Memoirs of Diplomats: Correlation between Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Interpretation of Events
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The article considers memoirs of diplomats as a special type of historical sources that cover not only the storylines of the memoirists’ biographies, personal life and everyday practices but also, to a greater extent, international events, which are at times determinative in treaty-making, peaceful resolution of conflicts and the fate of people and states. The author analyses the memoirs in terms of correlation between subjectivity and objectivity in assessing the events and compares the narratives based on the chronology of their creation: before the Revolution of 1917, in the Soviet era, and in the 1990s – early 21st century. It has been shown that the approaches and assessments made in accordance with the prevailing state ideology as well as the events described depend on the period when the memoirist lived and worked.
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Veremenko, V.A. and V.V. Kaminskii, “‘…Ya vyshla zamuzh za lyubimogo…’ Memuary O.M. Menitskoi-Zommar (01.03.1874 – 31.01.1967)” [“... I married my loved one ...” Memoirs of O.M. Menitskaya-Zommar (01.03.1874 – 31.01.1967)]. Istoriya povsednevnosti, no. 1 (3) (2017): 109–50. (In Russian)
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Zamyatin, L.M. Gorbi i Meggi. Zapiski posla o dvukh izvestnykh politikakh – Mikhaile Gorbacheve i Margaret Tetcher [Gorby and Maggie. Ambassador’s notes on two well-known politicians, Mikhail Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher]. Moscow: PIK VINITI, 1995. (In Russian)
Albright, M. Madam Secretary: A Memoir. New York: Miramax Books, 2003.
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Chekunova, A.E. Russkoe memuarnoe nasledie vtoroi poloviny XVII – XVIII vv. Opyt istochnikovedcheskogo analiza [Russian memoir heritage of the second half of the 17th – 18th century. An attempt of source-study analysis]. Moscow: Rossiiskoe universitetskoe izdatel'stvo, 1995. (In Russian)
Chernomorskii, M.N. Memuary kak istoricheskii istochnik: uchebnoe posobie po istochnikovedeniyu istorii SSSR [Memoirs as a historical source: a textbook of the USSR historу source study]. Moscow: Moskovskii istoriko-arkhivnyi institut, 1959. (In Russian)
Clinton, H. Tyazhelye vremena [Hard Choices]. Translated by K.A. Movchan. Moscow: Eksmo, 2016. (In Russian)
Clinton, H.R. Hard Choices. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2014.
Deryabin, Yu. Legko li byt' poslom? Zapiski o zhizni i kar'ere diplomata [Is it easy to be an ambassador? Notes on the life and career of a diplomat]. Moscow: Ves' Mir, 2010. (In Russian)
Dobrynin, A.F. Sugubo doveritel'no: Posol v Vashingtone pri shesti prezidentakh SShA (1962–1986) [Strictly confidential: Ambassador to Washington under six US presidents (1962–1986)]. Moscow: Avtor, 1997. (In Russian)
Dubinin, Yu.V. Ambakhador! Ambakhador! Zapiski posla v Ispanii [Embajador! Embajador! Notes of the Ambassador to Spain]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2008. (In Russian)
Dubinin, Yu.V. Diplomaticheskaya byl': Zapiski posla vo Frantsii [A diplomatic true story: Notes of the Ambassador to France]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 1997. (In Russian)
Dubinin, Yu.V. Diplomaticheskii marafon: Zapiski uchastnika rossiisko-ukrainskikh peregovorov v 1992–1999 gg. [Diplomatic marathon: Notes of the participant of Russian-Ukrainian negotiations in 1992–1999]. Moscow: AVIARUS-XXI, 2005. (In Russian)
