The Caucasian War in the Russian Public Sphere (1801–1864)
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The article is devoted to determining the place and features of the representation of the Caucasian War in the Russian public sphere in the 19th century. The reasons for the peripheral nature of discussions about the Caucasian War are considered, among which the problems of communication routes with the far southern outskirts, the fascination of Russian society with European news, and the shortage of “Caucasian” news items in the Russian press are highlighted. The role of Russian romantic literature about the Caucasus is emphasized, which formed influential images of the region and its population. The article shows that the dynamics of public discussion of the Caucasian War and related issues of imperial policy in the southern outskirts directly depended on the changes in the governmental policy. Large-scale changes in the administration of the region, the appointment of popular public figures to responsible positions intensified public attention. The conclusion is drawn that various official actors used Russian public sphere as an informal space of political competition.
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Sulaberidze, Yu.S. “Vospriyatie Kavkaza dekabristami: kul'turnyi tip dekabrista na Kavkaze” [The perception of the Caucasus by the Decembrists: Decembrist cultural type in the Caucasus]. Istoricheskii kur'er, no. 6 (14) (2020): 53–71. (In Russian)
Urushadze, A.T. “Drugaya Kavkazskaya voina: kavkazskii namestnik vs tsarskie ministry (1844–1853)” [The other Caucasian War: Caucasian viceroy vs the tsar’s ministers (1844–1853)]. Ural'skii istoricheskii vestnik, no. 3 (64) (2019): 31–39. (In Russian)
Vakhtin, N.B., and B.M. Firsov, eds. “Sindrom publichnoi nemoty”: istoriya i sovremennye praktiki publichnykh debatov v Rossii [“Public muteness syndrome”: history and modern practices of public debate in Russia]. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2017. (In Russian)
Voloshina, S.M. Vlast' i zhurnalistika. Nikolai I, Andrei Kraevskii i drugie [Power and journalism. Nicholas I, Andrei Kraevsky and others]. Moscow: Delo, 2022. (In Russian)
Russian Empire, Caucasian War, public sphere, Caucasian viceroy
For citation:
Urushadze, A.Т. “The Caucasian War in the Russian Public Sphere (1801–1864).” Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 8, no. 1 (2024): 85–126,
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