Water supply and quality of drinking water in Moscow in the 19th – early 20th centuries
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The article is devoted to the development of centralized water supply in Moscow from the opening of the gravity-flowing Ekaterininsky (Mytishchinsky) water pipeline with spring water in 1804 to commissioning of Moskvoretsky water pipeline in 1903–12, which supplied the city dwellers with purified water from the Moskva River. Along with the centralized water supply, attention is also paid to the traditional forms of decentralized water supply with the delivery of water by water carters and the consumption of unfiltered water from open reservoirs and dug wells by the city dwellers. Attention is paid to the quality of drinking water, which was considered during the construction and reconstruction of Moscow water pipelines, formation of long-term plans for the development of water supply, protection of water supply sources from pollution in the context of sanitary measures to protect the population from epidemic diseases.
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2. Angelakis F.N., Mays L.W., Koutsyiannis D., Mamassis N. Evolution of Water Supply Through the Millennia. L.: IWA Publishing, 2012. 584 p.
3. Broich J. Engineering the Empire: British Water Supply Systems and Colonial societies, 1850–1900 in Jounal of British Studies, 2007, vol. 46, issue 2, h. 346–365.
4. 17. Broich J. London: Water and the Making of the Modern City. Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press, 2013. 214 p.
5. Davydov A.N. Bor'ba vokrug ekologicheskikh posledstvii predprinimatel'skoi deiatel'nosti v Moskovskom promyshlennom raione v nachale XX v. [The struggle over the environmental consequences of entrepreneurial activity in Moscow industrial region at the beginning of the 20th century]. Vestnik RUDN. Ser. Istoriia Rossii [Bulletin of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Ser.: Russian History], 2006, no. 1 (5), pp. 116–125. (In Russian)
6. Davydov A.N. Gosudarstvennaia politika Rossii po zashchite okruzhaiushchei sredy ot zagriazneniia v kontekste resheniia demograficheskikh problem v kontse XIX – nachale XX v. [State policy of Russia on protecting the environment from pollution in the context of solving demographic problems in the late 19th – early 20th centuries]. Istoricheskaia ekologiia i istoricheskaia demografiia. Sb. nauchnykh statei; pod red. Iu.A. Poliakova [Historical Ecology and Historical Demography. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. Yu.A. Polyakov]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, pp. 267–285. (In Russian)
7. Fal'kovskii N.I. Istoriia vodosnabzheniia v Rossii [History of Water Supply in Russia]. Moscow; Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Ministerstva kommunal'nogo khoziaistva RSFSR [Publishing House of the Ministry of Communal Services of the RSFSR], 1947. 308 p. (In Russian)
8. Il'in A.Iu. Vozniknovenie i razvitie sistem vodosnabzheniia rossiiskikh provintsial'nykh tsentrov v XVIII – XX vv. (na materialakh Penzy, Riazani i Tambova) [The origin and development of water supply systems of Russian provincial centers in the 18th – 20th centuries (on the materials of Penza, Ryazan and Tambov)]. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie iavleniia i protsessy [Socio-economic Phenomena and Processes], 2016, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 28–34. (In Russian)
9. Kos V.V. Vodosnabzhenie provintsial'nogo goroda na rubezhe vekov (na primere Tomskoi gubernii kontsa XIX–nachala XX vv.) [Water supply of a provincial city at the turn of the centuries (on the example of Tomsk province at the end of the 19th – early 20th centuries)]. Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of Kemerovo State University], 2013, no. 2, pp. 50–55. (In Rusian)
10. Martin A. Sewage and the City: Filth, Smell, and Representations of Urban Life in Moscow, 1770–1880. The Russian Review, vol 67, no. 2, pp. 243–274.
11. Ozerova N.A. K istorii vodosnabzheniia Moskvy: ‘izyskaniia novykh istochnikov’ v 1913-1930 gg. [To the history of water supply in Moscow: ‘The search for new sources’ in 1913–1930]. Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki [Issues of the History of Science and Technology], 2010, no. 1, pp. 75–94. (In Russian)
12. Ozerova N.A. Moskva–reka v prostranstve i vremeni [The Moskva River in Space and Time]. Moscow: Progress–Traditsiia [Progress–Tradition], 2014. 320 p. (In Russian)
13. Orlov S.S. Gruntovaia voda Moskvy i ee kladbishch: sravnitel'naia otsenka gruntovoi vody v kanalizovannykh i v nekanalizovannykh vladeniiakh. Dissertatsiia na stepen' doktora meditsiny [Ground Water of Moscow and its Cemeteries: A Comparative Assessment of Ground Water in the Drainage and Non-drainage areas. Thesis for the degree of a Doctor of medical sciences]. Moscow, 1905, Gorodskaia tipografiia [City Printing House]. 217 pp. + VIII. (In Rusian)
14. Petunnikov A.N. Sostav i svoistvo Moskovskikh vod [Composition and property of the Moscow waters]. Izvestiia Moskovskoi gorodskoi dumy [Izvestia of the Moscow City Duma]. Moscow, 1879, Issue 3, pp. 15–31. (In Russian)
15. Petris S. Juuti, Tapio S. Katko, Heikkis Vuorinen. Environmental history of water: global views on community water supply and Sanitation. L.: IWA Publishing, 2007. 629 p.
