Perm Teachers under the Conditions of Alternating Political Regimes during the Period of Revolution and the Civil War (1917–1919)
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The article focuses on the participation of Perm teachers in the events of the Revolution and the Civil War. It is shown how the socio-political views and social initiatives of the pedagogical intelligentsia transformed under the conditions of the alternating political regimes in the territory of Perm Governorate from February 1917 till July 1919. The activities of the Perm Teachers’ Union are given as the implementation of ideas of the new professional organization of teachers. Various aspects of the interaction between the authorities and pedagogical intelligentsia are considered against the background of the processes of school education reforms during the difficult period of constant political regime change.
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Kochurina, S.A. Uchitel'skie instituty Zapadnoi Sibiri i ikh rol' v podgotovke pedagogicheskikh kadrov (1902–1929) [Teacher institutes of Western Siberia and their role in the teacher training (1902–1929)]. PhD thesis. Tomsk State University, 2005. (In Russian)
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Painov, S.A. “K priezdu v Perm' Pomoshchnika Upolnomochennogo Ministra Narodnogo Prosveshcheniya M.N. Khitrina (Voprosy shkol'noi zhizni)” [To the arrival of the Assistant Commissioner of the Minister of Education M.N. Khitrin in Perm (Issues of school life)]. Osvobozhdenie Rossii. February 14, 1919, p. 3. (In Russian)
“Postanovlenie Gosudarstvennoi Komissii po prosveshcheniyu” [Resolution of the State Commission for Education]. Izvestiya Permskogo gubernskogo ispolnitel'nogo komiteta Soveta rabochikh, soldatskikh i krest'yanskikh deputatov. No. 29, February 26, 1918, p. 4. (In Russian)
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Smirnov, N.N. Na perelome: rossiiskoye uchitel'stvo nakanune i v dni revolyutsii 1917 goda [At the turning point: Russian teachers on the eve and during the Revolution of 1917]. St Petersburg: Nauka, 1994. (In Russian)
“Sobranie Uchitel'skogo soyuza. Khronika” [Teachers’ Union meeting. Chronicle]. Narodnaya svoboda. No. 86, 1917, p. 3. (In Russian)
Soskin, V.L. Formirovanie sovetskoi sistemy obshchego obrazovaniya. Ocherk sotsial'noi istorii [The formation of the Soviet system of general education. An essay on social history]. Novosibirsk: Novosibirskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 2000. (In Russian)
Speshilova, E.A. “Chastnaya gimnaziya Tsimmerman v Permi” [Zimmerman private gymna-sium in Perm]. In Izbrannye materialy kraevedcheskikh chtenii v Permi [Selected materials of local history readings in Perm], 103–04. Perm: Permskaya gosudarstvennaya oblastnaya universal'naya biblioteka im. A.M. Gor'kogo, 1995. (In Russian)
“Subsidiya ‘Svobodnoi trudovoi shkole’. Khronika” [Subsidy to the ‘Free Labour School’. Chronicle]. Sovremennaya Perm'. No. 76, 1919, p. 4. (In Russian)
Suchkov, I.V. Uchitel'stvo Rossii v kontse XIX – nachale XX vv. [Teachers in Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries]. Moscow: MGOPI, 1994. (In Russian)
Suvorov, M.V. et al., Ocherki istorii pedagogicheskogo obrazovaniya v Yekaterinburge (1871–1930) [Essays on the history of pedagogical education in Yekaterinburg (1871–1930)]. Yekaterin-burg: Ural'skii gosudarstvennyi pedagogicheskii universitet, 2013. (In Russian)
“Tseny na produkty v Permi’ [Food prices in Perm]. Svobodnaya Perm'. No. 78, 1919, p. 4. (In Russian)
“Uchenicheskie organizatsii. Khronika” [Student organizations. Chronicle]. Narodnaya svoboda. No. 44, October 30, 1917. (In Russian)
Veslovskii, Yu.A. “Shkola i politika (prodolzhenie)” [School and politics (continued)]. Narodnaya svoboda. No. 85, 1917, p. 4. (In Russian)
Voinov, V.M. Intelligentsiya Urala v gody revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny (mart 1917–1920) [The intelligentsia of the Urals during the years of the Revolution and the Civil War (March 1917–1920)]. PhD diss. Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1992. (In Russian)
teachers, revolution, school reform, Civil War, Perm Teachers’ Union
For citation:
Kalsina, A. “Perm Teachers under the Conditions of Alternating Political Regimes during the Period of Revolution and the Civil War (1917–1919).” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 3, no. 4 (2019): 1094–1131, http://
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