Foreign Connections of Hungarian Scouts (especially as Witnessed by the Journal ...

Foreign Connections of Hungarian Scouts (especially as Witnessed by the Journal Magyar Cserkész 1938/39)

Magdolna Rébay
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In this endeavour, the author presents the history of Hungarian Scouting (1910–1948), focusing on its international network of connections. Special emphasis is placed on the last year of peace (1938–1939). The research aims at describing the mechanism, objectives and results of Hungarian integration into the international Scouting movement after the First World War. The main source is the journal of the Hungarian Scout Association, the Magyar Cserkész [Hungarian Scout]. The author concludes that Hungarian Scouts took an active part in strengthening and expanding the international relations of their country.
Magdolna Rébay
PhD in Historical Sciences, PhD in Educational Sciences
Associate Professor Faculty of Arts Institute of Educational Studies and Cultural Management
University of Debrecen
Debrecen, Hungary
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youth movements, scouting, international relations, foreign policy, Hungary, Esperanto, Poland, contemporary history, the Journal Magyar Cserkész
For citation:
Rébay, M. “Foreign Connections of Hungarian Scouts (especially as Witnessed by the Journal Magyar Cserkész 1938/39).” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 3, no. 4 (2019): 1132–1173, http://

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