Voronezh Corps in the Armed Forces of South Russia: War and Public Sentiments

Voronezh Corps in the Armed Forces of South Russia: War and Public Sentiments

Anton V. Posadskii
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The article covers military aspects of the operation of the Voronezh Corps in the special Southern Army in 1918 – early 1919, as well as the public moods among the Voronezh
peasantry  at  that  time.  The  article  considers  the  military  structure  and  tactical  employment  of  the  units  within the Voronezh Corps. It shows that the advantageous base data for the formation of the non-Cossack armed services could not be implemented due to the incompetent and restorative management.  However,  the  Cossack  military  leadership  also  demonstrated  the  consumptive  attitude  towards the Southern Army. At the same time, the military units of the army conducted a heavy winter  campaign.  The  fate  of  the  Voronezh  Corps  is  welldefined  by  the  fate  of  the  similar  Saratov  Corps, the core of which was comprised of the motivated local peasants.
Anton V. Posadskii
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Docent,
Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
Saratov, Russia
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Russia, Civil War, the White movement, Southern Army (the Armed Forces of South Russia), the Voronezh Corps, mobilization, officer’s rank
For citation:
Posadskii, A. “Voronezh Corps in the Armed Forces of South Russia: War and Public Sentiments”. Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 2, no. 4 (2018): 82–115, 10.23859/2587-8344-2018-2-4-4

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