Civil War and Intervention in Russia and the Russian North: Current and Debatable Problems
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the current position in the history and historiography of the Civil War in Russia and the Russian North in connection with the centenary of these events. The origins, causes and genesis of the Civil War in the country are analysed in the context of a long-term and a short-term retrospective, the movement from ‘small’ to large-scale war and the events on the front-line are analysed. The author’s conceptual interpretation of the Civil War in Russia as a series or the entity of wars and different confrontations is presented, as well as a list of various wars and armed clashes of different composition and participants in the processes of the Civil War and the intervention in the Russian North, the role of the Entente intervention in unleashing the Russian Civil War in this region of the country. The reasons for the defeat of the anti-Bolshevik movement in the Russian Civil War, as well as the factors and advantages of the Soviet power and the Bolsheviks, are characterized, and the historical lessons of this drama with regards to the present times are revealed.
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Brovkin, V.N. Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political Parties and Social Movement in Russia, 1918–1920. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. 455 p.
Goldin, V.I. Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii skvoz' prizmu let: istoriograficheskie protsessy [Civil War in Russia through the Prism of Years: Historiographic Processes]. Murmansk: MGGU, 2012. 333 p. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I. Dzh.D. Smil. “ ‘Rossiiskie’ grazhdanskie voiny, 1916–1926. Desyat' let, kotorye potryasli mir” [Review of ‘Russian’ civil wars, 1916–1926. Ten years that shook the world, by J.D. Smele]. Voprosy istorii [Questions of History], Issue 12 (2016): 165–69. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I. “1917 god v Rossii: razmyshleniya v kanun stoletiya” [1917 in Russia: Reflections on the eve of the century]. In 1917 god v sud'bakh regionov, strany i mira: vzglyad iz XXI veka [1917 in the Destinies of Regions, Country and World: A view from the 21st century], 10–48. Ark-hangelsk: NArFU, 2017. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I. “Po stupenyam stoletiya: istoriya i politika” [On the steps of the century: History and politics], Vestnik Severnogo (Arkticheskogo) federal'nogo universiteta. Seriya ‘Gumanitarnye i sotsial'nye nauki’ [Bulletin of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series ‘Humanities and So-cial Sciences’], Issue 1 (2016): 23–31. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I., P.S. Zhuravlev, and F.Kh. Sokolova, Russkii Sever v istoricheskom prostranstve rossiiskoi grazhdanskoi voiny [Russian North in the Historical Space of the Russian Civil War]. Arkhangelsk: SOLTI, 2005. 350 p. (In Russian)
“ ‘Kruglyi stol’ istorikov: Revolyutsionnyi 1917-i i Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii” [‘Round table’ of historians: Revolutionary 1917 and the Russian Civil War], Al'manakh Assotsiatsii issle-dovatelei Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii [Almanac of the Association of Civil War researchers in Russia], Issue 3, edited by V.I. Goldin, 5–20. Arkhangelsk: NArFU, 2017. (In Russian)
Lincoln, W.B. Red Victory: A History of the Russian Civil War. New York: Simon and Schus-ter, 1989. 637 p.
Mawdsley, E. The Russian Civil War. Edinburgh: Birlinn Ltd, 2000. 362 p.
Mironov, B.N. Strasti po revolyutsii: Nravy v rossiiskoi istoriografii v vek informatsii [Passion for Revolution: Morals in Russian Historiography in Media Age]. Moscow: Ves' mir, 2014. 336 p. (In Russian)
Novikova, L.G. Provintsial'naya ‘kontrrevolyutsiya’: Beloe dvizhenie i Grazhdanskaya voina na russkom Severe. 1917–1920 [Provincial ‘Counter-revolution’: The White Movement and the Civil War in the Russian North. 1917–1920]. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2011. 384 p. (In Russian)
Ovsyankin, E.I. Na izlome istorii. Sobytiya na Severe v 1917–1920 gg. Mify i real'nost' [At the Breaking Point of History. Events in the North in 1917–20. Myths and Reality]. Arkhangelsk: Arkhkonsalt, 2007. 560 p. (In Russian)
Rogachev, I.V. Arkhangel'skii Sever v otnosheniyakh Rossii i SShA v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny, 1914–1918 gg [The Arkhangelsk North in the Relations between Russia and the United States during the First World War, 1914–18]. Arkhangelsk: Daprint, 2015. 191 p. (In Russian)
Rossiya v 1917 godu. Entsiklopediya [Russia in 1917. Encyclopedia]. Moscow: Politicheskaya entsiklopediya, 2017. 1095 p. (In Russian)
Rossiya v nachale 20 veka [Russia in the early 20th Century]; edited by A.N. Yakovlev. Mos-cow: Novyi khronograf, 2002. 744 p. (In Russian)
Russkaya revolyutsiya 1917 goda: vlast', obshchestvo, kul'tura. V 2 t. [The Russian Revolution of 1917: Power, Society and Culture. In 2 vol.], edited by Yu.A. Petrov. Moscow: IRI RAN, 2017. Vol. 1. 743 p. Vol. 2. 593 p. (In Russian)
Sablin, V.A. Krest'yanskoe khozyaistvo na Evropeiskom Severe Rossii (1917–1920) [Peasant Economy in the European North of Russia (1917–1920)]. Moscow: Academia, 2009. 432 p. (In Russian)
Smele, J.D. The ‘Russian’ Civil Wars, 1916–1926. Ten years that shook the world. London: Hurst & Company, 2015. 423 p.
