The Phenomenon of Party-Political Work in the Red Army during the Civil War: Conceptual Foundations, Principles, Forms and Methods (1918–1920)
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During the Civil War in Russia (1918–1920), the system of party-political work took its origin, strengthened and functioned successfully. It was initiated by the Communist Party, which ruled in the young Republic of Soviets, mainly by V.I. Lenin’s efforts. The article briefly reveals the conceptual foundations, principles, forms and methods of party-political work in the years of 1918–20. It has been proved that they corresponded to the Bolshevik doctrinal attitudes considering the specificity of the historical situation that developed during the fratricidal struggle of the Russian Civil War.
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Chliyants, A.Ya. V.I. Lenin – organizator partiino-politicheskoi raboty v Krasnoi Armii [V.I. Lenin – organizer of party-political work in the Red Army]. L'vov: Vishcha shk.: Izd-vo pri L'vov. un-te, 1984. 168 p. (In Russian)
Efremov, V.Ya. "Deyatel'nost' vlastnykh struktur po ukrepleniyu moral'nogo dukha vooruzhen-nykh sil Sovetskogo gosudarstva (noyabr' 1917 – avgust 1918 g.) [The activities of government structures to strengthen the morale of the armed forces of the Soviet state (November 1917 – Au-gust 1918)]", Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiiskoi akademii nauk [Bulletin of Samara Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences], vol. 19, no. 3 (2017): 70–74. (In Russian)
Epishev, A.A. Aktual'nye voprosy partiino-politicheskoi raboty v armii i na flote [Topical Issues of Party-Political Work in the Army and Navy]. Moscow: Voenizdat, 1984. 224 p. (In Russian)
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Erickson, J. The Soviet High Command: A Military-Political History, 1918–1941. New-York: St. Martin's Press, 1962. 889 p.
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Grey, I. The First Fifty Years Soviet Russia, 1917–1967. London: Coward-McCann, 1967. 558 p.
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Ippolitov, G.M. "Rossiiskaya Grazhdanskaya voina v otechestvennoi istoriografii vtoroi poloviny 1980-kh – pervoi polovine 1990-kh gg. (nekotorye aspekty problemy)" [The Russian Civil War in the Russian historiography of the second half of the 1980s – the first half of the 1990s. (Some aspects of the problem)], Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiiskoi akademii nauk [Bulletin of Samara Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences], vol. 10, no. 1 (23) (2008): 204–20. (In Russian)
Kak organizovat' rotnuyu yacheiku: (Po dokladu tov. Podvoiskogo) [How to organize a company cell: (According to the report by Comrade Podvoisky)]; compiled by Evgenii Babin, 2nd edition, Kiev: Polit. upr. Nar. kom. po voennym delam Ukrainy [Political administration of the People’s Commissar on military affairs in Ukraine], 1919. 8 p. (In Russian)
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Mackintosh, L.M. The political administration. The Red Army. Cambridge, MA/London: Har-vard University Press, 1956. 480 p.
Matyunin, Z.N. Perebolevshie ‘leviznoi’. V.I. Lenin i anglo-amerikanskie ‘levye’ na II kongresse Kominterna [Recover from ‘leftism’. V. I. Lenin and the Anglo-American ‘Left’ at the 2nd World Congress of the Comintern]. Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1990. 254 p. (In Russian)
Molodtsygin, M.A. Krasnaya Armiya: rozhdenie i stanovlenie. 1917–1920 gg [The Red Army: The birth and the Evolvement. 1917–1920]. Moscow: IRI, 1997. 234 p. (In Russian)
Partiino-politicheskaya rabota v Vooruzhennykh Silakh SSSR (1918–1973 gg.): istoricheskii ocherk [Party-political work in the Armed Forces of the USSR (1918–1973): A Historical Essay], edited by A.A. Epishev. Moscow: Voenizdat, 1974. 366 p. (In Russian)
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Popova, O.N. Kul'turno-prosvetitel'naya rabota v Krasnoi Armii: 1918–1923 gg. [Cultural and educational work in the Red Army: 1918–1923]. PhD thesis. St Petersburg, 2009. 26 p. (In Russian).
