New Materials on the Great Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Russian Civil War. Review of: Kalashnikov, V.V. and D.N. Men'shikov, eds. Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers]. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019.
Full text:
Arkannikov, B.A. “V shtabe Kronshtadtskoi kreposti v dni vosstaniya” [At the headquarters of the Kronstadt fortress during the days of the rebellion]. Introductory article, publication, notes by A.V. Ganin. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 386–98. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Buldakov, V.P. Khaos i etnos. Etnicheskie konflikty v Rossii, 1917–1918 gg. Usloviya vozni-knoveniya, khronika, kommentarii, analiz [Chaos and ethnos. Ethnic conflicts in Russia, 1917–18. Conditions of occurrence, chronicle, commentary, analysis]. Moscow: Novyi Khronograf, 2010. (In Russian)
Churakov, D.O. “Lokal'nye voiny kak zven'ya bol'shoi grazhdanskoi voiny” [Local wars as parts of the main Civil War]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 94–102. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Churakov, D.O. Revolyutsiya, gosudarstvo, rabochii protest. Formy, dinamika i priroda mass-ovykh vystuplenii rabochikh v Sovetskoi Rossii. 1917–1918 gody [Revolution, state, labour protest. Forms, dynamics and nature of workers’ mass action in Soviet Russia. 1917–18]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2004. (In Russian)
Davydov, A.Yu. “Nelegal'nyi rynok i kommunisticheskaya doktrina v Sovetskoi Rossii: tochki soprikosnoveniya” [Illegal Market and Communist Doctrine in Soviet Russia: Points of Coinci-dence]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 183–95. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Gagkuev, R.G. “Osobennosti Velikoi rossiiskoi revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny na Severnom Kavkaze. 1917–1920 gg.” [Features of the Great Russian Revolution and the Civil War in the North Caucasus. 1917–20].” In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i isto-riografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shi-kov, 196–210. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Gallyamova, L.I. “Istoriografiya istorii Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii perioda 1922 – nachalo 1941 g.” [Historiography of the history of the Far East of Russia from 1922 to the beginning of 1941]. In Dal'nii Vostok Rossii v epokhu sovetskoi modernizatsii: 1922 – nachalo 1941 goda [The Far East of Russia in the era of Soviet modernization: 1922 – beginning of 1941], vol. 3, Istoriya Dal'nego Vostoka [History of the Far East], edited by V.L. Larin and L.I. Gallyamova, bk. 2, 7–62. Vladi-vostok: Dal'nauka, 2018. (In Russian)
Gallyamova, L.I. “Rossiiskii Dal'nii Vostok v preddverii Grazhdanskoi voiny i inostrannoi voennoi interventsii (konets 1917 – sentyabr' 1918 g.)” [Russian Far East on the Eve of the Civil War and Foreign Military Intervention (the End of 1917 – September of 1918)]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 211–39. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Ganin, A.V. “Novye dokumenty o podpol'noi rabote v Krasnoi armii generala A.L. Nosovicha” [New documents on the underground activities of General A.L. Nosovich in the Red Army]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 415–30. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I. “Epokha revolyutsionnykh potryasenii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii: raz-myshleniya spustya stoletie” [The Age of revolutionary disturbances and the Civil War in Russia: thoughts after a century]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shi-kov, 8–25. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I. “Evropeiskii Sever Rossii v Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voine” [The European North of Russia in the Revolution and the Civil War]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 230–37. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Rus-sian)
Golub, P.A. Belyi terror v Rossii (1918–1920) [White terror in Russia (1918–20)]. Moscow: Patriot, 2006. (In Russian)
Golubev, A.V., and O.S. Porshneva. Obraz soyuznika v soznanii rossiiskogo obshchestva v kontekste mirovykh voin [The image of an ally in the minds of Russian society in the context of world wars]. Moscow: Novyi Khronograf, 2012. (In Russian)
Ikeda, E. “Vospominaniya N.I. Astrova o smerti brat'ev v Grazhdanskoi voine” [N.I. Astrov’s recollections of the deaths of his brothers during the Civil War]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdan-skoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 354–70. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Ioffe, G.Z. “Dumaya o russkikh revolyutsiyakh” [Thinking of Russian Revolutions]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 26–36. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Ioffe, G.Z. “Kto posmeet perezhitoe otmesti” [Who dares to sweep away the past]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 371–85. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Kalashnikov, V.V. “O starom, no aktual'nom spore: ‘pessimisty’ i ‘optimisty’ v amerikanskoi istoriografii 1960-kh godov” [On the old but pertinent dispute: the ‘pessimists and the ‘optimists’ in American historiography in the 1960s]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Prob-lemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 103–21. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Kolonitskii, B.I. “Politicheskaya kul'tura Rossii i grazhdanskaya voina” [Political Culture of Russia and the Civil War]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shi-kov, 61–72. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Nazarenko, K.B. “Baltiiskii flot v revolyutsiyakh 1917 g. i Grazhdanskoi voine” [The Baltic Fleet in the revolutions of 1917 and the Civil War]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 175–82. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Rus-sian)