Swain, G. Russia’s Civil War. Stroud: Tempus, 2000. 192 p.
Swain G., The Origins of the Russian Civil War. London: Taylor Francis Ltd, 1995. 272 p.
Taskaev, M.V. Sotsial'no-politicheskie protsessy na Evropeiskom Severo-Vostoke Rossii (1901 – pervaya polovina 1930-kh gg.) [Socio-political Processes in the European North-East of Russia (1901 – the first half of the 1930s)]. Ekaterinburg: URO RAN, 2011. 610 p. (In Russian)
Troshina, T.I. Dinamika i napravlennost' sotsial'nykh protsessov na Evropeiskom Severe Rossii (pervaya chetvert' 20 veka) [Dynamics and trends for social processes in the European North of Russia (first quarter of the 20th century)]. Arkhangelsk: Pomorskii universitet, 2011. 336 p. (In Rus-sian).
Troshina, T.I. Velikaya voina i Severnyi krai: Evropeiskii Sever v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny [The Great War and the Northern Territory: The European North during the First World War]. Ark-hangelsk: NArFU, 2016. 347 p. (In Russian)
Beloe dvizhenie na Severe Rossii. Belaya gvardiya. Al'manakh [White movement in the North of Russia. The White Guard. Almanac], Issue 9, edited by V.Zh. Tsvetkov. Moscow: Posev, 2006. 164 p. (In Russian)
Bespalov, S.V. Modernizatsiya Rossii v kontse XIX – nachale XX veka (K voprosu o predpo-sylkakh revolyutsii 1917 goda) [Modernization of Russia in the late 19th – early 20th century (On the question of prerequisites to the revolutions of 1917). (Review)]. In 1917 year. Russia is Revolution-ary: Collection of reviews; edited by V.M. Shevarin, 69–111. Moscow: INION RAN, 2007. (In Russian)
Brovkin, V.N. Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political Parties and Social Movement in Russia, 1918–1920. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994. 455 p.
Goldin, V.I. Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii skvoz' prizmu let: istoriograficheskie protsessy [Civil War in Russia through the Prism of Years: Historiographic Processes]. Murmansk: MGGU, 2012. 333 p. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I. Dzh.D. Smil. “ ‘Rossiiskie’ grazhdanskie voiny, 1916–1926. Desyat' let, kotorye potryasli mir” [Review of ‘Russian’ civil wars, 1916–1926. Ten years that shook the world, by J.D. Smele]. Voprosy istorii [Questions of History], Issue 12 (2016): 165–69. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I. “1917 god v Rossii: razmyshleniya v kanun stoletiya” [1917 in Russia: Reflections on the eve of the century]. In 1917 god v sud'bakh regionov, strany i mira: vzglyad iz XXI veka [1917 in the Destinies of Regions, Country and World: A view from the 21st century], 10–48. Ark-hangelsk: NArFU, 2017. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I. “Po stupenyam stoletiya: istoriya i politika” [On the steps of the century: History and politics], Vestnik Severnogo (Arkticheskogo) federal'nogo universiteta. Seriya ‘Gumanitarnye i sotsial'nye nauki’ [Bulletin of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. Series ‘Humanities and So-cial Sciences’], Issue 1 (2016): 23–31. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I., P.S. Zhuravlev, and F.Kh. Sokolova, Russkii Sever v istoricheskom prostranstve rossiiskoi grazhdanskoi voiny [Russian North in the Historical Space of the Russian Civil War]. Arkhangelsk: SOLTI, 2005. 350 p. (In Russian)
“ ‘Kruglyi stol’ istorikov: Revolyutsionnyi 1917-i i Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii” [‘Round table’ of historians: Revolutionary 1917 and the Russian Civil War], Al'manakh Assotsiatsii issle-dovatelei Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii [Almanac of the Association of Civil War researchers in Russia], Issue 3, edited by V.I. Goldin, 5–20. Arkhangelsk: NArFU, 2017. (In Russian)
Lincoln, W.B. Red Victory: A History of the Russian Civil War. New York: Simon and Schus-ter, 1989. 637 p.
