The development of health in Perm and Vyatka provinces (Guberniyas) at the end of 19th – early 20th centuries
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The article is devoted to the history of health care development in the context of zemstvo (county council) activities in Perm and Vyatka provinces (guberniyas). Significant archive materials are considered, with the use of reporting materials of zemstvos; the material and technical base is discussed, as well as personnel support and the description of process of training physicians at the expense of zemstvos. Training of dedicated personnel for the benefit of the region is described in great details, which is related to a certain stage in the development of zemstvo medicine; questions of participation of zemstvo health workers in the public life of Russia are also covered.
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2. Bradley J. Obshchestvennye organizatsii v tsarskoi Rossii: nauka, patriotizm i grazhdanskoe obshchestvo [Public organizations in tsarist Russia: science, patriotism and civil society]. Moscow: Novyi hronograf, 2012. 448 p. (In Russian).
3. Chagin G.N. Rod Shuvalovykh [The Shuvalovs family]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2013. 213 p. (In Russian)
4. Dashkevich L.A. Stanovlenie akushersko-ginekologicheskoi sluzhby na Iuzhnom Urale [Formation of obstetrical and gynecological service in Southern Ural]. Materinstvo i ottsovstvo skvoz' prizmu vremeni i kul'tur: Materialy Deviatoi Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii RAIZhI i IEA RAN, 13-16 okt. 2016, Smolensk: v 2 t. [Maternity and Paternity through the Prism of Time and Cultures: Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference of Russian Association of Reserachers of Female History (RAIZHI) and Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of Russian Academy of Sciences (IEA RAN), 13-16 October 2016, Smolensk: in 2 volumes], executive editor N.L. Pushkareva, N.A. Mitsyuk. vol. 1. Moscow: SmolGU, IEA RAN, 2016, pp. 217–19. (In Russian)
5. Douglas I., Hodgson R., Lawson N. Industry, environment and health through 200 years in Manchester. Ecological Economics, 2002, no. 41, pp. 235–255.
6. Frenkel Z.G. Ocherki zemskogo vrachebno-sanitarnogo dela (Po dannym rabot, proizvedennykh dlia Drezden. i Vseross. gigien. Vystavok [Essays on Zemsky medical and sanitary affairs (per works done for Dresden and all-Russian hygiene exhibitions)]. St. Petersburg: Slovo, 1913. 228 p. (In Russian)
7. Friedgut Theodore H. Iuzovka and Revolution. 2 vols. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989.
8. Frolova I.V. Sezonnye iasli-priiuty kak forma prizreniia detei na territorii Novgorodskoi gubernii v kontse XIX v. [Seasonal nursery-shelters as a form of charity for children in Novgorod province at the end of the 19th century]. Patriotizm i grazhdanstvennost' v povsednevnoi zhizni rossiiskogo obshchestva (XVIII–XXI vv.): materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii 14–16 marta 2013 g. [Patriotism and Citizenship in the Everyday Life of Russian Society (18th-21st Centuries): Materials of the International Scientific Conference 14–16 March 2013], general editor V.A. Veremenko. St. Petersburg: LGU im. A.S. Pushkina, 2013, pp. 40–45. (In Russian)
9.Henze C.E. Disease, health care and government in late imperial Russia: life and death on the Volga, 1823–1914. London: Routledge, 2011. 227 p.
10. Hutchinson J.F. Tsarist Russia and the bacteriological revolution. Journal of the History of Medicine, 1985, vol. 40, pp. 420–439.