Galiullina, D.M. “Problema izucheniya memuarov v otechestvennoi istoricheskoi mysli” [The problem of studying memoirs in Russian historical thought], Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Gumanitarnye nauki, vol. 148, bk 6 (2006): 36–45. (In Russian)
Georgieva, N.G. “Memuary kak fenomen kul'tury i istoricheskii istochnik” [Memoirs as a cul-tural phenomenon and historical source], Vestnik Rossiiskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: Istoriya Rossii, no. 1 (2012): 126–38. (In Russian)
Golub, Yu.G. “Iranskaya ‘zavyazka’. Perechityvaya nasledie I.M. Maiskogo” [The Iranian ‘plot’. Re-reading I.M. Maiskii’s oeuvre], Izvestiya Saratovskogo universiteta. Novaya seriya. Seriya Istoriya. Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, no. 2, vol. 15, iss. 3 (2015): 71–77. (In Russian)
Gromyko, A.A. Pamyatnoe [Memorable]. 2 vols. Moscow: Politizdat, 1988. (In Russian)
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Ignat'ev, N.P. Missiya v Khivu i Bukharu v 1858 godu fligel'-ad’yutanta polkovnika N. Ignat'eva [Mission to Khiva and Bukhara in 1858 of Aide-de-Camp Colonel N. Ignat'ev]. St Petersburg: [n.p.], 1897. (In Russian)
Karlov, Yu.E. Missiya v Vatikan [Mission to the Vatican]. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2004. (In Russian)
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Khakhalkina, E.V. “Konservatory o sud'bakh britanskoi imperii v pervye gody Vtoroi mirovoi voiny (po stranitsam ‘Dnevnika diplomata’ I. M. Maiskogo)” [Conservatives about the fate of the British Empire in the first years of World War II (based on the ‘Diary of a diplomat’ by I.M. Maiskii]. Vestnik Kemerovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, no. 3 (67) (2016): 32–37. (In Russian)
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Kollontai, A.M. Iz moei zhizni i raboty. Vospominaniya i dnevniki [From my life and work. Memories and diaries]. Moscow: Sovetskaya Rossiya, 1974. (In Russian)
Kotov, Yu.M. Petukh v vine, ili Gastronomicheskie vospominaniya diplomata [Coq au vin, or Gastronomic memoirs of a diplomat]. Moscow: Chelovek, 2008. (In Russian)
Kvitsinskii, Yu.A. Vremya i sluchai. Zametki professionala [Time and chance. Notes of a pro-fessional]. Moscow: OLMA-PRESS, 1999. (In Russian)
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Lebina, N.B. ‘Passazhiry kolbasnogo poezda’. Etyudy k kartine byta rossiiskogo goroda: 1917–1991 [‘Passengers of the sausage train.’ Sketches on the life of a Russian city: 1917–1991]. Moscow: Novoe Literaturnoe Obozrenie, 2018. (In Russian)
Levshina, O.N. “Obraz Ameriki v travelogakh Pavla Petrovicha Svin'ina” [The image of Amer-ica in the travelogues of Pavel Petrovich Svin'in]. Izvestiya Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta imeni A.I. Gertsena, no. 67 (2008): 149–52. (In Russian)
Lopukhin, V.B. Zapiski byvshego direktora departamenta Ministerstva inostrannykh del [Notes of the former head of a department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs]. St Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2008. (In Russian)
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Pokrovskii, N.N. Poslednii v Mariinskom dvortse. Vospominaniya ministra inostrannykh del [The last one in the Mariinsky Palace. Memoirs of the Minister of Foreign Affairs]. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2015. (In Russian)
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Sal'nikova, A.A. “Gorod detstva v avtobiograficheskikh narrativakh kazanskikh istorikov” [The city of childhood in the autobiographical narratives of Kazan historians]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Istoriya, iss. 1 (44) (2019): 129–137. (In Russian)
