Publications of Foreign Journalists in the Russian Mass Media as a Source of Information on the First Chechen Campaign of 1994–1996
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the first days of the Chechen war of 1994-96 presented by several well-known foreign journalists (Jan Rozdzynski, E. Lieven, and F. Kukurina). Their publications describe skirmishes between the Russian troops and the Chechen militants, the devastation in Grozny and the deaths of civilians. The parallels with similar publications in the Rus-sian press of that time are drawn. The conclusion about sympathies of foreign correspondents with regards to the Chechen separatists and their proximity to the anti-war publications of the Russian press was made.
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Tishkov, V.A. Obshchestvo v vooruzhennom konflikte. Etnografiya chechenskoi voiny [Society in an Armed Conflict. Ethnography of the Chechen War]. Moscow: Nauka, 2001 (in Russian).
Tsvetkova, V.F. “The first Chechen campaign (1994–1996): chronicle of the local conflict”, Society. Medium. Development (Terra Humana), no. 1 (2011): 102–06. (in Russian)
Ware, R.B. “Civil war in Chechnia: political failure and strategic response”, Central Asia and the Caucasus, no. 3 (2004): 53–61.
Zarakhovich, Yu. “The Chechen war through the eyes of American journalists (1993–1996)]”, in Chechnya and Russia: Societies and States, (1999): 290–307. (in Russian)
Zavgorodnii, Yu.Yu. “Philosophy of Buddhist monk Junsei Terasawa’s pilgrimage”, Vestnik ugrovedeniya, no. 2 (2014): 66–73. (in Russian)
The North Caucasus, Chechnya, the first Chechen War, Russia, foreigners, fighting, press, separatism, mass media
For citation:
Tumakov, D. “Publications of Foreign Journalists in the Russian Mass Media as a Source of Information on the First Chechen Campaign of 1994–1996”. Historia provinciae – The journal of regional history, vol. 2, no. 3 (2018): 87–118, https:// 10.23859/2587-8344-2018-2-3-5

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