CDU on the path to the West German statehood (1948–1949)
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The article deals with the politics of the faction called CDU / CSU, SPD and the occupation authorities in the Parliamentary Council of the West Germany in 1948-49. The work of the Council devoted to the Basic Law (Constitution) was characterized by constant cross-party and inner-party disputes, however the power struggle between the political parties was an inevitable and necessary attribute of the democratic society. The Parliamentarischer Rat (German for Parliamentary Council) was the hour of triumph for the emerging political system in West Germany, whereas the moderate federalism was declared by the CDU as the most important element during the reconstruction of Germany.
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2. Adenauer K. Briefe 1947–1949. Berlin: Siedler, 1984. 626 S.
3. Adenauer K. Erinnerungen 1945–1953. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 1965. 589 S.
4. Artemov V.A. Germaniia i Rossiia na izlomakh istorii [Germany and Russia at the Changing Points in History]. Voronezh, 2004. 417 p. (In Russian)
5. Bericht uder den Verfassungs-Konvent auf Herrenchiemsee. München: Pflaum, 1948. 673 S.
6. Chubar'ian A.O. Proiskhozhdenie «kholodnoi voiny» v istoriografii Vostoka i Zapada [The Origin of the Cold War in the Historiography of East and West]. Novaia i noveishaia istoriia [Modern and Contemporary History], 1991, no. 2, p. 66. (In Russian)
7. Clay L.D. The papers of general Lucius D. Clay. Germany 1945–1949; Ed. by J.-E. Smith. London: Indiana University press, 1974. 1270 S.
8. Deutsche Politik beute. Das Erbe Konrad Adenauers. Adenauer Memorial Lecture, gehalten von Bundeskanzter Dr. Helmut Kohl. Oxford, 1984. 873 S.
9. Düwell K. Entstehung und Entwicklung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 1945–1961. Köln: Böhlau, 1981. 753 S.
10. Jesse E. Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Geschichte. Weidenfeld W., Kone K.-R. (Hrsg.). Handwörterbuch zur deutschen Einheit. Bonn, 1992. S. 60.
11. Klessmann Ch. Die doppelte Staatsgründung. Deutsche Geschichte 1945–1955. Schriften-reihe Bd. 298. Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 1991. 605 S.
12. Kornienko G.M. U istokov «kholodnoi voiny» [At the origins of the Cold War]. Novaia i noveishaia istoriia [Modern and Contemporary History], 1990, no. 6, pp. 107–121. (In Russian)
13. Ley R. Foderalismusdiskussion innerhalb der CDU/CSU. Mainz: Hase & Köhler, 1987. 194 S.
14. Murashov M.A. Uchastie zapadnogermanskikh politicheskikh partii v sozdanii FRG: 1948–1949gg. [Participation of political parties in West Germany in the creation of the Federal Republic of Germany: 1948–1949. PhD Thesis]. Moscow: MGU, 2004, pp. 166–167. (In Russian)
15. Nekrylova O.G. Politika amerikanskikh i britanskikh okkupatsionnykh vlastei i obrazovanie Khristiansko-demokraticheskogo soiuza v Zapadnoi Germanii (1945–1949 gg.) [The Policy of the United States and British Occupation Authorities and the Formation of the Christian Democratic Union in Western Germany (1945–1949): Doctoral dissertation.]. Voronezh, 2012. 203 p. (In Russian)
16. Nekrylova O.G. Sotsial'no-rynochnaia kontseptsiia ekonomiki v Diussel'dorfskikh tezisakh KhDS [Social Market Economy in Düsseldorf guidelines of the CDU]. Mezhdunarodnyi nauchno-issledovatel'skii zhurnal «Uspekhi sovremennoi nauki», no.11, vol. 7. Belgorod, 2016, pp. 56–59. (In Russian)
17. Nezhinskii L.N. Istoriia vneshnei politiki SSSR: poiski novykh podkhodov. [The history of foreign policy in the USSR: The search for new approaches]. Novaia i noveishaia istoriia [Modern and Contemporary history], 1990, no. 4, p. 10. (In Russian)
18. Pavlov N.V. Istoriia vneshnei politiki Germanii. Ot Bismarka do Merkel' [History of Foreign Policy in Germany. From Bismarck to Merkel]. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia [In-ternational Relations], 2012. 800 p. (In Russian)
19. Pavlov N.V. Sovremennaia Germaniia [Modern Germany]. Moscow: Vysshaia shkola [Higher Education], 2005. (In Russian)
20. Shtraus F.I. Vospominaniia [Memories]. Moscow, 1991. (In Russian)
a post-war period, West Germany, Christian Democratic Union (CDU), Konrad Adenauer, Parliamentarischer Rat (Parliamentary Council), Basic Law, political parties, western powers in Allied-occupied Germany
For citation:
Nekrylova О. CDU on the path to the West German statehood (1948–1949). Historia provinciae – the journal of regional history, 2018, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 46–61. DOI: 10.23859/2587-8352-2018-2-2-3.

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