New Work on the Officer Corps of the Russian Army. Review of: Kaminsky V.V. Officers of the Russian Imperial Army in the Corps of the ‘Red’ General Staff (Personnel, Employment and Specifics of Personal Destinies (1918–1945)). Biographical Directory. Volume 1. A-Zh. (Saint Petersburg: Gumanitarnaya Akademiya, 2018. 800 p.
Full text:
The author reviews the monograph by V.V. Kaminskiy ‘Officers of the Russian Imperial Army in the Corps of the ‘Red’ General Staff (personnel, employment and specifics of personal destinies (1918–1945)). Biographical directory. Volume 1. A-Zh. (Saint Petersburg, Publishing Centre ‘Gumanitarnaya Akademiya’, 2018. 800 p.). The main sources and publications that became the basis of the research by V. V. Kaminskiy are reviewed. The emphasis is laid on the author's approach towards the biographies of the General Staff graduates in the Soviet military service during the Civil War in Russia. The author also reviews the interconnection of these biographies with the political history of the Soviet state and with the activities of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission (VChK, also known as Cheka).
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Aleksandr Yakovlevich Yanovskii: 41 god v boevom stroyu” [Alexander Yakovlevich Yanovskiy], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 2 (2015): 66–77. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Dvoinye ‘perevertyshi’ v Korpuse Genshtaba Krasnoi Armii: podpolkovnik A.D. Syromyatnikov i ego sluzhebnaya kar'era” [“«Double Shifters» in the General Staff of the Red Army: Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Syromyatnikov and his Career], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2016): 69–82. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “General'nogo shtaba general-lejtenant N.N. Stogov – dobrosovestnyi voennyi specialist Krasnoi Armii ili zavedomyi ‘vreditel'’ v ee ryadakh?” [Lieutenant-General of the General Staff N.N. Stogov – A Scrupulous Red Army Military Specialist, or a Notorious “Wrecker” within its Ranks?], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2015): 59–70. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “General'nogo shtaba general-major M.YE. Solnyshkin: ot khrabrogo terskogo kazaka i 'myatezhnika – kornilovtsa’ k dobrosovestnomu sluzhake v provintsial'nykh shtabakh Krasnoi Armii. 1914–1924 gg” [The General Staff, Major-General M.E. Solnyshkin: from brave Terek Cossacks and “rebel-Korniloviets” to the conscientious campaigner in the provincial headquarters Red Army. 1914–1924], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 3. (2014): 132–44. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “General'nogo shtaba kapitan I.N. Zahkarov: zabytyi ‘genshtabist’ ili ‘dobraya ten’ M.N. Tukhachevskogo” [General Staff Captain I. N. Zakharov: Forgotten General Staff Employee or the “Good Shadow” of M.N. Tukhachevskiy], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Mo-dern History of Russia], no. 2 (2017): 121–29. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Nekotorye obstoyatel'stva ‘puteshestviya’ Nikolaevskoi Akademii Gener-al'nogo Shtaba iz Ekaterinburga v Kazan' 23–24 iyulya 1918 g. (chast' I)” [Some particulars of the “voyage” of the Nicolas Academy of the General Staff from Ekaterinburg to Kazan’ (July 23–24, 1918) (part I)], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2012): 116–31. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Nekotorye obstoyatel'stva ‘puteshestviya’ Nikolaevskoi Akademii Gener-al'nogo Shtaba iz Ekaterinburga v Kazan' 23–24 iyulya 1918 g. (chast' II)” [Some particulars of the “voyage” of the Nicolas Academy of the General Staff from Ekaterinburg to Kazan’ (July 23–24, 1918) (part II)], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 3 (2012): 26–61. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Oni sozdavali Krasnuyu armiyu: General'nogo shtaba general-major F.F. Novitskii – real'nyi organizator pobed Krasnoi armii na Vostochnom fronte 1919 g.” [They were creating the Red Army: Major General of the General Staff F.F. Novitsky – the real arranger of the victories of the Red Army on the Eastern Front in 1919], Istoriya povsednevnosti [History of Eve-ryday Life], no. 3 (2017): 142–55. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Ot A.V. Kolchaka – v Krasnuyu Armiyu: sluzhebnaya zanyatost' i dal'neishie sud'by vypusknikov mladshego klassa 4 ocheredi uskorennykh kursov ‘beloi’ Akademii Gen-eral'nogo Shtaba (Tomsk, aprel' 1919 g.)” [From Kolchak to the Red Army: The Career and Even-tual Fate of the Graduates of the Junior Class of the “White” General Staff Academy’s 4th Round of Accelerated Courses (Tomsk. April, 1919)], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2014): 40–68. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Prodolzhaya trudy A.G. Kavtaradze: kursanty 3 ocheredi uskorennykh kur-sov Nikolaevskoi Akademii General'nogo Shtaba na sluzhbe v Krasnoy Armii (1918–1930-e gg.)” [Continuing the Work of A.G. Kaftaradze: the Cadets of the 3rd Stage of Accelerated Cources at the Russian General Staff's Nikolai Academy in Red Army (1918–1930s)], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Contemporary History of Russia], no. 2 (2016): 138–88. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Russkii ‘genshtabist’, dvazhdy spasennyi L.D. Trotskim: General'nogo shtaba general-major S.I. Odintsov” [Russian General Staff Officer, saved Twice by L.D. Trotsky: General Staff Ma¬jor-General S.I. Odintsov], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 4 (2017): 45–55. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Social'no-bytovaya motivatsiya v konkretnykh sud'bakh: General'nogo shtaba podpolkovnik Viktor Ivanovich Oberyukhtin – ‘sluga dvukh gospod’ poocheredno (1918–1938 gg.)” [Everyday motivation at concrete biographies: General Staff Lieutenant-Colonel Viktor Ivanovich Oberiukhtin – “the servant of two misters” serially (1918–1938)], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2013): 66–80. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Za nego ruchalsya sam L.D. Trotsky: General'nogo shtaba general-major G.M. Tikhmenev i ego sud'ba” [L.D. Trotskiy Himself Certified for Him: General-Major G.M. Tikhmenev and His Destiny], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 3 (2017): 91–99. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. Ofitsery Russkoi Imperatorskoi Armii v Korpuse ‘krasnogo’ General'nogo Shtaba (personal'nyi sostav, sluzhebnaya zanyatost', spetsifika lichnykh sudeb (1918–1945 gg.)) [Officers of the Russian Imperial Army in the Corps of the ‘Red’ General Staff (personnel, em-ployment and specifics of personal destinies (1918–1945)]. Biograficheskii spravochnik [Bio-graphical directory]. Vol. 1. St Petersburg: Gumanitarnaya Akademiya, 2018. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. Vypuskniki Nikolaevskoi Akademii General'nogo Shtaba na sluzhbe v Krasnoi Armii [Review of: Graduates of the Nikolaev General Staff Academy on duty in the Red Army]. St Petersburg: Aleteya, 2011. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and V.A. Veremenko. “M.D. Bonch-Bruevich – odin iz osnovatelei Krasnoi Armii: stranitsy biografii” [M.D. Bonch-Bruevich – One of the Founders of the Red Army: Pages of a Biography], Novejshaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], vol. 8, no. 1 (2018): 57–69. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and D.I. Petin. “General-major genshtaba N.N. Artamonov (1872–1937): Biografiya skvoz' prizmu novykh istochnikov” [Major General N.N. Artamonov (1872–1937): Bi-ography through the prism of new sources], Vestnik arkhivista [Bulletin of an Archivist], no. 3 (2017): 275–300. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and V.S. Mil'bakh. “Komkor Nikolai Vasil'evich Lisovskii i ego sud'ba” [The fate of Komkor Nikolay Lisovskiy], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 3 (2015): 46–54. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and D.I. Petin, “Russkii artillerist A.V. Beklemishev na sluzhbe v chetyrekh armiyah: opyt istoriko-biograficheskogo issledovaniya” [Russian artilleryman A.V. Beklemishev during the service in four armies: The experience of historical and biographical research], Vestnik arkhivista [Bulletin of an Archivist], no. 3 (2016): 266–99. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and D.Yu. Ispovednikov. “Po otnosheniyu k Sovetskoj vlasti – loyalen…”: ko-missarskie kharakteristiki na prepodavatelei Voennoi akademii RKKA serediny 1920-kh gg. [“Commissar’s Testimonials on Professors of Red Army Military Academy in mid 1920s], Novey-shaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2017): 194–224. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and V.A. Veremenko. “Dvoryanskaya sem'ya Baranovskikh na slome epokh” [The Noble Family Baranovskiy at the Turn of the Epoch], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 3 (2016): 64–83. (In Russian)
