The article examines the problem of formation and evolution of the Russian geopolitical school as a response to the global political processes, developments and postulates which, in turn, act as a reliable conceptual basis for the formulation of a modern geostrategy for the Russian Federation. The importance of geopolitical methodology derives from its association with the principles of the systemic approach, modern scientific rationality, the unity of theoretical and empirical thoughts. The historical evolution of Russian geopolitics is traced back in the context of the 19th - early 21st centuries, with its conceptual continuity and dynamics of ideas. It is proved that the fundamental principle of the Russian geopolitical ideal is the protection of its geopolitical space from the pressure of the Atlanticist civilization for the sake of achieving just social order, national revival and moral transformation of the mankind. The need for a new geopolitical recovery of Russia, with the effective confrontation of the subjects of globalization involves implementation of the Empire models and a new type of coherent solutions to the problems of integration of the post-Soviet space, formation of focal points for geopolitical control in the Eastern and Western hemispheres, and finally, the creation of a Eurasian continental bloc for the restoration of inter-civilizational balance.
Igor N. Tiapin
Doctor of Philosophy Sciences, PhD in Historical Sciences, Professor
Vologda State University
Vologda, Russia
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geopolitics, national state idea, geopolitical cycle, geopolitical consciousness, Eurasianism, monarchist traditionalism, social traditionalism, anti-globalization, fair state, geopolitical restoration
For citation:
Tiapin I. The reflection of foreign policy in Russian political thought: History and modernity. Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2017, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 6–22. DOI: 10.23859/2587-8352-2017-1-3-1