Editorial Policy
Our Mission
‘Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History’ is aimed at solving a wide range of tasks. Because of the double meaning of the term ‘region’ (a part of our country or as an inter-country segment of foreign Europe) the Editorial Board specifically welcomes manuscripts that focus on certain aspects of regional and local history: its socio-economic and political aspects, spatial structure, sociocultural processes, etc.
We accept manuscripts whose authors apply various theoretical and methodological approaches. The only prerequisites are scientific integrity, adequate research techniques and originality of the works that have not been published, submitted for review or considered for publication elsewhere.
Purpose of the journal
The journal aims at creating integrated scientific environment for scholars who write in different languages and touch upon various aspects of regional history in their research.
Objectives of the journal
‘Historia Provinciae’ is intended for publishing the results of fundamental and applied research, conducted by Russian and foreign scholars, in the form of research papers, review articles, short scientific reports, reviews, notes and comments on specific subjects of research in History and Political Science.
The journal is published in parallel in English and in Russian. The bilingualism of the journal appears to be of utmost importance in the globalizing world where the authors reading and writing in Cyrillic might be isolated from the trends of modern scholarship available in the Latin letters.