Posvyatenko, O.N. Deyatel'nost' organov gosudarstvennoi vlasti i voennogo upravleniya po politicheskomu vospitaniyu voennosluzhashchikh Krasnoi Armii (1918–1924) [The activities of state bodies and military administration for the political education of the military of the Red Army (1918–1924). PhD thesis]. Moscow, 2010. 24 p. (In Russian).
Posvyatenko, O.N. Osnovnye napravleniya deyatel'nosti organov gosudarstvennoi vlasti i voennogo upravleniya po politicheskomu vospitaniyu boitsov i komandirov Krasnoi Armii v 1921–1923 gg. [The main activities of state and military authorities in the political education of fighters and commanders of the Red Army in 1921–1923], Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Ros-siiskoi akademii nauk [Bulletin of Samara Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences], vol. 18, no. 6 (2016): 55–62. (In Russian)
Ryabichev, N. "Politotdel v Grazhdanskoi voine" [Political Department in the Civil War]. In Revolyutsionnaya armiya [Revolutionary Army], vol. 1 (1921): 68–73. (In Russian)
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Sakharov, A.N., O novykh podhodakh k istorii Rossii [On new approaches to the history of Russia], Voprosy istorii [Questions of history], vol. 8 (2002): 3–20. (In Russian)
Semykin, V.A. "Politorgany – organizatory agitatsionno-massovoi raboty v deistvuyushchei armii (1918–1920 gg.): nekotorye aspekty problemy" [Political bodies – organizers of mass campaign in the active army (1918–1920): Some aspects of the problem], Klio [Klio], vol. 9(69) (2012): 79–81. (In Russian)
Utkin, B.P. "M.V. Frunze o partiino-politicheskoi rabote v armii i na flote [M. V. Frunze on party-political work in the army and Navy], Voenno-istoricheskii zhurnal [Military History Journal], vol. 10 (1985): 52–57. (In Russian)
Vladimirtsev, V.S. Partiino-politicheskaya rabota na Yuzhnom fronte v period razgroma Deni-kina (oktyabr' 1919 – yanvar' 1920 gg.). Diss. ... kand. ist. nauk [Party-political Work on the South-ern Front during the Period of Denikin’s Defeat (October 1919 – January 1920). Thesis for a Can-didate degree (PhD dissertation) in Historical Sciences]. Moscow, 1952. 334 p. (In Russian)
Voennaya pedagogika i psikhologiya [Military Pedagogy and Psychology], edited by A.V. Barabanshchikov. Moscow: Voenizdat, 1986. 240 p. (In Russian)
Berkhin, I.B. Voprosy istorii perioda grazhdanskoi voiny (1918–1920) v sochineniyakh V.I. Lenina [Questions of the History of the Civil War Period (1918–1920) in the Works of V.I. Lenin]. Moscow: Nauka, 1981. 368 p. (In Russian)
Chliyants, A.Ya. V.I. Lenin – organizator partiino-politicheskoi raboty v Krasnoi Armii [V.I. Lenin – organizer of party-political work in the Red Army]. L'vov: Vishcha shk.: Izd-vo pri L'vov. un-te, 1984. 168 p. (In Russian)
Efremov, V.Ya. "Deyatel'nost' vlastnykh struktur po ukrepleniyu moral'nogo dukha vooruzhen-nykh sil Sovetskogo gosudarstva (noyabr' 1917 – avgust 1918 g.) [The activities of government structures to strengthen the morale of the armed forces of the Soviet state (November 1917 – Au-gust 1918)]", Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiiskoi akademii nauk [Bulletin of Samara Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences], vol. 19, no. 3 (2017): 70–74. (In Russian)
Epishev, A.A. Aktual'nye voprosy partiino-politicheskoi raboty v armii i na flote [Topical Issues of Party-Political Work in the Army and Navy]. Moscow: Voenizdat, 1984. 224 p. (In Russian)
Epishev, A. "Politicheskim organam Sovetskoi Armii i Voenno-Morskogo flota pyat'desyat let" [50th anniversary of the political bodies of the Soviet Army and the Navy], Kommunist Vooruzhen-nykh Sil [Communist of the Armed Forces], vol. 7 (1969): 3–24. (In Russian)
Erickson, J. The Soviet High Command: A Military-Political History, 1918–1941. New-York: St. Martin's Press, 1962. 889 p.
