German regional politician Paul Hirsch in history reversals

German regional politician Paul Hirsch in history reversals

Mikhail V. Strelets
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Paul Hirsch was born when Bismarck sought to unite Germany by all means – by ‘iron and blood’. In the era of Kaiser's Germany, he could receive a university degree, with a solid profile in the field of journalism, to participate actively in the activity of the Social Democratic Party of Germany and to have a successful career as a city councilor in Charlottenburg and Berlin. The glory hour for Hirsch as a politician and a statesman came after the November Revolution of 1918 in Germany. Being head of the highest body of executive power in Prussia in the crucial period for his fatherland, he tried to solve the equation with many unknowns. However, on 30 January 1933 there came a day of ‘political Chernobyl’ in Germany. The National Socialists who came on that day to power did everything to alienate the German Jews from the society. The Jew Paul Hirsch fully experienced that fate. He lived in the racist ‘Third Reich’ for seven years and passed away in huge financial struggles. The article shows in detail how each of these four eras in the German history is reflected in Paul Hirsch’s fate.
Mikhail V. Strelets
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Brest State Technical University
Brest, Belarus
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    17. 19. Hirsch P. Das kommunale Wahlrecht [The municipal Suffrage] (mit Hugo Lindemann), Buchhandlung Vorwärts. Berlin, 1905. 117 s.
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    19. 21. Hirsch P. Der preußische Landtag. Handbuch für Sozialdemokratische Landtagswähler [The Prussian Landtag. Handbook for Social Democratic Landtag Voters]. Buchhandlung Vorwärts [Bookstore Forward]. Berlin, 1913. 112 s.
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    22. 24.  Hirsch P. Die Sozialdemokratie im Wahlkreise Teltow-Beskow-Storkow-Charlottenburg [The Social Democracy in the Electoral District of Teltow-Beskow-Storkow-Charlottenburg], 5. Aufl. Berlin, 1913. 111 s.
    23. 25. Hirsch P. Die soziale Gesetzgebung im 19. Jahrhundert [The Social Laws of the 19th Century]. Berlin, 1902. 104 s.
    24. Hirsch P. Die Verfassung des Freistaates Preußen vom 30.11.1920 [The Constitution of the Free State of Prussia of 30.11.1920]. Berlin, 1921. 109 s.
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    27. 29. Hirsch P. Gesetz über die Bildung einer neuen Stadtgemeinde Berlin. Vom 27. April 1920 Mit Einleitung und Erläuterungen [Law on the Formation of a New City Community of Berlin. From 27 April 1920. With introduction and explanations]. Buchhandlung Vorwärts, Berlin, 1920. 127 s.
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    30. 32.  Hirsch P. Kampf gegen die Arbeiterkoalitionen [Fighting against the Workers' Coalitions]. Berlin, 1899. 141 s.
    31. 33. Hirsch P. Kommentar zu den kommu­nalpolitischen Richtlinien der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands [Commentary on the Communist Guidelines of the Social Democratic Party of Germany]. Berlin, 1929. 145 s.
    32. 34. Hirsch P. Kommunale Kriegs Fürsorge. Berlin, 1916. 154 s.
    33. 35. Hirsch P. Kom­munale Wohnungspolitik [Kommunal Hüsing Police]. Berlin, 1906. 124 s.
    34. 36. Hiersch P. Sozial-demokratische Gemeindepolitik [Social Democratic Community Policy]. Berlin, 1905. 232 s.
    35. 37. Hirsch P. Sozialismus ist Arbeit. An die deutschen Arbeiter. Ein Aufruf der Regierung (mit Otto Braun und Emil Barth) [Socialism is Work. To the German Workers. An Appeal from the Government (with Otto Braun and Emil Barth)]. Berlin, 1919. 184 s.
    36. 38. Hirsch P. Unter den elendsten alten Wahlsystemen [Under the miserable old electoral systems]. Berlin, 1906. 129 s.
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burgomaster, Germany, city councilor, deputy, Jew, journalism, Landtag, Paul Hirsch, prime minister, Prussia, the Social Democratic Party of Germany
For citation:
Strelets M. German regional politician Paul Hirsch in history reversals. Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2017, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 19–39. DOI: 10.23859/2587-8352-2017-1-2-2

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