Fake News in the Capital’s Periodicals in the Early Twentieth Century (on the Ex...

Fake News in the Capital’s Periodicals in the Early Twentieth Century (on the Example of Articles about the Police in the Newspaper Novoe Vremya)

Elena N. Krylova
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The article is devoted to the little-studied issue of disseminating unreliable socially significant information in the Russian capital’s periodicals in the early twentieth century. Particular
attention is paid to the publication of fictitious news (“fake news”) about the activities of the capital police in the newspaper Novoe Vremya in 1899. The study is based on the texts of the articles published in Novoe Vremya and on the memoranda of the mayor of St Petersburg to the Minister of Internal Affairs. The author comes to the conclusion that these articles did indeed use information manipulation techniques which distorted the facts and formed a rather negative image of law enforcement agencies. Legislatively codified system for controlling the press did not allow the authorities to form a positive image of government organs. The main mechanism for countering the emergence of fake news on the part of the state authority in the early twentieth century consisted in the publication of denials, which, as a rule, became an additional newsworthy occurrence to remind the readers of the unpleasant situation with the participation of the capital’s law enforcement agencies. Dissemination of inaccurate publicly significant information in the metropolitan periodicals and the lack of effective response to fake news from the authorities during the period under consideration dictated the need for changes in the regulation of state policy regarding the press and for changes in the approach to the interaction with the private media.
Elena N. Krylova
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Pushkin Leningrad State University, St Petersburg, Pushkin, Russia
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fictitious news, fake news, fake news in the 20th century, Novoe Vremya, image of the police in the newspaper Novoe Vremya, image of the police, capital’s newspapers about the police in early 20th century, government policy on regulating fake news, unreliable socially significant information in early 20th century
For citation:
Krylova, E. “Fake News in the Capital’s Periodicals in the Early Twentieth Century (on the Example of Articles about the Police in the Newspaper Novoe Vremya).” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 3 (2020): 765–98,

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