Stalingrad Internal Affairs Agencies in the Fight against the Nazi War Criminals (1942–1943)
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The article is devoted to the institutional and legal aspects of Stalingrad NKVD to investigate the Nazi atrocities in 1942–43. Based on the archival records, many of which are introduced to the scholars for the first time, the author shows the features and the main indicators of the struggle of internal affairs agencies against the Nazi war criminals and their collaborators on the example of Stalingrad. The article includes an introduction, a main body, a conclusion and references. The article concludes that, thanks to the Stalingrad internal affairs agencies, the victims and the material damage from the Nazi atrocities were identified in the region, and the names of their perpetrators were identified.
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Hilger, A. Sowjetische Justiz und Kriegsverbrechen. Dokumente zu den Verurteilungen deut-scher Kriegsgefangener, 1941–1949, Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeit Geschichte, 54 (2006): 461–515.
Hilger, A. Sowjetische Militärtribunale. Band 1: Die Verurteilung deutscher Kriegsgefangener 1941–1953. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2001. 441 s.
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Dokumenty obvinyayut: sbornik dokumentov o chudovishchnykh zverstvakh germanskikh vlastei na vremenno zakhvachennykh imi sovetskikh territoriyakh [Documents Accuse: A collection of documents about the monstrous atrocities of the German authorities in the Soviet territories tem-porarily seized by them], vol. 1, 250 p. Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo politicheskoi litera-tury, 1943. (In Russian).
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Epifanov, A.E. “Presledovanie voennykh prestupnikov sredi voennoplennykh vermakhta v SSSR (istoriko-pravovoi aspekt)” [Prosecution of war criminals among Wehrmacht prisoners of war in the USSR (historical and legal aspect)], Pravo i praktika [Law and Practice], vol. 4 (2017): 6–16. (In Russian).
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Gernet, M.N. Prestupleniya gitlerovtsev protiv chelovechnosti [The Crimes of the Nazis against Humanity]. Moscow: Yuridicheskaya literatura, 1946. 26 p. (In Russian).
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Hilger, A. Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in der Sowjetunion, 1941–1956. Kriegsgefangenen-politik, Lageralltag und Erinnerung. Essen: Klartext Verlag, 2000. 486 s.
Hilger, A. Sowjetische Justiz und Kriegsverbrechen. Dokumente zu den Verurteilungen deut-scher Kriegsgefangener, 1941–1949, Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeit Geschichte, 54 (2006): 461–515.
Hilger, A. Sowjetische Militärtribunale. Band 1: Die Verurteilung deutscher Kriegsgefangener 1941–1953. Köln: Böhlau Verlag, 2001. 441 s.
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Karev, D.S. Nyurnbergskii protsess [Nuremberg Trials]. Moscow: Znanie, 1976. 63 p. (In Rus-sian).
Karner, S. Im Archipel GUPVI. Kriegsgefangenschaft und Internierung in der Sowjetunion 1941–1956. Wien-München: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 1995. 269 s.
Konasov, V.B. Sud'by nemetskikh voennoplennykh v SSSR: diplomaticheskie, pravovye i poli-ticheskie aspekty problemy. Ocherki i dokumenty [The Fate of German Prisoners of War in the USSR: Diplomatic, Legal and Political Aspects of the Problem. Essays and documents]. Vologda: Vologodskii institut povysheniya kvalifikatsii i perepodgotovki pedagogicheskikh kadrov, 1996. 320 p. (In Russian).
Konasov, V.B. Sudebnoe presledovanie nemetskikh voennoplennykh v SSSR. Vneshnepoli-ticheskii aspekt problem [Prosecution of German Prisoners of War in the USSR. Foreign Policy As-pect of the Problem]. Moscow: Institut voennoi istorii Ministerstva oborony RF, 1998. 168 p. (In Russian).
Kovalev, B.N. Natsistskii okkupatsionnyi rezhim i kollaboratsionizm v Rossii (1941–1945 gg.) [Nazi Occupation Regime and Collaborationism in Russia (1941–1945)]. Velikii Novgorod: Nov-gorodskii mezhregional'nyi institut obshchestvennykh nauk, 2009. 482 p. (In Russian).
Krupennikov, A.A. Tyazhkaya nosha plena. 1993–2000 [Heavy Burden of Captivity. Articles. 1993–2000]. Moscow: Reittar", 2001. 208 p. (In Russian).
Kudryavtsev, V.N. Zakon, postupok, otvetstvennost' [Law, Deed, Responsibility]. Moscow: Nauka, 1986. 448 p. (In Russian).
Kuz'min, S.T. Sroku davnosti ne podlezhit [No Statute of Limitations.]. Moscow: Politizdat, 1985. 206 p. (In Russian).
Kuzminykh, A.L. Voennyi plen i internirovanie v SSSR [Military Captivity and Internment in the USSR]. Vologda: Drevnosti Severa, 2016. 527 p. (In Russian).
Lang M. Stalins Strafjustiz gegen deutsche soldaten. Die Massen-Prozesse gegen deutsche Kriegsgefangene in den Jahren 1949 und 1950. Herford: Mittler, 1981. 148 s.
Lebedeva, N.S. Podgotovka Nyurnbergskogo protsessa [Preparation for the Nuremberg Trials]. Moscow: Nauka, 1975. 240 p. (In Russian).
