Prisoners of War in Arkhangelsk: History of the Solombala Camp of the NKVD-MVD No. 211
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Based on a wide-ranging set of sources of official and personal origin, the article explores the history of the Solombala Camp No. 211 of the NKVD-MVD for prisoners of war and internees. Most attention is paid to the analysis of the foundation of the camp, the organization of the regime and protection of prisoners of war, their live support and labour use, as well as political and cultural work. The author concludes that the most important reason for the foundation of prisoner-of-war camps in the Arkhangelsk North was the need for labour in the local economy. The labour of prisoners of war was used in the kraft pulp and timber processing industries, shipbuilding, and agriculture. Despite the adverse climatic conditions of the Arkhangelsk North, the camp staff managed to preserve the life and health of most prisoners of war and to ensure their return to the homeland.
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Korotaev, V.I. “Problema sotsialisticheskogo perevospitaniya voennoplennykh v 1944–1948 gg. na primere lagerya № 211” [The problem of socialist re-education of prisoners of war in 1944–1948 on the materials of camp No. 211]. Vestnik Pomorskogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarnye i sotsial'nye nauki, no. 1 (2009): 18–26. (In Russian)
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Kuz'minykh, A.L. “Osobennosti formirovaniya i funktsionirovaniya sistemy organov i uchrezhdenii voennogo plena i internirovaniya v Arkhangel'skoi oblasti (1944–1948 gg.)” [Peculiarities of formation and functioning of the system of bodies and institutions of military captivity and internment in Arkhangelsk Oblast (1944–1948)]. In Istoricheskii ezhegodnik. 2012: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Historical yearbook. 2012: a collection of scientific works], edited by A.Kh. Elert, 265–88. Novosibirsk: Parallel', 2012. (In Russian)
Kuz'minykh, A.L. Voennyi plen i internirovanie v SSSR (1939–1956 gody): monografiya [Military captivity and internment in the USSR (1939–1956): a monograph]. Vologda: Drevnosti Severa, 2016. (In Russian)
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Kuz'minykh, A.L., S.I.Starostin, and A.B. Sychev. ‘Teper' ya pribyl na krai sveta…’: ocherki i dokumenty: v 2 ch [‘Now I’ve come to the ends of the world...’: essays and documents: in 2 parts]. Part 1, Iz istorii uchrezhdenii dlya soderzhaniya inostrannykh voennoplennykh i internirovannykh v Vologodskoi oblasti (1939–1949 gg.) [From the history of institutions of confinement of foreign prisoners of war and internees in Vologda Oblast (1939–1949)]. Vologda: [n.p.], 2009. (In Russian)
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Scherstjanoi, Е. Wege in die Kriegsgefangenschaft. Erinnerungen und Erfahrungen deutscher Soldaten. Berlin: Karl Dietz Verlag, 2010.
Sharkov, A.V. Arkhipelag GUPVI: voennoplennye i internirovannye na territorii Belarusi: 1944–1954 gg. [The GUPVI archipelago: Prisoners of war and internees in the territory of Belarus: 1944–1951]. Minsk: Tesei, 2003. (In Russian)
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Surzhikova, N.V. Inostrannye voennoplennye Vtoroi mirovoi voiny na Srednem Urale (1942–1956 gg.) [Foreign prisoners of the Second World War in the Middle Urals (1942–1956)]. Yekaterinburg: Gumanitarnyi universitet, 2006. (In Russian)
Tsunaeva, E.M. Uchrezhdeniya voennogo plena NKVD–MVD SSSR (1939–1953 gg.) [Institutions of military captivity of the NKVD–MVD of the USSR (1939–1953)]. Volgograd: Volgogradskoe nauchnoe izdatel'stvo, 2010. (In Russian)