Sal'nikova, A.A. “Vospominaniya detei o revolyutsii i grazhdanskoi voine v Rossii: ‘Raskolotaya pamyat'’” [Children’s reminiscences of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia: ‘Split memory’]. In Leonid Mikhailovich Spirin: Pamyati istorika, druga, kollegi. Sbornik statei [Leonid Mikhailovich Spirin: In memory of a historian, friend, and colleague. Collection of arti-cles], 124–35. Kazan: Kazanskii gosudarstvennyi universitet imeni V.I. Ul'yanova-Lenina, 2007. (In Russian)
Sazonov, S.D. Vospominaniya [Memoirs]. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 1991. (In Russian)
Sinova, I.V. “Sterzhen' T.M. Zakharovoi v narodnoi diplomatii” [T.M. Zakharova’s pivot in the public diplomacy.” Zhenshchina v rossiiskom obshchestve, no. 1 (2019): 145–52. (In Russian)
Solodyankina, O.Yu. Inostrannye guvernantki v Rossii (vtoraya polovina XVIII – pervaya polovina XIX vv.) [Foreign governesses in Russia (the second half of the 18th century – the first half of the 19th century)]. Moscow: Academia, 2007. (In Russian)
Solov'ev, Yu.Ya. Vospominaniya diplomata 1893–1922 gg. [Memoirs of a diplomat, 1893–1922]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoi literatury, 1959. (In Russian)
Stepanov, A.I. Bernskii dnevnik posla Rossii. 1992–1999. [Bern diary of the Russian Ambassa-dor. 1992–1999]. Moscow: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2011. (In Russian)
Sukhodrev, V.M. Yazyk moi – drug moi. Ot Khrushcheva do Gorbacheva... [My tongue is my friend. From Khrushchev to Gorbachev...]. Moscow: TONCHU, 2008. (In Russian)
Tarle, E.V. “Znachenie arkhivnykh dokumentov dlya istorii” [The value of archival documents for history]. Vestnik arkhivovedeniya, no. 3 (1961): 99–107. (In Russian)
Tartakovskii, A.G. 1812 god i russkaya memuaristika [Year 1812 and Russian memoirs]. Mos-cow: Khudozhestvennaya literatura, 1980. (In Russian)
Tartakovskii, A.G. Russkaya memuaristika XVIII – pervoi poloviny XIX v. [Russian memoirs of the 18th – first half of the 19th century]. Moscow: Nauka, 1991. (In Russian)
Uranov, G.V. Doroga v Vatikan: zapiski Chrezvychainogo i Polnomochnogo Posla, predstavitelya Rossiiskoi Federatsii pri Svyatom prestole v 1996–2001 godakh [The road to the Vatican: notes of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to the Holy See in 1996–2001]. Moscow: MGIMO-Universitet, 2011. (In Russian)
Veremenko, V.A. and V.V. Kaminskii, “‘…Ya vyshla zamuzh za lyubimogo…’ Memuary O.M. Menitskoi-Zommar (01.03.1874 – 31.01.1967)” [“... I married my loved one ...” Memoirs of O.M. Menitskaya-Zommar (01.03.1874 – 31.01.1967)]. Istoriya povsednevnosti, no. 1 (3) (2017): 109–50. (In Russian)
Vishlenkova, E.A., ed. Sotvorenie istorii. Chelovek – pamyat' – tekst: Tsikl lektsii [History in the making. Man – memory – text: Series of lectures]. Kazan: Master Lain, 2001. (In Russian)
Volin, B. “Memuarnoi literature – bol'shevistskuyu bditel'nost'” [Bolshevik vigilance for the memoir literature]. Bor'ba klassov, no. 4 (1932): 102–08. (In Russian)
Zamyatin, L.M. Gorbi i Meggi. Zapiski posla o dvukh izvestnykh politikakh – Mikhaile Gorbacheve i Margaret Tetcher [Gorby and Maggie. Ambassador’s notes on two well-known politicians, Mikhail Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher]. Moscow: PIK VINITI, 1995. (In Russian)
memoirs, narrative source, diplomats, foreign policy, international relations, diplomatic protocol and etiquette, everyday life
For citation:
Sinova, I. “Memoirs of Diplomats: Correlation between Subjectivity and Objectivity in the Interpretation of Events.” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 3, no. 4 (2019): 1210–1244, http://
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