Images of A.F. Kerensky and the Political Struggle in 1917 (based on the newspap...

Images of A.F. Kerensky and the Political Struggle in 1917 (based on the newspapers of A.A. Suvorin)

Boris I. Kolonitskii
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The article examines the cultural forms of legitimation / delegitimation of authority of the Provisional Government. Particular attention is paid to the personal authority of Alexander
Kerensky, including rhetorical (persuasive) devices and visual images which underlay the tactics of praising or condemning him. As the main source, the article uses the newspapers of A.A. Suvorin, namely Malen'kaya gazeta [Little newspaper], Narodnaya gazeta [People’s newspaper], Rus' [Rus], Novaya Rus' [New Rus]. These newspapers are compared with resolutions, letters and diaries, and with publications in other periodicals. The study clarifies some aspects of political isolation of the Provisional Government in the fall of 1917. By this time, the propaganda attack on Kerensky was conducted not only by the Bolsheviks and other left-wing groups but also by the right-wing and conservative publications. The propaganda of the left- and right-wing opponents was significantly different but they had a point of contact: both of them created the image of the “traitor” who was unworthy to remain in power.
Boris I. Kolonitskii
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor European University at Saint Petersburg
Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of Russian Academy of Sciences
St Petersburg, Russia
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A.F. Kerensky, A.A. Suvorin, Malen'kaya gazeta, Novaya Rus', political culture, Russian Revolution of 1917, Russian Civil War, rumors, conspiracy theories
For citation:
Kolonitskii, B. “Images of A.F. Kerensky and the Political Struggle in 1917 (based on the newspapers of A.A. Suvorin).” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 3 (2020): 834–83,

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