Vavulinskaya, L.I. Spetspereselentsy i inostrannye voennoplennye v Karelii v seredine 1940-kh – seredine 1950-kh gg. [Special settlers and foreign prisoners of war in Karelia in the mid-1940s – mid-1950s]. Petrozavodsk: Karel'skii nauchnyi tsentr RAN, 2013. (In Russian)
Vsevolodov, V.A. Stupaite s mirom: k istorii repatriatsii nemetskikh voennoplennykh iz SSSR (1945–1958 gg.). [‘Go in peace’: to the history of the repatriation of German prisoners of war from the USSR (1945–1958)]. Moscow: Moskovskii izdatel'skii dom, 2010. (In Russian)
Zagorul'ko, M.M., ed. Voennoplennye v SSSR. 1939–1956. Dokumenty i materialy [Prisoners of war in the USSR. 1939–1956. Documents and materials]. Moscow: Logos, 2000. (In Russian)
Bezborodova, I.V. Voennoplennye vtoroi mirovoi voiny: Generaly vermakhta v plenu [Prisoners of the Second World War: Wehrmacht generals in captivity], edited by Yu.N. Afanas'ev, S. Karner. Moscow: RGGU, 1998. (In Russian)
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Bukin, S.S. Voennoplennye v Novosibirske: istoricheskii ocherk i dokumental'naya kollektsiya [Prisoners of war in Novosibirsk: historical essay and documentary collection]. Novosibirsk: Nauka-tsentr, 2005. (In Russian)
Chaikovskii, A.S. Plen. Za chuzhie i svoi grekhi (Voennoplennye i internirovannye na Ukraine 1939–1953 gg.) [Military captivity. For one’s own sins and the sins of the others (Prisoners of war and internees in Ukraine 1939–1953)]. Kiev: Parlamentskoe izdatel'stvo, 2005. (In Russian)
Dähler, R. Die japanischen und die deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in der Sowjetunion, 1945–1956: Vergleich von Erlebnisberichten. Vienna; Berlin: LIT, 2007.
Dolgolyuk, A.A., and N.M. Markdorf. Inostrannye voennoplennye i internirovannye v Sibiri, 1943–1950: monografiya [Foreign prisoners of war and internees in Siberia (1943–1950)]. Moscow: Kuchkovo pole, 2016. (In Russian)
Dzhusti, M.T. Ital'yanskie voennoplennye v SSSR, 1941–1954 [Italian prisoners of war in the USSR. 1941–1954]. Edited by M. Talalai, translated by M. Talalai. St Petersburg: Aleteiya, 2010. (In Russian)
Epifanov, A.E. Stalingradskii plen 1942–1945 gg. (Nemetskie voennoplennye v SSSR) [The Stalingrad captivity of 1942–1945 (German prisoners of war in the USSR)]. Moscow: Memorial'nyi muzei nemetskikh antifashistov, 1999. (In Russian)
Frieser, K.-H. Krieg hinter Stacheldraht. Die deutschen Kriegsgefangene in der Sowjetunion und das Nationalkomitee „Freies Deutschland”. Mainz: Hase&Koehler Verlag, 1981.
Frolov, D.D. Sovetsko-finskii plen. 1939–1944 gg. Po obe storony kolyuchei provoloki [Soviet-Finnish captivity. 1939–1944. On both sides of the barbed wire]. Helsinki: RME Group Oy; St Petersburg: Aleteiya, 2009. (In Russian)
Galitskii, V.P. Finskie voennoplennye v lageryakh NKVD (1939–1953 gg.) [Finnish prisoners of war in the NKVD camps (1939–1953)]. Moscow: Graal', 1997. (In Russian)
Hilger, A. Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in der Sowjetunion, 1941–1956: Kriegsgefangenenpolitik, Lageralltag und Erinnerung. Essen: Klartext-Verlag, 2000.
Karner, S. Arkhipelag GUPVI: plen i internirovanie v Sovetskom Soyuze: 1941–1956 [The GUPVI archipelago: captivity and internment in the Soviet Union: 1941–1956]. Translated from German by O. Aspisova. Moscow: RGGU, 2002. (In Russian)
Karner, S. Im Archipel GUPVI. Kriegsgefangenschaft und Internierung in der Sowjetunion 1941–1956. Vienna; Munich: Oldenbourg Verlag, 1995.
Katasonova, E.L. Yaponskie voennoplennye v SSSR: bol'shaya igra velikikh derzhav [Japanese prisoners of war in the USSR: a great game of great powers]. Moscow: Institut vostokovedeniya RAN; Kraft +, 2003. (In Russian).
