Regional history of places of confinement in Russia as viewed by contemporary researchers

Regional history of places of confinement in Russia as viewed by contemporary researchers

Alexander L. Kuzminykh
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The introductory article describes the materials of the themed issue of Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History that are devoted to the history of places of confinement in Russia in regional dimension. Based on the review of the articles published in the issue, the author highlights the problems existing in the present-day Russian historiography that are being studied by the researchers of Russian penitentiary system.
Alexander L. Kuzminykh
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Vologda Institute of Law and Economics of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Vologda, Russia
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history of Russia, regional history, historiography, places of confinement, monastic exile, political exile, juvenile labor colonies, correctional labor camps, special settlements, culture of memory
For citation:
Kuz'minykh, A. “Regional history of places of confinement in Russia as viewed by contemporary researchers,” Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 5, no. 4 (2021): 1020–36.

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