Lehmann, A. Gefangenschaft und Heimkehr. Deutsche Kriegsgefangene in der Sowjetunion. München: C.H. Beck, 1986. 201 s.
Levin, D.B. “Ob ugolovnoi otvetstvennosti voennoplennykh” [‘On the criminal liability of prisoners of war’]. In Voprosy ugolovnogo prava [Questions of the Criminal Law], coll. 1, 85–94. Moscow: Yuridicheskoe izdatel'stvo Narodnogo Komissariata Yustitsii SSSR, 1944. (In Russian).
Meleshko, E.P. “K istorii voprosa ob otvetstvennosti za narusheniya zakonov i obychaev voiny” [On the history of the issue of liability for violations of the laws and customs of war]. In Sovetskii ezhegodnik mezhdunarodnogo prava 1960 [Soviet Yearly Periodical of International Law 1960], 220–52. Moscow: AN SSSR, 1961. (In Russian).
Molchanov, V.K. Vozmezdie dolzhno svershit'sya: natsistskie voennye prestupniki i ikh pok-roviteli [Retribution must be made: The Nazi war criminals and their patrons]. Moscow: Politizdat, 1984. 278 p. (In Russian).
Petrov, N.V. ‘Vnesudebnye repressii protiv nemetskikh voennoplennykh v 1941–1946 gg’ [Out-of-court reprisals against German prisoners of war in 1941–1946]. In Problemy voennogo plena: istoriya i sovremennost': materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii 23–25 oktyabrya 1997 g. v g. Vologde [Problems of Military Captivity: Past and Present: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference, 23–25th October 1997, in Vologda], part 2 (1997), 77–95. (In Russian).
Piontkovskii, A.A. Voprosy material'nogo ugolovnogo prava na Nyurnbergskom protsesse [Questions of Substantive Criminal Law at the Nuremberg Trials]. Moscow: Moskovskii yuridi-cheskii institut, 1948. 28 p. (In Russian).
Poltorak, A.I. Nyurnbergskii protsess (Osnovnye pravovye problemy) [Nuremberg Trials (Basic Legal Problems)]. Moscow: Nauka, 1966. 351 p. (In Russian).
Polyan, P. Zhertvy dvukh diktatur: Ostarbaitery i voennoplennye v Tret'em Reikhe i ikh repa-triatsiya [The Victims of the Two Dictatorships: Ostarbeiters and Prisoners of War in the Third Reich and their Repatriation]. Moscow: Vash vybor TsIRZ, 1996. 442 p. (In Russian).
Polyanskii, N.N. Mezhdunarodnoe pravosudie i prestupniki voiny [International Justice and War Criminals]. Moscow: AN SSSR, 1945. 117 p. (In Russian).
Raginskii, M.Yu. Osnovnye protsessual'nye voprosy organizatsii i deyatel'nosti mezhdunarod-nykh voennykh tribunalov v Nyurnberge i Tokio [The main procedural issues of the organization and activities of the international military tribunals in Nuremberg and Tokyo], PhD thesis. Moscow: All-Union Institute of Jurisprudence of the Ministry of Justice of the USSR, 1950. 16 p. (In Russian).
Romashkin, P.S. Voennye prestupleniya imperializma [War Crimes of Imperialism]. Moscow: Gosyurizdat, 1953. 439 p. (In Russian).
Ryasnoi, V.V., and Yu.M. Chernyavskii. Na sluzhbe d'yavolu [In the Service of the Devil]. Moscow: Yuridicheskaya literatura, 1969. 238 p. (In Russian).
Semiryaga, M.I. Kollaboratsionizm: priroda, tipologiya i proyavleniya v gody Vtoroi mirovoi voiny [Collaborationism: Nature, Typology and Manifestations during the Second World War]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2000. 862 p. (In Russian).
Smith, A. Heimkehr aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die Entlassung der deutschen Kriegsgefange-nen. Stuttgart: Verlags-Anstalt, 1985. 204 s.
Smykalin, A.S. Kolonii i tyur'my v Sovetskoi Rossii [Colonies and Prisons in Soviet Russia]. Ekaterinburg: Ural'skaya gosudarstvennaya yuridicheskaya akademiya, 1997. 368 p. (In Russian).
Trainin, A.N. “Beschelovechnyi gumanizm” [Inhuman humanism], Voina i rabochii klass [War and Working Class], vol. 9 (1944): 16–18. (In Russian).
Trainin, A.N. Ugolovnaya otvetstvennost' gitlerovtsev [The Criminal Responsibility of the Na-zis]. Moscow: Yuridicheskoe izdatel'stvo Narodnogo Komissariata Yustitsii SSSR, 1944. 107 p. (In Russian).
Utevskii, B.S. Sudebnye protsessy o zlodeyaniyakh nemetsko-fashistskikh zakhvatchikov na ter-ritorii SSSR [The Trials of the Atrocities of the German Fascist Invaders in the USSR]. Moscow: Yuridicheskoe izdatel'stvo, 1946. 60 p. (In Russian).
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Nazi War Criminals, the Extraordinary State Commission, assistance commission, Wehrmacht and prisoners of war, Stalingrad, NKVD, NKGB, atrocities and wrongdoings
For citation:
Epifanov, A. “Stalingrad Internal Affairs Agencies in the Fight against the Nazi War Criminals (1942–1943)”. Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 3, no. 1 (2019): 318–370, http://
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