Rat'kovskii, I.S. Review of Kaminskiy, V.V. Vypuskniki Nikolaevskoi Akademii General'nogo Shtaba na sluzhbe v Krasnoi Armii [Graduates of the Nikolaev General Staff Academy on duty in the Red Army]. Saint Petersburg: Aletejya, 2011. 736 p., Noveyshaya Istoriya Rossii [Modern His-tory of Russia], no. 2 (2012): 242–47. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Dvoinye ‘perevertyshi’ v Korpuse Genshtaba Krasnoi Armii: podpolkovnik A.D. Syromyatnikov i ego sluzhebnaya kar'era” [“«Double Shifters» in the General Staff of the Red Army: Lieutenant-Colonel Alexander Syromyatnikov and his Career], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2016): 69–82. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “General'nogo shtaba general-lejtenant N.N. Stogov – dobrosovestnyi voennyi specialist Krasnoi Armii ili zavedomyi ‘vreditel'’ v ee ryadakh?” [Lieutenant-General of the General Staff N.N. Stogov – A Scrupulous Red Army Military Specialist, or a Notorious “Wrecker” within its Ranks?], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2015): 59–70. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “General'nogo shtaba general-major M.YE. Solnyshkin: ot khrabrogo terskogo kazaka i 'myatezhnika – kornilovtsa’ k dobrosovestnomu sluzhake v provintsial'nykh shtabakh Krasnoi Armii. 1914–1924 gg” [The General Staff, Major-General M.E. Solnyshkin: from brave Terek Cossacks and “rebel-Korniloviets” to the conscientious campaigner in the provincial headquarters Red Army. 1914–1924], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 3. (2014): 132–44. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “General'nogo shtaba kapitan I.N. Zahkarov: zabytyi ‘genshtabist’ ili ‘dobraya ten’ M.N. Tukhachevskogo” [General Staff Captain I. N. Zakharov: Forgotten General Staff Employee or the “Good Shadow” of M.N. Tukhachevskiy], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Mo-dern History of Russia], no. 2 (2017): 121–29. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Nekotorye obstoyatel'stva ‘puteshestviya’ Nikolaevskoi Akademii Gener-al'nogo Shtaba iz Ekaterinburga v Kazan' 23–24 iyulya 1918 g. (chast' I)” [Some particulars of the “voyage” of the Nicolas Academy of the General Staff from Ekaterinburg to Kazan’ (July 23–24, 1918) (part I)], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2012): 116–31. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Nekotorye obstoyatel'stva ‘puteshestviya’ Nikolaevskoi Akademii Gener-al'nogo Shtaba iz Ekaterinburga v Kazan' 23–24 iyulya 1918 g. (chast' II)” [Some particulars of the “voyage” of the Nicolas Academy of the General Staff from Ekaterinburg to Kazan’ (July 23–24, 1918) (part II)], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 3 (2012): 26–61. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Oni sozdavali Krasnuyu armiyu: General'nogo shtaba general-major F.F. Novitskii – real'nyi organizator pobed Krasnoi armii na Vostochnom fronte 1919 g.” [They were creating the Red Army: Major General of the General Staff F.F. Novitsky – the real arranger of the victories of the Red Army on the Eastern Front in 1919], Istoriya povsednevnosti [History of Eve-ryday Life], no. 3 (2017): 142–55. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Ot A.V. Kolchaka – v Krasnuyu Armiyu: sluzhebnaya zanyatost' i dal'neishie sud'by vypusknikov mladshego klassa 4 ocheredi uskorennykh kursov ‘beloi’ Akademii Gen-eral'nogo Shtaba (Tomsk, aprel' 1919 g.)” [From Kolchak to the Red Army: The Career and Even-tual Fate of the Graduates of the Junior Class of the “White” General Staff Academy’s 4th Round of Accelerated Courses (Tomsk. April, 1919)], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2014): 40–68. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Prodolzhaya trudy A.G. Kavtaradze: kursanty 3 ocheredi uskorennykh kur-sov Nikolaevskoi Akademii General'nogo Shtaba na sluzhbe v Krasnoy Armii (1918–1930-e gg.)” [Continuing the Work of A.G. Kaftaradze: the Cadets of the 3rd Stage of Accelerated Cources at the Russian General Staff's Nikolai Academy in Red Army (1918–1930s)], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Contemporary History of Russia], no. 2 (2016): 138–88. