A review of the book: Sargis Torossian ‘From Dardanelles to Palestine. Memoirs of an Armenian officer in the Turkish Army’
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This review evaluates the significance of the memoirs by a Turkish officer of Armenian descent regarding the events of the World War I on its various fronts, as well as the genocide of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire. The uniqueness of S. Torossian's experience sheds light on many issues that cause disputes among historians and politicians of both past and present.
1. Torossian S. Ot Dardanell do Palestiny. Vospominaniia armianskogo ofitsera turetskoi armii. [From Dardanelles to Palestine. Memoirs of an Armenian officer in the Turkish army]. Yerevan: The Armenian Genocide Museum-institute, 2014. 176 p. (In Russian)
2. Torossian S. From Dardanelles to Palestine: A True Story of Five Battle Fronts of Turkey and its Allies and Harem Romance (Personal Memoris). Boston: Merador Pub. Co, 1947. 219 p.
3. Kolenkovskii А. Dardannel’skaia operatsiia [The Dardanelles Operation]. Second edition. Мoscow: State military publishing house of the people’s Commissariat of Defense of the USSR, 1938. 136 p. (In Russian)
4. Mikhailov V.V. Gallipoli 195: mogila russkoi mechty i britanskikh soldat [The Gallipoli Campaign of 1915: The Grave of Russian Dreams and British Soldiers]. St. Petersburg: Nestor, 2010. 268 p. (In Russian)
5. Mikhailov V.V. Britaniia i Rossiia v reshenii vnutripoliticheskikh protivorechii v Osmanskoi imperii v gody I mirovoi voiny [Britain and Russia in the Solution of Internal Political Contradictions in the Ottoman Empire during World War I]. St. Petersburg: Nestor, 2007. 283 p. (In Russian)
6. Mikhailov V.V. Ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Osmanskoi imperii pered nachalom i vo vremia Pervoi mirovoi voiny i meropriiatiia Rossii i Velikobritanii po oslableniiu turetskoi ekonomiki [Economic situation in the Ottoman Empire prior to and during World War I and activities of Russia and Great Britain to weaken the Turkish economy]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta [Bulletin of St. Petersburg University]. 2007. Series. 2. Issue. 4, pp. 191–201. (In Russian)
7. Mikhailov V.V. K voprosu o sozdanii i boevykh deistviiakh armianskikh dobrovol’cheskikh formirovanii na turetskikh frontakh Pervoi mirovoi voiny [To the question of creation and tactical activities of Armenian paramilitary troops on Turkish fronts during World War I]. Novy chasovoi [New Sentry], 2008, no. 19, pp. 77–85. (In Russian)
2. Torossian S. From Dardanelles to Palestine: A True Story of Five Battle Fronts of Turkey and its Allies and Harem Romance (Personal Memoris). Boston: Merador Pub. Co, 1947. 219 p.
3. Kolenkovskii А. Dardannel’skaia operatsiia [The Dardanelles Operation]. Second edition. Мoscow: State military publishing house of the people’s Commissariat of Defense of the USSR, 1938. 136 p. (In Russian)
4. Mikhailov V.V. Gallipoli 195: mogila russkoi mechty i britanskikh soldat [The Gallipoli Campaign of 1915: The Grave of Russian Dreams and British Soldiers]. St. Petersburg: Nestor, 2010. 268 p. (In Russian)
5. Mikhailov V.V. Britaniia i Rossiia v reshenii vnutripoliticheskikh protivorechii v Osmanskoi imperii v gody I mirovoi voiny [Britain and Russia in the Solution of Internal Political Contradictions in the Ottoman Empire during World War I]. St. Petersburg: Nestor, 2007. 283 p. (In Russian)
6. Mikhailov V.V. Ekonomicheskoe polozhenie Osmanskoi imperii pered nachalom i vo vremia Pervoi mirovoi voiny i meropriiatiia Rossii i Velikobritanii po oslableniiu turetskoi ekonomiki [Economic situation in the Ottoman Empire prior to and during World War I and activities of Russia and Great Britain to weaken the Turkish economy]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta [Bulletin of St. Petersburg University]. 2007. Series. 2. Issue. 4, pp. 191–201. (In Russian)
7. Mikhailov V.V. K voprosu o sozdanii i boevykh deistviiakh armianskikh dobrovol’cheskikh formirovanii na turetskikh frontakh Pervoi mirovoi voiny [To the question of creation and tactical activities of Armenian paramilitary troops on Turkish fronts during World War I]. Novy chasovoi [New Sentry], 2008, no. 19, pp. 77–85. (In Russian)
World War I, Armenian genocide of 1915, the Ottoman Empire, Young Turk movement, the Gallipoli Campaign of 1915, Armenian legion
For citation:
Mikhailov A. A review of the book: Sargis Torossian ‘From Dardanelles to Palestine. Memoirs of an Armenian officer in the Turkish Army’. Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2017, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 87–95. DOI: 10.23859/2587-8352-2017-1-1-6
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