Nikolaev, A.B. “K voprosu o roli Gosudarstvennoi dumy v Fevral'skoi revolyutsii 1917 goda” [On the role of the State Duma in the February Revolution of 1917]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of pa-pers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 138–42. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Nikolaev, A.B. “Reshayushchie dni Fevral'skoi revolyutsii 1917 goda na stranitsakh nauchno-populyarnykh zhurnalov v yubileinyi god” [The decisive days of the February Revolution of 1917 in the pages of popular science magazines in the anniversary year]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of pa-pers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 399–414. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Nikolaev, A.B. Dumskaya revolyutsiya: 27 fevralya – 3 marta 1917 goda [The Duma revolu-tion: February 27 – March 3, 1917]. 2 vols. St Petersburg: RPGU im A.I. Gertsena, 2017. (In Rus-sian)
Nikolaev, A.B. Gosudarstvennaya duma v Fevral'skoi revolyutsii: ocherki istorii [State Duma in the February Revolution: essays on the history]. Ryazan: I.P. Tribunskii, 2002. (In Russian)
Nikolaev, A.B. Revolyutsiya i vlast': IV Gosudarstvennaya duma 27 fevralya – 3 marta 1917 goda [Revolution and power: The Fourth State Duma, February 27–March 3, 1917]. St Petersburg: RPGU im A.I. Gertsena, 2005. (In Russian)
Porshneva, O.S., and M.A. Fel'dman. “Osobennosti Russkoi revolyutsii i grazhdanskoi voiny na Urale: sotsial'no-politicheskii aspekt” [Specific features of the Russian Revolution and the Civil War in the Urals: social and political aspect]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 238–48. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Posadskii, A.V. “Osobennosti Russkoi revolyutsii i grazhdanskoi voiny v Povolzh'e: neskol'ko tezisov” [Specific features of the Russian Revolution and the Civil War in the Volga Region: several points]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 249–57. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Puchenkov, A.S. “Ob osobennostyakh Grazhdanskoi voiny v Krymu (1917–1920 gg.)” [On specific features of the Civil War in Crimea (1917–20)]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 258–80. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Rus-sian)
Rabinovich, A. “Oktyabr'skaya revolyutsiya 1917 goda” [October Revolution of 1917]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 157–64. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Rat'kovskii, I.S. Khronika belogo terrora v Rossii. Repressii i samosudy. 1917–1920 [Chronicle of the White Terror in Russia. Repression and lynching. 1917–20]. Moscow: Algoritm, 2018. (In Russian)
Rat'kovskii, I.S. Khronika krasnogo terrora VChK. Karayushchii mech revolyutsii [Chronicle of the Red Terror of the Cheka. The punishing sword of the revolution]. Moscow: Eksmo, 2017. (In Russian)
Rosenberg, U. “Revolyutsiya i kontrrevolyutsiya: sindrom nasiliya v Grazhdanskoi voine v Rossii, 1918–1920” [Revolution and counter-revolution: syndrome of violence in the Russian Civil War, 1918–20]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 73–93. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Shelokhaev, V.V. “Razmyshleniya o revolyutsionnom protsesse v Rossii nachala XX veka” [Thoughts about the revolutionary process in Russia in the early 20th century]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of pa-pers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 37–45. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Shishkin, V.I. “Revolyutsiya i Grazhdanskaya voina v Sibiri: obshchee i osobennoe” [The Revolution and the Civil War in Siberia: common and specific]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdan-skoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 321–53. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Smolin, A.B. “Beloe dvizhenie na Severo-Zapade Rossii. Geopoliticheskii aspect” [The White movement in Northwestern Russia. Geopolitical aspect]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 281–84. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Rus-sian)
Soldatenko, V.F. “Rol' revolyutsii 1917–1920 gg. v sud'be naroda Ukrainy: k osmysleniyu is-toricheskogo opyta i otsenke sovremennykh istoriograficheskikh tendentsii” [The role of the revolu-tions of 1917–20 in the destiny of Ukrainian people: on the understanding of historical experience and assessment of modern historiographical patterns]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 285–302. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Solov'ev, K.A. “Doroga k Fevralyu: politicheskie riski v usloviyakh bol'shoi voiny” [The road to February: political risks in the situation of the Great War]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 122–37. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Rus-sian)
Steinberg, M. “Revolyutsiya, kotoruyu my poteryali: 1917 god kak vozmozhnost' dlya budushchego” [The revolution we lost: 1917 as a chance for the future]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of pa-pers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 46–61. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Stogov, D.I. “Pravye v period s marta 1917 g. do okonchaniya Grazhdanskoi voiny (isto-riograficheskii ocherk)” [The Right in the period between March 1917 and the end of the Civil War (historiographical essay)]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shi-kov, 165–74. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Tsvetkov, V.Zh. “Belyi Yug Rossii (osobennosti voenno-politicheskikh programm)” [The Whites’ South of Russia (specifics of political-military programs)]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of pa-pers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 303–20. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Tsvetkov, V.Zh. Beloe delo v Rossii. 1917–1918 (formirovanie i evolyutsiya politicheskikh struktur Belogo dvizheniya v Rossii) [The White movement in Russia. 1917–18 (the formation and evolution of the political structures of the White movement in Russia)]. Moscow: Posev, 2008. (In Russian)
