Region as a Subcultural Locus of Cultural Regionalism and Regional Geopoetics

Region as a Subcultural Locus of Cultural Regionalism and Regional Geopoetics

Ludmila E. Bejenaru
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The theory of integration within the framework of the functional approach considers the region as an active and dynamically developing unit. In the theory of pluralistic communicative integration formulated in the works of Karl Deutsch, a region can be both constructed and deconstructed in ideally-symbolical and spatially-geographical terms. In this context we view the region as a subcultural locus of cultural regionalism and regional geopoetics. The commonality of the “small homeland” is considered by us as the basis of regional identity, while the literature of the “small homeland” is considered as a regional model of literature that has regional status in relation to the mainland and describes the ethno-vitality and timelessness of a locus and its spatial images. The regional literary process builds the local literary model, which is a kind of analogue of the national literary process.
Ludmila E. Bejenaru
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor,
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (Iasi, Romania)
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region, regionalism, literature of the “small homeland”, regional model of literature, local literary model
For citation:
Bejenaru, L. “Region as a Subcultural Locus of Cultural Regionalism and Regional Geopoetics.” Historia Provinciae – The journal of regional history, vol. 3, no. 3 (2019): 975–1026, http://

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