300 Years in the Service to the Native Land: Specifics of the Regional Develop...

300 Years in the Service to the Native Land: Specifics of the Regional Development of the Police Bodies in the Russian Empire (on the materials of the jubilee international scientific conference held at St Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Nadezhda S. Nizhnik
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The article provides an overview of the jubilee international scientific conference The Russian Police: Three Centuries of Serving the Native Land dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian police and held at St Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on 23–25th April 2018. The author describes the main points of the conference participants’ reports and speeches devoted to the problems of development of the police bodies in the regions of imperial Russia.
Nadezhda S. Nizhnik
Doctor of Law (Higher Doctorate), Professor,
Honorary Figure of Russian Higher Education
St Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
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Nizhnik, N.S., S.S. Shchepkin, A.V. Demidov, and O.V. Semenova. “Gosudarstvo i pravo: evolyutsiya, sovremennoe sostoyanie, perspektivy razvitiya (navstrechu 300-letiyu rossiiskoi polit-sii)” (chast II) (o mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-teoreticheskoi konferentsii, sostoyavsheisya v Sankt-Peterburgskom universitete MVD Rossii) [‘State and law: The evolution, current state and devel-opment prospects (towards the 300th anniversary of the Russian police)’ (Part II) (on the interna-tional scientific and theoretical conference held at St Petersburg University of Ministry of the Inter-nal Affairs of Russia)]. In Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii [Bulletin of St Petersburg University of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia], no. 3(71) (2016): 214–22. (In Russian)
Nizhnik, N.S., S.S. Shchepkin, A.V. Demidov, and O.V. Semenova. “Nauchnyi forum, pos-vyashchennyi 300-letiyu rossiiskoi politsii (o mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-teoreticheskoi konferentsii “Gosudarstvo i pravo: evolyutsiya, sovremennoe sostoyanie, perspektivy razvitiya (navstrechu 300-letiyu rossiiskoi politsii)”. Sankt-Peterburgskii universitet MVD Rossii, 28–29 aprelia 2016 g.) [Scientific forum dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian police (on the international scientific-theoretical conference ‘State and law: The evolution, current state and development pros-pects (towards the 300th anniversary of the Russian police)’. St Petersburg University of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 28–29th April 2016]. In Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta MVD Rossii [Bulletin of St Petersburg University of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia], no. 2(70) (2016): 218–26. (In Russian)
Nizhnik, N.S., ed. Rossiiskaya politsiya: tri veka sluzheniya Otechestvu [Elektronnyi resurs]: Materialy yubileinoi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posvyashchennoi 300-letiyu rossiiskoi politsii. Sankt-Peterburg, 23–25 aprelya 2018 g., pod red. N.S. Nizhnik. Elektronnye dan. (19,6 MB). [The Russian Police: Three Centuries of Serving the Native Land [Electronic resource]: Materials of the jubilee international scientific conference dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian police. St Petersburg, 23–25th April 2018. Electronic data (19.6 MB)]. St Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskii universitet MVD Rossii, 2018. 1860 p. (In Russian)
Nizhnik, N.S., ed. Rossiiskaya politsiya: tri veka sluzheniya Otechestvu [Elektronnyi resurs]: Materialy yubileinoi mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii, posvyashchennoi 300-letiyu rossiiskoi politsii. Sankt-Peterburg, 25 aprelya 2018 g., pod red. N.S. Nizhnik. Elektronnye dan. (5,11 MB). [The Russian Police: Three Centuries of Serving the Native Land [Electronic resource]: Materials of the jubilee international scientific conference dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Russian police. Section of young researchers. St Petersburg, 25th April 2018. Electronic data (5,11 MB)]. St Petersburg: Sankt-Peterburgskii universitet MVD Rossii, 2018, 776 p. (In Russian)
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Russian Empire, police, police activities, regions, police history, the 300th anniversary of the Russian police, St Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
For citation:
Nizhnik, N. “300 Years in the Service to the Native Land: Specifics of the Regional Development of the Police Bodies in the Russian Empire (on the materials of the jubilee international scientific conference held at St Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs)”, Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 3, no. 1 (2019): 495–522.

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