Discourse about United Russia in the Post-imperial Context
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This article investigates the substance of the discourse about United Russia in years from 2000 to 2008 in the context of the semiotic approach of Yu.M. Lotman. The author introduces the idea of United Russia as the “product” of the Russian imperial state’s evolution. The author argues that the discourse about United Russia can be regarded as one of the options for the new cultural identity of Russia. Author’s reasoning is that the purpose of this discourse is to modernize society and offer a new perception of the state authority as the higher cultural value embodied in government institutions.
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binary culture, discourse, United Russia, empire, “Moscow is the Third Rome” concept, the USSR
For citation:
Klyukina, L. “Discourse about United Russia in the Post-imperial Context.” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 3, no. 3 (2019): 911–937, http://
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