On the Reasons for the Negative Attitude of the Soviet Security Agencies towards...

On the Reasons for the Negative Attitude of the Soviet Security Agencies towards the Home Army

Boris N. Kovalev
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The article analyzes the publication of the Polish historian Dariusz Rogut “The Attitude of Soviet Security Organs to the Home Army (July 1944 – January 1945).” The reasons for
the problems in the relationship between the Soviet State Security Organs and the underground Polish military organization “Home Army” in the final period of the Second World War are seen in the complex relationship between the Soviet leadership in Moscow and the Polish government in London.
Boris N. Kovalev
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Leading researcher of the Saint-Petersburg Institute of History of the RAS
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
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Second World War, Soviet-Polish relations, Home Army, Soviet State Security Organs
For citation:
Kovalev, B. “On the Reasons for the Negative Attitude of the Soviet Security Agencies towards the Home Army.” Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 4, no. 4 (2020): 1360–76,

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