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Russkii ‘genshtabist’, dvazhdy spasennyi L.D. Trotskim: General'nogo shtaba general-major S.I. Odintsov” [Russian General Staff Officer, saved Twice by L.D. Trotsky: General Staff Ma¬jor-General S.I. Odintsov], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 4 (2017): 45–55. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Social'no-bytovaya motivatsiya v konkretnykh sud'bakh: General'nogo shtaba podpolkovnik Viktor Ivanovich Oberyukhtin – ‘sluga dvukh gospod’ poocheredno (1918–1938 gg.)” [Everyday motivation at concrete biographies: General Staff Lieutenant-Colonel Viktor Ivanovich Oberiukhtin – “the servant of two misters” serially (1918–1938)], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2013): 66–80. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. “Za nego ruchalsya sam L.D. Trotsky: General'nogo shtaba general-major G.M. Tikhmenev i ego sud'ba” [L.D. Trotskiy Himself Certified for Him: General-Major G.M. Tikhmenev and His Destiny], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 3 (2017): 91–99. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. Ofitsery Russkoi Imperatorskoi Armii v Korpuse ‘krasnogo’ General'nogo Shtaba (personal'nyi sostav, sluzhebnaya zanyatost', spetsifika lichnykh sudeb (1918–1945 gg.)) [Officers of the Russian Imperial Army in the Corps of the ‘Red’ General Staff (personnel, em-ployment and specifics of personal destinies (1918–1945)]. Biograficheskii spravochnik [Bio-graphical directory]. Vol. 1. St Petersburg: Gumanitarnaya Akademiya, 2018. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V. Vypuskniki Nikolaevskoi Akademii General'nogo Shtaba na sluzhbe v Krasnoi Armii [Review of: Graduates of the Nikolaev General Staff Academy on duty in the Red Army]. St Petersburg: Aleteya, 2011. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and V.A. Veremenko. “M.D. Bonch-Bruevich – odin iz osnovatelei Krasnoi Armii: stranitsy biografii” [M.D. Bonch-Bruevich – One of the Founders of the Red Army: Pages of a Biography], Novejshaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], vol. 8, no. 1 (2018): 57–69. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and D.I. Petin. “General-major genshtaba N.N. Artamonov (1872–1937): Biografiya skvoz' prizmu novykh istochnikov” [Major General N.N. Artamonov (1872–1937): Bi-ography through the prism of new sources], Vestnik arkhivista [Bulletin of an Archivist], no. 3 (2017): 275–300. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and V.S. Mil'bakh. “Komkor Nikolai Vasil'evich Lisovskii i ego sud'ba” [The fate of Komkor Nikolay Lisovskiy], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 3 (2015): 46–54. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and D.I. Petin, “Russkii artillerist A.V. Beklemishev na sluzhbe v chetyrekh armiyah: opyt istoriko-biograficheskogo issledovaniya” [Russian artilleryman A.V. Beklemishev during the service in four armies: The experience of historical and biographical research], Vestnik arkhivista [Bulletin of an Archivist], no. 3 (2016): 266–99. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and D.Yu. Ispovednikov. “Po otnosheniyu k Sovetskoj vlasti – loyalen…”: ko-missarskie kharakteristiki na prepodavatelei Voennoi akademii RKKA serediny 1920-kh gg. [“Commissar’s Testimonials on Professors of Red Army Military Academy in mid 1920s], Novey-shaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 1 (2017): 194–224. (In Russian)
Kaminskiy, V.V., and V.A. Veremenko. “Dvoryanskaya sem'ya Baranovskikh na slome epokh” [The Noble Family Baranovskiy at the Turn of the Epoch], Noveishaya istoriya Rossii [Modern History of Russia], no. 3 (2016): 64–83. (In Russian)
Rat'kovskii, I.S. Review of Kaminskiy, V.V. Vypuskniki Nikolaevskoi Akademii General'nogo Shtaba na sluzhbe v Krasnoi Armii [Graduates of the Nikolaev General Staff Academy on duty in the Red Army]. Saint Petersburg: Aletejya, 2011. 736 p., Noveyshaya Istoriya Rossii [Modern His-tory of Russia], no. 2 (2012): 242–47. (In Russian)
V.V. Kaminskiy, Civil War, General Stuff, military specialists, Cheka
For citation:
Rat’kovskiy I. “Kaminsky V.V. Officers of the Russian Imperial Army in the Corps of the ‘Red’ General Staff (personnel, employment and specifics of personal destinies (1918–1945)). Biographical directory. Volume 1. A-Zh. (Saint Petersburg: Gumanitarnaya Akademiya, 2018”. Historia provinciae – The journal of regional history, vol. 2, no. 4 (2018): 271–284, 10.23859/2587-8344-2018-2-4-10
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2587-8344 (Online)