Functional and Demographic Changes in Urban Space under the Extreme Conditions ...

Functional and Demographic Changes in Urban Space under the Extreme Conditions of Military Reality (on the Example of Cherepovets in 1941–45)

Fedor V. Kopylov
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The author analyses functional and demographic changes in the urban space of Cherepovets under the extreme conditions of the Great Patriotic War. Functional changes were caused by military needs, and in the situation of limited space and limited resources, led to the infringement of the urban population; at the same time they were not fully effective in rendering aid to the evacuees and military personnel. In terms of demographic changes, on the one hand, there was a haemorrhage of population, caused by mobilization and natural population decline, and on the other hand, there was an increase that resulted from migration processes.
Fedor V. Kopylov
Candidate of Historical Sciences, History teacher
Secondary school no. 19
Cherepovets, Russia
ORCID 0000-0001-7707-5076
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urban space, military hospitals, Great Patriotic War, Cherepovets, demography, evacuees, military city, Historical Urban Studies, extreme everyday life, space functionality
For citation:
Kopylov, F. “Functional and Demographic Changes in Urban Space under the Extreme Conditions of Military Reality (on the Example of Cherepovets in 1941–1945).” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 1 (2020): 178–229,

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