11.Kanevsky L. O, Lotova E. I, Idelchik H.I. Idel'chik Kh.I. Osnovnye cherty razvitiia meditsiny v Rossii v period kapitalizma (1861–1917). [The main features of the development of medicine in the period of capitalism (1861–1917)]. Moscow: Medgiz, 1956. 194 p. (In Russian)
12. Kukoviakin S.A. Zemskaia meditsina v Viatskoi gubernii [Zemstvo medicine in Vyatka province]. Kirov: Kirovskii [Kirov State Medical Institute], 1996. 99 p. (In Russian)
13. Lotareva R.M. Goroda-zavody Rossii, XVIII – pervaia polovina XIX veka [The city-factories of Russia in the 18th–the first half of the 19th century]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2011. 287 p. (In Russian)
14. Mezenina T.G., Mosin A.G., Mudrova N.A. Rod Stroganovykh [The family of the Stroganoffs]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2007. 254 p. (In Russian)
15. Mikitiuk V.N, Mosunova T.P, Neklyudov E.G. Rod Poklevskikh–Kozell [The Poklevsky-Kozell family]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2014. 367 p. (In Russian)
16. Mosin A.G. Rod Demidovykh [The family of the Demidovs]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2012. 529 p. (In Russian)
17. Nevostruev N.A. Rossiiskoe grazhdanskoe obshchestvo i vlast' v krizisnykh situatsiiakh v nachale XX veka (na primere Urala) [Russian civil society and power in crisis situations in early 20th century (on the example of the Urals)]. Vlast' i obshchestvo v ekstremal'nykh istoricheskikh situatsiiakh [Power and Society in Extreme Historical Situations]. Perm: Tipografija Permskogo gosudarstvennogo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo universiteta, 2013, pp. 160–68. (In Russian)
18. Nuvakhov B.Sh. Istoriia miloserdiia i blagotvoritel'nosti v otechestvennoi meditsine XVIII–XX vv.: avtoref. dis. … nauk [The history of grace and charity in Russian medicine of the 18th–20th centuries: Author’s abstract, Doctor of History]. Moscow, 1993. 42 p. (In Russian)
19. Pirogova E.P, Nekliudov E.G, Larionova M.B. Rod Turchaninovykh [The Turchaninov family]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2008. 351 p. (In Russian)
20. Severtseva, O.V. Materi-rabotnitsy promyshlennykh predpriiatii vo vtoroi polovine XIX–nachale XX vekov [Mothers-workers of industrial enterprises in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries]. Materinstvo i ottsovstvo skvoz' prizmu vremeni I kul'tur: Materialy Deviatoi Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii RAIZhI i IEA RAN, 13–16 okt.2016, Smolensk: v 2 t. [Maternity and Paternity through the Prism of Time and Cultures: Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference of Russian Association of Reserachers of Female History (RAIZHI) and Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of Russian Academy of Sciences (IEA RAN), 13-16 October 2016, Smolensk: in 2 vol.,] chief editor N.L. Pushkareva, N.A. Mitsyuk. vol. 2. Moscow: SmolGU, IEA RAN, 2016, pp. 140–143. (In Russian)
21. Selezneva V.T. Ocherki po istorii meditsiny v Permskoi gubernii [Essays on the history of medicine in Perm province]. Perm: [Perm State Medical Academy], 1997124 p. (In Russian)
22. Strashun I.D. Russkaia obshchestvennaia meditsina v period mezhdu dvumia revoliutsiiami 1907–1917 [Russian public medicine in the period between the two revolutions of 1907–17]. Moscow: Meditsina, 1964. 206 p. (In Russian)
23. Trapeznikov V.N. Letopis' goroda Permi: K 275-letiiu osnovaniia [Chronicle of the city of Perm: to the 275th anniversary of the foundation]. Perm: Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Permskoj oblasti, 1998, 272 p. (In Russian)
24. Uzunova N.M. Iz istorii formirovaniia krepostnoi intelligentsii [From the history of the formation of serf intelligentsia]. Ezhegodnik Gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeia [Yearbook of State Historical Museum]. Moscow, 1960, pp. 72–84. (In Russian)
25. Schott D., Luckin B, Massard-Guibaud G. (eds.) Resources of the City: Contributions to the Environmental History of Modern Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. 285 p.
26. Mazanik A. Sanitation, urban environment and the politics of the public in late imperial Moscow: Dissertation in History for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Budapest, 2015. 262 p.
27. Verkholantsev V.S. Gorod Perm', ego proshloe i nastoiashchee: Krat. ist.-stat. ocherk; Vstup. st. i primech. T.I. Bystrykh [The city of Perm, its past and present: Short historical-statistical essay, introductory article and notes by T.I. Bystrykh]. Perm: Pushka, 1994. 255 p. (In Russian)
28. Veselovskii B. Istoriia zemstva za sorok let. [History of zemstvos for forty years]. In 4 vols. vol. 1. St. Petersburg: O.N. Popova, 1909. (In Russian)
29. Vshivkov A.A, Dmitrieva E.V, Meliukhin G.M. Po Komi-permiatskomu okrugu. Kratkii
putevoditel' [Along the Permian Komi District. A short guide]. Perm: Kompromiss, 2016. 48 p. (In Russian)
30. Zabludovskii P.E, Zhuk A.P Stoletie obshchestvennoi meditsiny v Rossii [Centenary of public medicine in Russia]. Ocherki istorii russkoi obshchestvennoi meditsiny. Sbornik statei [Essays on the History of Russian Public Medicine. Digest of Articles]. Moscow: Medgiz, 1955, pp. 7–29. (In Russian)
31. Zavialova E.N. Zdravookhranenie v Lys'venskom okruge [Public health in Lysva district]. XIII Smyshliaevskie chteniia [XIII Smyshliaev Readings]. Perm: Perm.gos.univers.b-ka im. A.M. Gor'kogo [Perm State University Library named after A.M. Gorky], 2013, pp. 103–108. (In Russian)
2. Bradley J. Obshchestvennye organizatsii v tsarskoi Rossii: nauka, patriotizm i grazhdanskoe obshchestvo [Public organizations in tsarist Russia: science, patriotism and civil society]. Moscow: Novyi hronograf, 2012. 448 p. (In Russian).
