Book review: Nikolaev A.B. ‘The Duma revolution’: 27th February – 3rd March 191...

Book review: Nikolaev A.B. ‘The Duma revolution’: 27th February – 3rd March 1917: in 2 volumes. St Peterburg: The Herzen State Pedagogical University (RSPU), 2017.

Andrey N. Egorov
Full text:
Andrey N. Egorov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets, Russia
1.    Burzhuaziya i pomeshchiki v 1917 godu. Chastnye soveshchaniya chlenov Gosudarstvennoj dumy; pod red. A.K. Drezena [The bourgeoisie and the landlords in 1917. Private meetings of members of the State Duma / A.K. Drezen (ed.)]. Moscow; Leningrad: Partizdat, 1932. 327 p.    
2.    Egorov A.N. Kadetskie organizatsii Vologodskoj gubernii v 1917 godu [Cadet organiza-tions of the Vologda province in 1917] // Istoriya: fakty i simvoly [History: Facts and Symbols]. 2017. No. 4 (13). Pp. 52–64.
3. Gippius Z.N. Peterburgskie dnevniki. 1914–1919 [Petersburg Diaries. 1914–1919]. New York; Moscow, 1990. 320 p.
4.    Istoriya grazhdanskoj vojny v SSSR [History of the Civil War in the USSR]. Moscow: OGIZ, 1936. Vol. 1. 580 p.
5.    Kerenskiy A.F. Rossiya v povorotniy moment istorii [Russia at the Turning Point in Histo-ry]. Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2006. 524 p.
6.    Lukoyanov I.V. Rets. na: A.B. Nikolaev. Gosudarstvennaya duma v Fevral'skoj revolyutsii: ocherki istorii [Review on: A.B. Nikolaev. The State Duma in the February Revolution: Essays on History] // Otechestvennaya istoriya [Domestic History], 2004. No.  4. Pp. 165–167.
7.    Milyukov P.N. Istoriya vtoroj russkoj revolyutsii [History of the Second Russian Revolu-tion]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2001. 767 p.
8. Nikolaev A.B. Dumskaya revolyutsiya: 27 fevralya – 3 marta 1917 goda: v 2-t. [The Duma revolution: 27th February - 3rd March 1917: In two volumes]. St Petersburg.: Izd-vo RGPU im.
A. I. Gertsena, 2017. Vol. 1. 592 p.; Vol. 2. 447 p.
9.    Nikolaev A.B. Gosudarstvennaya duma i Fevral'skaya revolyutsiya [The State Duma and the February Revolution] // Pervaya mirovaya vojna i konets Rossiyskoj imperii: v 3 t.;  Otv. red. R.Sh. Ganelin [The First World War and the end of the Russian Empire: In 3 volumes; R.Sh. Ganelin (ed.)]. St Petersburg: Liki Rossii, 2014. Vol. 3: Fevral'skaya revolyutsiya. Pp. 186–342.
10.    Nikolaev A.B. Gosudarstvennaya duma v Fevral'skoj revolyutsii: ocherki istorii [The State Duma in the February Revolution: Essays on History]. Ryazan', 2002. 302 p.
11.    Nikolaev A.B. Revolyutsiya i vlast': IV Gosudarstvennaya duma 27 fevralya – 3 marta 1917 g. [Revolution and Power: IV State Duma 27th February - 3rd March 1917]. St Petersburg:  Izd-vo RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena, 2005. 695 p.
12.    Nikolaev A.B. Revolyutsiya i vlast': Gosudarstvennaya duma IV sozyva 27 fevralya –
3 marta 1917 g.: dis. … d-ra ist. nauk [Revolution and Power: The State Duma of the Fourth Con-vocation 27th February - 3rd March 1917: Doctoral dissertation in historical sciences]. St Petersburg, 2005. 583 p.
13.    Sukhanov N.N. Zapiski o revolyutsii: v 3 t. [Notes on the Revolution: In three volumes]. Moscow: Politizdat, 1991. Vol. 1. 382 p.
14. Vardin I.V. Liberalizm – tsarizm – revolyutsiya [Liberalism - tsarism – revolution] // Krasnaya nov' [Krasnaya Nov]. 1923, Book 2. Pp. 267–293.
15. Vishnyak M.V. Dva puti: Fevral' i Oktyabr' [Two Ways: February and October]. Parizh: Sovremennye zapiski, 1931. 586 p.
For citation:
Egorov А. Book review: Nikolaev А.B. ‘The Duma Revolution’: 27th February – 3rd March 1917: in two volumes. SPb.: The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia (RSPU), 2017. Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2018, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 133–142.

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