Features of the Regional Food Market in the Crimea and Northern Taurida during t...

Features of the Regional Food Market in the Crimea and Northern Taurida during the Civil War (Spring – Autumn 1920)

Vasily Z. Tsvetkov, Elena A. Tsvetkova
Full text:
The article is devoted to the issues of the regional markets in the ‘White’ South of Russia during the final period of the Civil War (spring-autumn 1920) which is associated with the activities of the commanding general of the anti-Bolshevik White Army in Southern Russia Pyotr Wrangel. The territorial scope of the article covers the Taurida Governorate (the Crimea and Northern Taurida). The dynamics of prices for basic agricultural products, their correlation with the prices for manufactured goods, as well as changes in demand and supply are analysed. The given statistical data are introduced into the scientific discourse for the first time. The influence is shown with regards to the changes in the situation at the front of the White Army, on the dynamics of the local market prices. The regional features of the agricultural situation in the White Crimea and the North-ern Taurida in 1920 are considered.
Vasily Z. Tsvetkov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor,
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Moscow, Russia
Elena A. Tsvetkova
Candidate of Economic Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor
Moscow State Pedagogical University
Moscow, Russia
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Regional economics, history of economics, Civil War, peasantry, market prices, agricultural and industrial goods, White movement, Pyotr Wrangel
For citation:
Tsvetkov, V., and E. Tsvetkova, “Features of the Regional Food Market in the Crimea and Northern Taurida during the Civil War (Spring – Autumn 1920)”. Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 2, no. 4 (2018): 178–198, 10.23859/2587-8344-2018-2-4-9

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