16. Sherstneva E.V. Blagoustroistvo gorodov i sanitarnyi nadzor v Rossii v kontse XIX–nachale XX [City improvement and sanitary supervision in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries] in Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniia i istorii meditsiny [Problems of Social Hygiene, Health and History of Medicine], 2015, no. 2, pp. 52–56. (In Russian)
17. Smith C. City Water, City Life: Water and the Infrastructure of Ideas in Urbanizing Philadelphia, Boston, and Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. 327 p.
18. Soll D. City, region, and in between: New York City`s water supply and the insights of regional history. Journal of Urban History, 2012, vol. 38 (2), pp. 294–318.
19. Soll D. Empire of Water: An Environmental and Political History of the New York City Water Supply. New York: Cornell University Press, 2013. 283 p.
20. Sysin A. Ocherki po ozdorovleniiu g. Moskvy. Okhrana vody, pochvy i vozdukha [Essays on sanitation of Moscow. Protection of water, soil and air]. Izvestiia Moskovskoi gorodskoi dumy. Otdel obshchii [Izvestia of the Moscow City Duma. General Department], 1915, August, pp. 1–30. (In Russian)
21. Tallo E., Ostos J. Water consumption in Barcelona and its regional environmental imprint: a long-term history (1717–2008). Regional Environmental History Change, 2012, vol. 12, issues 2, pp. 347–361.
22. Tomory L. London`s water supply before 1800 and the Roots of the Networked City. Technology and Culture, 2015, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 704–737.
23. Tomory L. The History of the London Water Industry, 1580–1820. Baltimore: Johs Hopkins University Press, 2017. 336 p.
24. Vasil'evskaia O.V. Istoriia vodosnabzheniia goroda Moskvy v gigienicheskom osveshchenii: avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni doktora med. nauk [History of Water Supply of Moscow in Hygienic Treatment. Doc. Dis.]. Moscow, 1952. 28 p. (In Russian)
25. Verzhbdlovskii M.V. Ocherki istorii gigieny vody v Rossii i SSSR (1700–1960 gg.): avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni doktora med. nauk [Essays on the History of Water Hygiene in Russia and the USSR (1700s–1960s). Doc. Dis.]. Leningrad, 1966. 32 p. (In Russian)
2. Angelakis F.N., Mays L.W., Koutsyiannis D., Mamassis N. Evolution of Water Supply Through the Millennia. L.: IWA Publishing, 2012. 584 p.
3. Broich J. Engineering the Empire: British Water Supply Systems and Colonial societies, 1850–1900 in Jounal of British Studies, 2007, vol. 46, issue 2, h. 346–365.
4. 17. Broich J. London: Water and the Making of the Modern City. Pittsburg: University of Pittsburg Press, 2013. 214 p.
5. Davydov A.N. Bor'ba vokrug ekologicheskikh posledstvii predprinimatel'skoi deiatel'nosti v Moskovskom promyshlennom raione v nachale XX v. [The struggle over the environmental consequences of entrepreneurial activity in Moscow industrial region at the beginning of the 20th century]. Vestnik RUDN. Ser. Istoriia Rossii [Bulletin of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Ser.: Russian History], 2006, no. 1 (5), pp. 116–125. (In Russian)
6. Davydov A.N. Gosudarstvennaia politika Rossii po zashchite okruzhaiushchei sredy ot zagriazneniia v kontekste resheniia demograficheskikh problem v kontse XIX – nachale XX v. [State policy of Russia on protecting the environment from pollution in the context of solving demographic problems in the late 19th – early 20th centuries]. Istoricheskaia ekologiia i istoricheskaia demografiia. Sb. nauchnykh statei; pod red. Iu.A. Poliakova [Historical Ecology and Historical Demography. Collection of Scientific Articles; ed. Yu.A. Polyakov]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, pp. 267–285. (In Russian)
7. Fal'kovskii N.I. Istoriia vodosnabzheniia v Rossii [History of Water Supply in Russia]. Moscow; Leningrad: Izdatel'stvo Ministerstva kommunal'nogo khoziaistva RSFSR [Publishing House of the Ministry of Communal Services of the RSFSR], 1947. 308 p. (In Russian)
8. Il'in A.Iu. Vozniknovenie i razvitie sistem vodosnabzheniia rossiiskikh provintsial'nykh tsentrov v XVIII – XX vv. (na materialakh Penzy, Riazani i Tambova) [The origin and development of water supply systems of Russian provincial centers in the 18th – 20th centuries (on the materials of Penza, Ryazan and Tambov)]. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskie iavleniia i protsessy [Socio-economic Phenomena and Processes], 2016, vol. 11, no. 10, pp. 28–34. (In Russian)
9. Kos V.V. Vodosnabzhenie provintsial'nogo goroda na rubezhe vekov (na primere Tomskoi gubernii kontsa XIX–nachala XX vv.) [Water supply of a provincial city at the turn of the centuries (on the example of Tomsk province at the end of the 19th – early 20th centuries)]. Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Bulletin of Kemerovo State University], 2013, no. 2, pp. 50–55. (In Rusian)
10. Martin A. Sewage and the City: Filth, Smell, and Representations of Urban Life in Moscow, 1770–1880. The Russian Review, vol 67, no. 2, pp. 243–274.