3. Chagin G.N. Rod Shuvalovykh [The Shuvalovs family]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2013. 213 p. (In Russian)
4. Dashkevich L.A. Stanovlenie akushersko-ginekologicheskoi sluzhby na Iuzhnom Urale [Formation of obstetrical and gynecological service in Southern Ural]. Materinstvo i ottsovstvo skvoz' prizmu vremeni i kul'tur: Materialy Deviatoi Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii RAIZhI i IEA RAN, 13-16 okt. 2016, Smolensk: v 2 t. [Maternity and Paternity through the Prism of Time and Cultures: Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference of Russian Association of Reserachers of Female History (RAIZHI) and Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of Russian Academy of Sciences (IEA RAN), 13-16 October 2016, Smolensk: in 2 volumes], executive editor N.L. Pushkareva, N.A. Mitsyuk. vol. 1. Moscow: SmolGU, IEA RAN, 2016, pp. 217–19. (In Russian)
5. Douglas I., Hodgson R., Lawson N. Industry, environment and health through 200 years in Manchester. Ecological Economics, 2002, no. 41, pp. 235–255.
6. Frenkel Z.G. Ocherki zemskogo vrachebno-sanitarnogo dela (Po dannym rabot, proizvedennykh dlia Drezden. i Vseross. gigien. Vystavok [Essays on Zemsky medical and sanitary affairs (per works done for Dresden and all-Russian hygiene exhibitions)]. St. Petersburg: Slovo, 1913. 228 p. (In Russian)
7. Friedgut Theodore H. Iuzovka and Revolution. 2 vols. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1989.
8. Frolova I.V. Sezonnye iasli-priiuty kak forma prizreniia detei na territorii Novgorodskoi gubernii v kontse XIX v. [Seasonal nursery-shelters as a form of charity for children in Novgorod province at the end of the 19th century]. Patriotizm i grazhdanstvennost' v povsednevnoi zhizni rossiiskogo obshchestva (XVIII–XXI vv.): materialy mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii 14–16 marta 2013 g. [Patriotism and Citizenship in the Everyday Life of Russian Society (18th-21st Centuries): Materials of the International Scientific Conference 14–16 March 2013], general editor V.A. Veremenko. St. Petersburg: LGU im. A.S. Pushkina, 2013, pp. 40–45. (In Russian)
9.Henze C.E. Disease, health care and government in late imperial Russia: life and death on the Volga, 1823–1914. London: Routledge, 2011. 227 p.
10. Hutchinson J.F. Tsarist Russia and the bacteriological revolution. Journal of the History of Medicine, 1985, vol. 40, pp. 420–439.
11.Kanevsky L. O, Lotova E. I, Idelchik H.I. Idel'chik Kh.I. Osnovnye cherty razvitiia meditsiny v Rossii v period kapitalizma (1861–1917). [The main features of the development of medicine in the period of capitalism (1861–1917)]. Moscow: Medgiz, 1956. 194 p. (In Russian)
12. Kukoviakin S.A. Zemskaia meditsina v Viatskoi gubernii [Zemstvo medicine in Vyatka province]. Kirov: Kirovskii [Kirov State Medical Institute], 1996. 99 p. (In Russian)
13. Lotareva R.M. Goroda-zavody Rossii, XVIII – pervaia polovina XIX veka [The city-factories of Russia in the 18th–the first half of the 19th century]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2011. 287 p. (In Russian)
14. Mezenina T.G., Mosin A.G., Mudrova N.A. Rod Stroganovykh [The family of the Stroganoffs]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2007. 254 p. (In Russian)
15. Mikitiuk V.N, Mosunova T.P, Neklyudov E.G. Rod Poklevskikh–Kozell [The Poklevsky-Kozell family]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2014. 367 p. (In Russian)
16. Mosin A.G. Rod Demidovykh [The family of the Demidovs]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2012. 529 p. (In Russian)
17. Nevostruev N.A. Rossiiskoe grazhdanskoe obshchestvo i vlast' v krizisnykh situatsiiakh v nachale XX veka (na primere Urala) [Russian civil society and power in crisis situations in early 20th century (on the example of the Urals)]. Vlast' i obshchestvo v ekstremal'nykh istoricheskikh situatsiiakh [Power and Society in Extreme Historical Situations]. Perm: Tipografija Permskogo gosudarstvennogo nacional'nogo issledovatel'skogo universiteta, 2013, pp. 160–68. (In Russian)