Khatanzeiskaya, E.V. Strategii vyzhivaniya naseleniya v povsednevnoi zhizni sovetskogo goroda, 1929–1945 gg. (po materialam Arkhangel'ska) [Strategies for survival of the population in everyday life of the Soviet city, 1929–1945 (based on the Arkhangelsk materials)]. PhD thesis. Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, 2019. (In Russian)
Konasov, V.B. Sud'by nemetskikh voennoplennykh v SSSR: diplomaticheskie, pravovye i politicheskie aspekty problemy: Ocherki i dokumenty [The fate of German prisoners of war in the USSR: diplomatic, legal and political aspects of the problem: Essays and documents]. Vologda: Vologodskii institut povysheniya kvalifikatsii i perepodgotovki pedagogicheskikh kadrov, 1996. (In Russian)
Korotaev, V.I. “Problema sotsialisticheskogo perevospitaniya voennoplennykh v 1944–1948 gg. na primere lagerya № 211” [The problem of socialist re-education of prisoners of war in 1944–1948 on the materials of camp No. 211]. Vestnik Pomorskogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarnye i sotsial'nye nauki, no. 1 (2009): 18–26. (In Russian)
Korotaev, V.I. “Problema vyzhivaniya voennoplennykh v sovetskikh lageryakh. Na primere lagerya № 211, 1944–1948 gg.” [The problem of the war prisoners’ survival in the Soviet camps on the materials of camp No. 211, 1944–1948]. Vestnik Pomorskogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarnye i sotsial'nye nauki, no. 4 (2008): 11–18. (In Russian)
Korotaev, V.I., ed. Sul'fat. Istoriya povsednevnosti. 1930–1960-e gody [Sulphate. History of everyday life. The 1930s – the 1960s]. Arkhangelsk: Pomorskii gosudarstvennyi universitet
im. M.V. Lomonosova, 2010. (In Russian)
Kuz'minykh, A.L. Arkhipelag GUPVI na Evropeiskom Severe SSSR (1939–1949 gg.) [The GUPVI archipelago in the European North of the USSR (1939–1949)]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2017. (In Russian)
Kuz'minykh, A.L. Inostrannye voennoplennye Vtoroi mirovoi voiny na Evropeiskom Severe SSSR (1939–1949 gg.): monografiya [Foreign prisoners of the Second World War in the European North of the USSR (1939–1949): a monograph]. 2nd ed. Vologda: Knizhnoe nasledie, 2005. (In Russian)
Kuz'minykh, A.L. “Osobennosti formirovaniya i funktsionirovaniya sistemy organov i uchrezhdenii voennogo plena i internirovaniya v Arkhangel'skoi oblasti (1944–1948 gg.)” [Peculiarities of formation and functioning of the system of bodies and institutions of military captivity and internment in Arkhangelsk Oblast (1944–1948)]. In Istoricheskii ezhegodnik. 2012: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Historical yearbook. 2012: a collection of scientific works], edited by A.Kh. Elert, 265–88. Novosibirsk: Parallel', 2012. (In Russian)
Kuz'minykh, A.L. Voennyi plen i internirovanie v SSSR (1939–1956 gody): monografiya [Military captivity and internment in the USSR (1939–1956): a monograph]. Vologda: Drevnosti Severa, 2016. (In Russian)
Kuz'minykh, A.L. and T.F. Mel'nik. “Voennoplennye v Molotovske: 1944–1948 gody” [Prisoners of war in Molotovsk: 1944–1948]. In Pomorskii letopisets: al'manakh [Pomor chronicler: an almanac], iss. 2, compiled by V.A. Volynskaya, edited by V.N. Bulatov, 267–87. Arkhangelsk: Pomorskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova, 2009. (In Russian)
Kuz'minykh, A.L., S.I.Starostin, and A.B. Sychev. ‘Teper' ya pribyl na krai sveta…’: ocherki i dokumenty: v 2 ch [‘Now I’ve come to the ends of the world...’: essays and documents: in 2 parts]. Part 1, Iz istorii uchrezhdenii dlya soderzhaniya inostrannykh voennoplennykh i internirovannykh v Vologodskoi oblasti (1939–1949 gg.) [From the history of institutions of confinement of foreign prisoners of war and internees in Vologda Oblast (1939–1949)]. Vologda: [n.p.], 2009. (In Russian)
Kuznetsov, S.I. Yapontsy v sibirskom plenu (1945–1956 gg.) [The Japanese in Siberian captivity (1945–1956)]. Irkutsk: Sibir', 1997. (In Russian)
Lebedeva, N.S. Katyn': prestuplenie protiv chelovechestva [Katyn: a crime against humanity]. Moscow: Progress, 1994. (In Russian)
Lehmann, A. Gefangenschaft und Heimkehr. Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in der Sowjetunion. Munich: Beck, 1986.
