevnosti Severa, 2004. 240 р.; Vologda: Drevnosti Severa, 2006. 239 p. (In Russian).
    21. Vologodskaia entsiklopediia [The Encyclopedia of Vologda]; gl. red. G.V. Sudakov [In G.V. Sudakov (Ed.)]. Vologda: Rus', 2006. 608 p. (In Russian).
A. V. Kamkin, the Russian North, Vologda State University, peasantry, orthodoxy, rural parish, ‘sociocultural origins’, ethnography
For citation:
Vsevolodov Anton The Russian North in the life and the creative geography of Alexander V. Kamkin. Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2018, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 108–118. DOI: 10.23859/2587-8352-2018-2-1-6

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