Gorskii, G. Za chto voyuyut rabochie i krest'yane [What the Workers and Peasants are Fighting for]. Moscow: Litizdat PUR, 1920. 16 p. (In Russian)
Grey, I. The First Fifty Years Soviet Russia, 1917–1967. London: Coward-McCann, 1967. 558 p.
Ideologicheskaya rabota v Vooruzhennykh Silakh SSSR: istoriko-teoreticheskii ocherk [Ideo-logical work in the Armed Forces of the USSR: A historical and theoretical essay]; edited by A.A. Epishev. Moscow: Voenizdat, 1983. 344 p. (In Russian)
Ippolitov, G.M. "Rossiiskaya Grazhdanskaya voina v otechestvennoi istoriografii vtoroi poloviny 1980-kh – pervoi polovine 1990-kh gg. (nekotorye aspekty problemy)" [The Russian Civil War in the Russian historiography of the second half of the 1980s – the first half of the 1990s. (Some aspects of the problem)], Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Rossiiskoi akademii nauk [Bulletin of Samara Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences], vol. 10, no. 1 (23) (2008): 204–20. (In Russian)
Kak organizovat' rotnuyu yacheiku: (Po dokladu tov. Podvoiskogo) [How to organize a company cell: (According to the report by Comrade Podvoisky)]; compiled by Evgenii Babin, 2nd edition, Kiev: Polit. upr. Nar. kom. po voennym delam Ukrainy [Political administration of the People’s Commissar on military affairs in Ukraine], 1919. 8 p. (In Russian)
Kalashnikova, E.B. Ideologicheskaya deyatel'nost' organov sovetskoi vlasti v chastyakh deist-vuyushchei armii v gody Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii (1918–1920 gg.) [The Ideological Activity of the Soviet Authorities in the Units of the Army during the Russian Civil War (1918–1920)]. Samara: Izd-vo SNTs RAN, 2007. 112 p. (In Russian)
Kenez, P. Krasnaya ataka, beloe soprotivlenie. 1917–1918 [Red Attack, White Resistance. 1917–1918], translated from English by K.A. Nikiforov. Moscow: Tsentrpoligraf, 2007. 287 p. (In Russian)
Klochkov, V.A. Krasnaya Armiya – shkola kommunisticheskogo vospitaniya sovetskikh voinov. 1918–1941 gg [The Red Army as a School of Communist Education for Soviet Soldiers. 1918–1941]. Moscow: Nauka, 1979. 227 p. (In Russian)
Kolychev, V.G. Partiino-politicheskaya rabota v Krasnoi Armii v gody grazhdanskoi voiny 1918–1920 [Party-Political Work in the Red Army during the Civil War of 1918–1920]. Moscow: Nauka, 1979. 407 p. (In Russian)
Korneev, V.V. "Krizis istoricheskoi nauki v Rossii" [Crisis of Historical Science in Russia], Centaur, no 4 (1994): 87–93. (In Russian)
KPSS i voennoe stroitel'stvo [CPSU and Military Construction], edited by A. A. Epishev. Mos-cow: Voenizdat, 1982. 312 p. (In Russian)
Mackintosh, L.M. The political administration. The Red Army. Cambridge, MA/London: Har-vard University Press, 1956. 480 p.
Matyunin, Z.N. Perebolevshie ‘leviznoi’. V.I. Lenin i anglo-amerikanskie ‘levye’ na II kongresse Kominterna [Recover from ‘leftism’. V. I. Lenin and the Anglo-American ‘Left’ at the 2nd World Congress of the Comintern]. Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1990. 254 p. (In Russian)
Molodtsygin, M.A. Krasnaya Armiya: rozhdenie i stanovlenie. 1917–1920 gg [The Red Army: The birth and the Evolvement. 1917–1920]. Moscow: IRI, 1997. 234 p. (In Russian)
Partiino-politicheskaya rabota v Vooruzhennykh Silakh SSSR (1918–1973 gg.): istoricheskii ocherk [Party-political work in the Armed Forces of the USSR (1918–1973): A Historical Essay], edited by A.A. Epishev. Moscow: Voenizdat, 1974. 366 p. (In Russian)
Pipes, R. The Formation of the Soviet Union: Communism and Nationalism, 1917–1923. Cam-bridge: Harvard University Press, 1997. 365 p.