Polezhaev, A.A. Za novyi pod"em ekonomiki i kul'tury Arkhangel'skoi oblasti: Materialy dlya lektorov, dokladchikov i agitatorov [For the new development of economy and culture in Arkhangelsk Oblast: Materials for lecturers, speakers and agitators]. Arkhangelsk: Arkhangel'skoe oblastnoe gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, 1952. (In Russian).
Polyan, P.M. Ne po svoei vole…: Istoriya i geografiya prinuditel'nykh migratsii v SSSR [Against their will: the history and geography of forced migrations in the USSR]. Moscow: OGI–Memorial, 2001. (In Russian)
Popov, A.B. Plennye bol'shoi voiny: inostrannye voennoplennye v SSSR v 1941–1945 gg. [Prisoners of the Great War: foreign prisoners of war in the USSR in 1941–1945]. Rostov-on-Don: Rostovskii universitet, 2000. (In Russian)
Potyl'chak, O.V. Radyans'kyi viis'kovyi polon ta internuvannya v Ukrayini (1939–1954). [Soviet military captivity and internment in Ukraine (1939–1954)]. Kiev: Natsional'nyi pedagogichnyi universytet im. M.P. Dragomanova, 2004. (In Ukrainian)
Pron'ko, V.A., ed. Velikaya Otechestvennaya voina, 1941–1945: Voenno-istoricheskie ocherki: v 4 kn [The Great Patriotic War, 1941–1945: Military and historical essays. 4 books]. Bk. 4, Narod i voina [The people and war]. Moscow: Nauka, 1999. (In Russian)
Scherstjanoi, Е. Wege in die Kriegsgefangenschaft. Erinnerungen und Erfahrungen deutscher Soldaten. Berlin: Karl Dietz Verlag, 2010.
Sharkov, A.V. Arkhipelag GUPVI: voennoplennye i internirovannye na territorii Belarusi: 1944–1954 gg. [The GUPVI archipelago: Prisoners of war and internees in the territory of Belarus: 1944–1951]. Minsk: Tesei, 2003. (In Russian)
Sidorov, S.G. Trud voennoplennykh v SSSR v 1939–1956 gg. [Labour of prisoners of war in the USSR in 1939–1956]. Volgograd: Volgogradskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 2001. (In Russian)
Surzhikova, N.V. Inostrannye voennoplennye Vtoroi mirovoi voiny na Srednem Urale (1942–1956 gg.) [Foreign prisoners of the Second World War in the Middle Urals (1942–1956)]. Yekaterinburg: Gumanitarnyi universitet, 2006. (In Russian)
Tsunaeva, E.M. Uchrezhdeniya voennogo plena NKVD–MVD SSSR (1939–1953 gg.) [Institutions of military captivity of the NKVD–MVD of the USSR (1939–1953)]. Volgograd: Volgogradskoe nauchnoe izdatel'stvo, 2010. (In Russian)
Vavulinskaya, L.I. Spetspereselentsy i inostrannye voennoplennye v Karelii v seredine 1940-kh – seredine 1950-kh gg. [Special settlers and foreign prisoners of war in Karelia in the mid-1940s – mid-1950s]. Petrozavodsk: Karel'skii nauchnyi tsentr RAN, 2013. (In Russian)
Vsevolodov, V.A. Stupaite s mirom: k istorii repatriatsii nemetskikh voennoplennykh iz SSSR (1945–1958 gg.). [‘Go in peace’: to the history of the repatriation of German prisoners of war from the USSR (1945–1958)]. Moscow: Moskovskii izdatel'skii dom, 2010. (In Russian)
Zagorul'ko, M.M., ed. Voennoplennye v SSSR. 1939–1956. Dokumenty i materialy [Prisoners of war in the USSR. 1939–1956. Documents and materials]. Moscow: Logos, 2000. (In Russian)
Second World War, Arkhangelsk Region, prisoner-of-war camps
For citation:
Kuz'minykh, A. “Prisoners of War in Arkhangelsk: History of the Solombala Camp of the NKVD-MVD No. 211.” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 2 (2020): 538–610,

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