Everyday Life of the Victors in the Soviet Occupation Zone in Germany in the Memoirs of Participants in the Events
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Many years of work resulted in a book on the everyday life of Soviet military and civil personnel of the Soviet occupation forces and administration in Germany in 1945–49. The
current state of research does not allow a generalized socio-cultural overview as yet, but contemporary witnesses can provide us with interesting ego-sources. Twelve of such sources,
flanked by rare photographs, were compiled into a book which is intended for broad readership in Germany and suggests a multi-perspective view of the new beginning in Germany after the end of the war in 1945. The article contains a fragment of the introduction to the book.
current state of research does not allow a generalized socio-cultural overview as yet, but contemporary witnesses can provide us with interesting ego-sources. Twelve of such sources,
flanked by rare photographs, were compiled into a book which is intended for broad readership in Germany and suggests a multi-perspective view of the new beginning in Germany after the end of the war in 1945. The article contains a fragment of the introduction to the book.
Kopelew, L. Aufbewahren für alle Zeit! Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1976.
Kulturhistorisches Museum Rostock, and S. Stuth, comps. Eine Stimme aus dem Jahr 1945: das Tagebuch des Panzersoldaten Iwan Panarin. Rostock: Kulturhistorisches Museum Rostock, 2015.
Scherstjanoi, E., comp. Rotarmisten schreiben aus Deutschland. Briefe von der Front (1945) und historische Analysen. München: De Gruyter Saur, 2004.
Kulturhistorisches Museum Rostock, and S. Stuth, comps. Eine Stimme aus dem Jahr 1945: das Tagebuch des Panzersoldaten Iwan Panarin. Rostock: Kulturhistorisches Museum Rostock, 2015.
Scherstjanoi, E., comp. Rotarmisten schreiben aus Deutschland. Briefe von der Front (1945) und historische Analysen. München: De Gruyter Saur, 2004.
Germany, post-war period, occupation organs, Soviet Military Administration in Germany, everyday life, ego-documents, interview, oral history, intercultural encounter
For citation:
Scherstjanoi, E. “Everyday Life of the Victors in the Soviet Occupation Zone in
Germany in the Memoirs of Participants in the Events.” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 4 (2020): 1174–213,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2587-8344 (Online)