Politorgany Sovetskikh Vooruzhennykh Sil: istoriko-teoreticheskii ocherk [Political Bodies of the Soviet Armed Forces: A historical and theoretical essay], edited by G. Sredin. Moscow: Voenizdat, 1984. 432 p. (In Russian)
Popova, O.N. Kul'turno-prosvetitel'naya rabota v Krasnoi Armii: 1918–1923 gg. [Cultural and educational work in the Red Army: 1918–1923]. PhD thesis. St Petersburg, 2009. 26 p. (In Russian).
Posvyatenko, O.N. Deyatel'nost' organov gosudarstvennoi vlasti i voennogo upravleniya po politicheskomu vospitaniyu voennosluzhashchikh Krasnoi Armii (1918–1924) [The activities of state bodies and military administration for the political education of the military of the Red Army (1918–1924). PhD thesis]. Moscow, 2010. 24 p. (In Russian).
Posvyatenko, O.N. Osnovnye napravleniya deyatel'nosti organov gosudarstvennoi vlasti i voennogo upravleniya po politicheskomu vospitaniyu boitsov i komandirov Krasnoi Armii v 1921–1923 gg. [The main activities of state and military authorities in the political education of fighters and commanders of the Red Army in 1921–1923], Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra Ros-siiskoi akademii nauk [Bulletin of Samara Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences], vol. 18, no. 6 (2016): 55–62. (In Russian)
Ryabichev, N. "Politotdel v Grazhdanskoi voine" [Political Department in the Civil War]. In Revolyutsionnaya armiya [Revolutionary Army], vol. 1 (1921): 68–73. (In Russian)
Rybnikov, V.V. Deyatel'nost' KPSS po internatsional'nomu vospitaniyu sovetskikh voinov: is-toriograficheskoe issledovanie [The activities of the CPSU in the international education of Soviet soldiers: A historiographical study]. Moscow: VPA, 1986. 206 p. (In Russian)
Sakharov, A.N., O novykh podhodakh k istorii Rossii [On new approaches to the history of Russia], Voprosy istorii [Questions of history], vol. 8 (2002): 3–20. (In Russian)
Semykin, V.A. "Politorgany – organizatory agitatsionno-massovoi raboty v deistvuyushchei armii (1918–1920 gg.): nekotorye aspekty problemy" [Political bodies – organizers of mass campaign in the active army (1918–1920): Some aspects of the problem], Klio [Klio], vol. 9(69) (2012): 79–81. (In Russian)
Utkin, B.P. "M.V. Frunze o partiino-politicheskoi rabote v armii i na flote [M. V. Frunze on party-political work in the army and Navy], Voenno-istoricheskii zhurnal [Military History Journal], vol. 10 (1985): 52–57. (In Russian)
Vladimirtsev, V.S. Partiino-politicheskaya rabota na Yuzhnom fronte v period razgroma Deni-kina (oktyabr' 1919 – yanvar' 1920 gg.). Diss. ... kand. ist. nauk [Party-political Work on the South-ern Front during the Period of Denikin’s Defeat (October 1919 – January 1920). Thesis for a Can-didate degree (PhD dissertation) in Historical Sciences]. Moscow, 1952. 334 p. (In Russian)
Voennaya pedagogika i psikhologiya [Military Pedagogy and Psychology], edited by A.V. Barabanshchikov. Moscow: Voenizdat, 1986. 240 p. (In Russian)
Civil War, The Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army, party-political work, Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Soviet patriotism, the World Revolution, Soviet state
For citation:
Ippolitov, G. “The Phenomenon of Party-Political Work in the Red Army during the Civil War: Conceptual Foundations, Principles, Forms and Methods (1918–1920)”, Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 2, no. 4 (2018): 149–177, 10.23859/2587-8344-2018-2-4-6
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