Leisure Patterns of the Soviet Man in the Mid-1950s – Early 1960s: The Evolution of Personal and State Discourses
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The article attempts to consider local issues related to the role and significance of a park of culture and leisure as a place of recreation during the Khrushchev Thaw in the context of the
formation of urban socio-cultural space. Documents from the collection of S. Kirov Central Park of Culture and Leisure in Leningrad stored in the Central State Archive of Literature and Art (TsGALI) reveal the main forms of organized leisure of Leningrad citizens in the second half of the 1950s and in early 1960s. Resolutions, decisions and orders of the Leningrad Oblast Party Committee, the Leningrad City Executive Committee, and the Culture Committee, as well as plans and reports of the institution, scenarios of celebrations, and transcripts of conferences of Park visitors reflect various aspects of its activities and contain representative material, which, among other things, includes informal sincere reactions from the population, opinions on events, recommendations, wishes, and sometimes criticism of Kirov Park. The article shows that the organization of leisure was characterized by a dichotomy typical of the Soviet society in general and of the period under consideration in particular. This was reflected, on the one hand, in the formalized attitude to this area and the assessment of its effectiveness by quantitative rather than qualitative indicators. On the other hand, the attention and sometimes interference of the party and the state in the ways Soviet people spent their free time indicate public priorities and ideological dominants. Concrete examples and facts presented in the article confirm that organized leisure during this period was characterized not only by ideologization and politicization of content but also by the desire for mass involvement, staginess, and diversity in form, which to a certain extent also
contributed to the formation of leisure patterns of the Soviet people.
formation of urban socio-cultural space. Documents from the collection of S. Kirov Central Park of Culture and Leisure in Leningrad stored in the Central State Archive of Literature and Art (TsGALI) reveal the main forms of organized leisure of Leningrad citizens in the second half of the 1950s and in early 1960s. Resolutions, decisions and orders of the Leningrad Oblast Party Committee, the Leningrad City Executive Committee, and the Culture Committee, as well as plans and reports of the institution, scenarios of celebrations, and transcripts of conferences of Park visitors reflect various aspects of its activities and contain representative material, which, among other things, includes informal sincere reactions from the population, opinions on events, recommendations, wishes, and sometimes criticism of Kirov Park. The article shows that the organization of leisure was characterized by a dichotomy typical of the Soviet society in general and of the period under consideration in particular. This was reflected, on the one hand, in the formalized attitude to this area and the assessment of its effectiveness by quantitative rather than qualitative indicators. On the other hand, the attention and sometimes interference of the party and the state in the ways Soviet people spent their free time indicate public priorities and ideological dominants. Concrete examples and facts presented in the article confirm that organized leisure during this period was characterized not only by ideologization and politicization of content but also by the desire for mass involvement, staginess, and diversity in form, which to a certain extent also
contributed to the formation of leisure patterns of the Soviet people.
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history. Yearbook, 2007], 9–21. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2008. (In Russian)
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[Understanding history of everyday life in modern historical research: from the Annales school to the Russian philosophical school]. Vestnik Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. A.S. Pushkina, vol. 4, no. 1 (2014): 7–21. (In Russian)
Pushkareva, N.L., ed. Rossiiskaya povsednevnost' v zerkale gendernykh otnoshenii: sbornik statei [Russian everyday life in the mirror of gender relations: a collection of articles]. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2013. (In Russian)
Sinova, I.V. “Povsednevnaya zhizn' detei trudyashchegosya naseleniya Sankt-Peterburga vo vtoroi polovine XIX – nachale XX vv.” [Everyday life of children of the working population of
St Petersburg in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries]. Obshchestvo. Sreda. Razvitie, vol. 26, no. 1 (2013): 206–11. (In Russian)
Solodyankina, O.Y. “Reprezentatsii vlasti, ‘ochelovechivanie’ i voprosy bezopasnosti: sobaki v povsednevnoi zhizni rossiiskoi imperatorskoi sem'i” [The representation of power, ‘humanization’ and security issues: dogs in the daily routine of the Russian Imperial Family]. History of Everyday Life, no. 2 (4) (2017): 9–22 (In Russian)
Turiyanova, O.N. “Dosug gorodskogo naseleniya Bashkirskoi ASSR v poslevoennye gody (1945–1953)” [Leisure of the urban population of the Bashkir ASSR in the post-war years (1945– 1953)]. Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya Istoriya, iss. 50, vol. 265, no. 11, (2012): 56–60. (In Russian)
Veremenko, V.A. “Khozyaiskie zaboty: zhizn' zamuzhnei dvoryanki v provintsial'nom gorode Rossii v kontse XIX – nachale XX vv.” [Household concerns: everyday life of a married
noblewoman in a Russian provincial town in the late 19th – early 20th centuries]. Ural'skii istoricheskii vestnik, vol. 62, no. 1 (2019): 71–78. (In Russian)
Zhuravlev, S.V. “Istoriya povsednevnosti – novaya issledovatel’skaya programma dlya otechestvennoi istoricheskoi nauki” [History of everyday life as a new research program for the
national historical science]. Foreword to Istoriya povsednevnosti v Germanii. Novye podkhody k izucheniyu truda, voiny i vlasti [History of everyday life in Germany. New approaches to the study of labour, war and power], by A. Lüdtke. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2010. (In Russian)
Zhuravlev, S.V., and M.Yu. Mukhin. ‘Krepost' sotsializma’: povsednevnost' i motivatsiya truda na sovetskom predpriyatii 1928–1938 gg. [‘The stronghold of socialism’: everyday life and
employee motivation in a Soviet enterprise, 1928–1938]. Moscow: ROSSPEN, 2004. (In Russian)
Zinich, M.S. “Povsednevnaya zhizn' sovetskogo obshchestva nakanune Velikoi otechestvennoi voiny” [Everyday life of Soviet society on the eve of the Great Patriotic War]. Novye istoricheskie perspektivy: ot Baltiki do Tikhogo okeana, vol. 12, no. 3 (2018): 6–10. (In Russian)
everyday life, leisure, cultural work, S. Kirov Central Park of Culture and Leisure
For citation:
Sinova, I. “Leisure Patterns of the Soviet Man in the Mid-1950s – Early 1960s:
The Evolution of Personal and State Discourses.” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 4 (2020): 1214–55, http://
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