Mawdsley, E. The Russian Civil War. Edinburgh: Birlinn Ltd, 2000. 362 p.
Mironov, B.N. Strasti po revolyutsii: Nravy v rossiiskoi istoriografii v vek informatsii [Passion for Revolution: Morals in Russian Historiography in Media Age]. Moscow: Ves' mir, 2014. 336 p. (In Russian)
Novikova, L.G. Provintsial'naya ‘kontrrevolyutsiya’: Beloe dvizhenie i Grazhdanskaya voina na russkom Severe. 1917–1920 [Provincial ‘Counter-revolution’: The White Movement and the Civil War in the Russian North. 1917–1920]. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2011. 384 p. (In Russian)
Ovsyankin, E.I. Na izlome istorii. Sobytiya na Severe v 1917–1920 gg. Mify i real'nost' [At the Breaking Point of History. Events in the North in 1917–20. Myths and Reality]. Arkhangelsk: Arkhkonsalt, 2007. 560 p. (In Russian)
Rogachev, I.V. Arkhangel'skii Sever v otnosheniyakh Rossii i SShA v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny, 1914–1918 gg [The Arkhangelsk North in the Relations between Russia and the United States during the First World War, 1914–18]. Arkhangelsk: Daprint, 2015. 191 p. (In Russian)
Rossiya v 1917 godu. Entsiklopediya [Russia in 1917. Encyclopedia]. Moscow: Politicheskaya entsiklopediya, 2017. 1095 p. (In Russian)
Rossiya v nachale 20 veka [Russia in the early 20th Century]; edited by A.N. Yakovlev. Mos-cow: Novyi khronograf, 2002. 744 p. (In Russian)
Russkaya revolyutsiya 1917 goda: vlast', obshchestvo, kul'tura. V 2 t. [The Russian Revolution of 1917: Power, Society and Culture. In 2 vol.], edited by Yu.A. Petrov. Moscow: IRI RAN, 2017. Vol. 1. 743 p. Vol. 2. 593 p. (In Russian)
Sablin, V.A. Krest'yanskoe khozyaistvo na Evropeiskom Severe Rossii (1917–1920) [Peasant Economy in the European North of Russia (1917–1920)]. Moscow: Academia, 2009. 432 p. (In Russian)
Smele, J.D. The ‘Russian’ Civil Wars, 1916–1926. Ten years that shook the world. London: Hurst & Company, 2015. 423 p.
Swain, G. Russia’s Civil War. Stroud: Tempus, 2000. 192 p.
Swain G., The Origins of the Russian Civil War. London: Taylor Francis Ltd, 1995. 272 p.
Taskaev, M.V. Sotsial'no-politicheskie protsessy na Evropeiskom Severo-Vostoke Rossii (1901 – pervaya polovina 1930-kh gg.) [Socio-political Processes in the European North-East of Russia (1901 – the first half of the 1930s)]. Ekaterinburg: URO RAN, 2011. 610 p. (In Russian)
Troshina, T.I. Dinamika i napravlennost' sotsial'nykh protsessov na Evropeiskom Severe Rossii (pervaya chetvert' 20 veka) [Dynamics and trends for social processes in the European North of Russia (first quarter of the 20th century)]. Arkhangelsk: Pomorskii universitet, 2011. 336 p. (In Rus-sian).
Troshina, T.I. Velikaya voina i Severnyi krai: Evropeiskii Sever v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny [The Great War and the Northern Territory: The European North during the First World War]. Ark-hangelsk: NArFU, 2016. 347 p. (In Russian)
the Russian Civil War, intervention, Russian Revolution, World War I, terror, historical experience and lessons of history
For citation:
Goldin V. “Civil War and Intervention in Russia and the Russian North: Current and Debatable Problems”. Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 2, no. 4 (2018): 16–49, 10.23859/2587-8344-2018-2-4-2
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