18. Nuvakhov B.Sh. Istoriia miloserdiia i blagotvoritel'nosti v otechestvennoi meditsine XVIII–XX vv.: avtoref. dis. … nauk [The history of grace and charity in Russian medicine of the 18th–20th centuries: Author’s abstract, Doctor of History]. Moscow, 1993. 42 p. (In Russian)
19. Pirogova E.P, Nekliudov E.G, Larionova M.B. Rod Turchaninovykh [The Turchaninov family]. Yekaterinburg: Sokrat, 2008. 351 p. (In Russian)
20. Severtseva, O.V. Materi-rabotnitsy promyshlennykh predpriiatii vo vtoroi polovine XIX–nachale XX vekov [Mothers-workers of industrial enterprises in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries]. Materinstvo i ottsovstvo skvoz' prizmu vremeni I kul'tur: Materialy Deviatoi Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii RAIZhI i IEA RAN, 13–16 okt.2016, Smolensk: v 2 t. [Maternity and Paternity through the Prism of Time and Cultures: Proceedings of the 9th International Scientific Conference of Russian Association of Reserachers of Female History (RAIZHI) and Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of Russian Academy of Sciences (IEA RAN), 13-16 October 2016, Smolensk: in 2 vol.,] chief editor N.L. Pushkareva, N.A. Mitsyuk. vol. 2. Moscow: SmolGU, IEA RAN, 2016, pp. 140–143. (In Russian)
21. Selezneva V.T. Ocherki po istorii meditsiny v Permskoi gubernii [Essays on the history of medicine in Perm province]. Perm: [Perm State Medical Academy], 1997124 p. (In Russian)
22. Strashun I.D. Russkaia obshchestvennaia meditsina v period mezhdu dvumia revoliutsiiami 1907–1917 [Russian public medicine in the period between the two revolutions of 1907–17]. Moscow: Meditsina, 1964. 206 p. (In Russian)
23. Trapeznikov V.N. Letopis' goroda Permi: K 275-letiiu osnovaniia [Chronicle of the city of Perm: to the 275th anniversary of the foundation]. Perm: Gosudarstvennyj arhiv Permskoj oblasti, 1998, 272 p. (In Russian)
24. Uzunova N.M. Iz istorii formirovaniia krepostnoi intelligentsii [From the history of the formation of serf intelligentsia]. Ezhegodnik Gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeia [Yearbook of State Historical Museum]. Moscow, 1960, pp. 72–84. (In Russian)
25. Schott D., Luckin B, Massard-Guibaud G. (eds.) Resources of the City: Contributions to the Environmental History of Modern Europe. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. 285 p.
26. Mazanik A. Sanitation, urban environment and the politics of the public in late imperial Moscow: Dissertation in History for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Budapest, 2015. 262 p.
27. Verkholantsev V.S. Gorod Perm', ego proshloe i nastoiashchee: Krat. ist.-stat. ocherk; Vstup. st. i primech. T.I. Bystrykh [The city of Perm, its past and present: Short historical-statistical essay, introductory article and notes by T.I. Bystrykh]. Perm: Pushka, 1994. 255 p. (In Russian)
28. Veselovskii B. Istoriia zemstva za sorok let. [History of zemstvos for forty years]. In 4 vols. vol. 1. St. Petersburg: O.N. Popova, 1909. (In Russian)
29. Vshivkov A.A, Dmitrieva E.V, Meliukhin G.M. Po Komi-permiatskomu okrugu. Kratkii
putevoditel' [Along the Permian Komi District. A short guide]. Perm: Kompromiss, 2016. 48 p. (In Russian)
30. Zabludovskii P.E, Zhuk A.P Stoletie obshchestvennoi meditsiny v Rossii [Centenary of public medicine in Russia]. Ocherki istorii russkoi obshchestvennoi meditsiny. Sbornik statei [Essays on the History of Russian Public Medicine. Digest of Articles]. Moscow: Medgiz, 1955, pp. 7–29. (In Russian)
31. Zavialova E.N. Zdravookhranenie v Lys'venskom okruge [Public health in Lysva district]. XIII Smyshliaevskie chteniia [XIII Smyshliaev Readings]. Perm: Perm.gos.univers.b-ka im. A.M. Gor'kogo [Perm State University Library named after A.M. Gorky], 2013, pp. 103–108. (In Russian)
history of health care, Perm and Vyatka province (guberniya)
For citation:
Shestova T. The development of health in Perm and Vyatka provinces (Guberniyas) at the end of 19th – early 20th centuries. Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2017, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 24–41. DOI: 10.23859/2587-8352-2017-1-1-2
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