Uzlova, I.V. “O roli Gosudarstvennoi dumy v istorii Fevral'skoi revolyutsii: istoriograficheskie zametki” [On the role of the State Duma in the history of the February Revolution: historiographical notes]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 143–56. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Uzlova, I.V. “Sovetskaya istoriografiya o roli Dumy v pobede Fevral'skoi revolyutsii” [Soviet historiography on the role of the Duma in the victory of the February Revolution]. In Fevral'skaya revolyutsiya 1917 goda: problemy istorii i istoriografii [February Revolution of 1917: problems of history and historiography], 363–78. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2017. (In Russian)
Buldakov, V.P. Khaos i etnos. Etnicheskie konflikty v Rossii, 1917–1918 gg. Usloviya vozni-knoveniya, khronika, kommentarii, analiz [Chaos and ethnos. Ethnic conflicts in Russia, 1917–18. Conditions of occurrence, chronicle, commentary, analysis]. Moscow: Novyi Khronograf, 2010. (In Russian)
Churakov, D.O. “Lokal'nye voiny kak zven'ya bol'shoi grazhdanskoi voiny” [Local wars as parts of the main Civil War]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 94–102. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Churakov, D.O. Revolyutsiya, gosudarstvo, rabochii protest. Formy, dinamika i priroda mass-ovykh vystuplenii rabochikh v Sovetskoi Rossii. 1917–1918 gody [Revolution, state, labour protest. Forms, dynamics and nature of workers’ mass action in Soviet Russia. 1917–18]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2004. (In Russian)
Davydov, A.Yu. “Nelegal'nyi rynok i kommunisticheskaya doktrina v Sovetskoi Rossii: tochki soprikosnoveniya” [Illegal Market and Communist Doctrine in Soviet Russia: Points of Coinci-dence]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 183–95. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Gagkuev, R.G. “Osobennosti Velikoi rossiiskoi revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny na Severnom Kavkaze. 1917–1920 gg.” [Features of the Great Russian Revolution and the Civil War in the North Caucasus. 1917–20].” In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i isto-riografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shi-kov, 196–210. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Gallyamova, L.I. “Istoriografiya istorii Dal'nego Vostoka Rossii perioda 1922 – nachalo 1941 g.” [Historiography of the history of the Far East of Russia from 1922 to the beginning of 1941]. In Dal'nii Vostok Rossii v epokhu sovetskoi modernizatsii: 1922 – nachalo 1941 goda [The Far East of Russia in the era of Soviet modernization: 1922 – beginning of 1941], vol. 3, Istoriya Dal'nego Vostoka [History of the Far East], edited by V.L. Larin and L.I. Gallyamova, bk. 2, 7–62. Vladi-vostok: Dal'nauka, 2018. (In Russian)
Gallyamova, L.I. “Rossiiskii Dal'nii Vostok v preddverii Grazhdanskoi voiny i inostrannoi voennoi interventsii (konets 1917 – sentyabr' 1918 g.)” [Russian Far East on the Eve of the Civil War and Foreign Military Intervention (the End of 1917 – September of 1918)]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 211–39. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Ganin, A.V. “Novye dokumenty o podpol'noi rabote v Krasnoi armii generala A.L. Nosovicha” [New documents on the underground activities of General A.L. Nosovich in the Red Army]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 415–30. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I. “Epokha revolyutsionnykh potryasenii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii: raz-myshleniya spustya stoletie” [The Age of revolutionary disturbances and the Civil War in Russia: thoughts after a century]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shi-kov, 8–25. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
Goldin, V.I. “Evropeiskii Sever Rossii v Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voine” [The European North of Russia in the Revolution and the Civil War]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 230–37. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Rus-sian)
Golub, P.A. Belyi terror v Rossii (1918–1920) [White terror in Russia (1918–20)]. Moscow: Patriot, 2006. (In Russian)
Golubev, A.V., and O.S. Porshneva. Obraz soyuznika v soznanii rossiiskogo obshchestva v kontekste mirovykh voin [The image of an ally in the minds of Russian society in the context of world wars]. Moscow: Novyi Khronograf, 2012. (In Russian)
Ikeda, E. “Vospominaniya N.I. Astrova o smerti brat'ev v Grazhdanskoi voine” [N.I. Astrov’s recollections of the deaths of his brothers during the Civil War]. In Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdan-skoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers], edited by V.V. Kalashnikov and D.N. Men'shikov, 354–70. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019. (In Russian)
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For citation:
Rat'kovskii, I. “New Materials on the Great Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Russian Civil War. Review of: Kalashnikov, V.V. and D.N. Men'shikov, eds. Epokha Revolyutsii i Grazhdanskoi voiny v Rossii. Problemy istorii i istoriografii: sbornik dokladov [The age of the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia. Problems of history and historiography: a collection of papers]. St Petersburg: SPbGETU “LETI”, 2019.” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 1 (2020): 271–90,

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