11. Ozerova N.A. K istorii vodosnabzheniia Moskvy: ‘izyskaniia novykh istochnikov’ v 1913-1930 gg. [To the history of water supply in Moscow: ‘The search for new sources’ in 1913–1930]. Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki [Issues of the History of Science and Technology], 2010, no. 1, pp. 75–94. (In Russian)
12. Ozerova N.A. Moskva–reka v prostranstve i vremeni [The Moskva River in Space and Time]. Moscow: Progress–Traditsiia [Progress–Tradition], 2014. 320 p. (In Russian)
13. Orlov S.S. Gruntovaia voda Moskvy i ee kladbishch: sravnitel'naia otsenka gruntovoi vody v kanalizovannykh i v nekanalizovannykh vladeniiakh. Dissertatsiia na stepen' doktora meditsiny [Ground Water of Moscow and its Cemeteries: A Comparative Assessment of Ground Water in the Drainage and Non-drainage areas. Thesis for the degree of a Doctor of medical sciences]. Moscow, 1905, Gorodskaia tipografiia [City Printing House]. 217 pp. + VIII. (In Rusian)
14. Petunnikov A.N. Sostav i svoistvo Moskovskikh vod [Composition and property of the Moscow waters]. Izvestiia Moskovskoi gorodskoi dumy [Izvestia of the Moscow City Duma]. Moscow, 1879, Issue 3, pp. 15–31. (In Russian)
15. Petris S. Juuti, Tapio S. Katko, Heikkis Vuorinen. Environmental history of water: global views on community water supply and Sanitation. L.: IWA Publishing, 2007. 629 p.
16. Sherstneva E.V. Blagoustroistvo gorodov i sanitarnyi nadzor v Rossii v kontse XIX–nachale XX [City improvement and sanitary supervision in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries] in Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniia i istorii meditsiny [Problems of Social Hygiene, Health and History of Medicine], 2015, no. 2, pp. 52–56. (In Russian)
17. Smith C. City Water, City Life: Water and the Infrastructure of Ideas in Urbanizing Philadelphia, Boston, and Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2013. 327 p.
18. Soll D. City, region, and in between: New York City`s water supply and the insights of regional history. Journal of Urban History, 2012, vol. 38 (2), pp. 294–318.
19. Soll D. Empire of Water: An Environmental and Political History of the New York City Water Supply. New York: Cornell University Press, 2013. 283 p.
20. Sysin A. Ocherki po ozdorovleniiu g. Moskvy. Okhrana vody, pochvy i vozdukha [Essays on sanitation of Moscow. Protection of water, soil and air]. Izvestiia Moskovskoi gorodskoi dumy. Otdel obshchii [Izvestia of the Moscow City Duma. General Department], 1915, August, pp. 1–30. (In Russian)
21. Tallo E., Ostos J. Water consumption in Barcelona and its regional environmental imprint: a long-term history (1717–2008). Regional Environmental History Change, 2012, vol. 12, issues 2, pp. 347–361.
22. Tomory L. London`s water supply before 1800 and the Roots of the Networked City. Technology and Culture, 2015, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 704–737.
23. Tomory L. The History of the London Water Industry, 1580–1820. Baltimore: Johs Hopkins University Press, 2017. 336 p.
24. Vasil'evskaia O.V. Istoriia vodosnabzheniia goroda Moskvy v gigienicheskom osveshchenii: avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni doktora med. nauk [History of Water Supply of Moscow in Hygienic Treatment. Doc. Dis.]. Moscow, 1952. 28 p. (In Russian)
25. Verzhbdlovskii M.V. Ocherki istorii gigieny vody v Rossii i SSSR (1700–1960 gg.): avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni doktora med. nauk [Essays on the History of Water Hygiene in Russia and the USSR (1700s–1960s). Doc. Dis.]. Leningrad, 1966. 32 p. (In Russian)
water supply, water pipeline, water carter, spring water, ground water, quality of drinking water, water hardness, water filtration, Moscow, water and sanitary inspection
For citation:
Davydov Andrey Water supply and quality of drinking water in Moscow in the 19th – early 20th centuries. Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2018, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 55–74. DOI: 10.23859/2587-8352-2018-2-1-4
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ISSN 2587-8344 (Online)