Peer Review Form
For Reviewers

Peer Review Form

The journal Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History

Peer Review

of the article (indicate article title, length in author’s sheets):



Answer the questions



Compliance of the contents of the article with the declared branch of science and speciality



Relevance of the problem



Theoretical and practical significance of the research



Presence of the analysis of the current state of research into the problem



Scientific novelty



Personal contribution of the author into the research topic



Author’s proficiency in using scientific analysis and generalization methods



Validity of the research results and conclusions, their compliance with the contents of the publication



Compliance of the title of the article with its contents



Readability and good academic style of the text




Answer the questions



The article is recommended for publication



The articles is recommended with some stylistic amendments



The articles is recommended after revision of specific points (the remarks of the reviewer are listed below in the COMMENTS section)



The articles is not recommended; it requires considerable improvement by the author(s) (the reasons for rejection are listed below in the COMMENTS section; the reasons for rejection are not necessary to be listed if the answer to most of the questions in the DISCUSSION section is negative)



I give my consent to posting my review in a closed access form in the national bibliographic science citation database RSCI







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