1917: Between February and October. Review of: The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles, edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020.
Full text:
The collection of scientific articles under review contains materials of the All-Russian scientific conference held at the Department of Russian History of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia in St Petersburg and dedicated to the problems of the Russian Revolution of 1917. The collection contains 19 articles, including one documentary publication. Among the authors of the collection, there are well-known scientists and aspiring young researchers from St Petersburg and a number of other Russian cities as well as one foreign participant (from Poland). The articles examine various aspects of revolutionary transformations, mainly on the basis of Petrograd materials, mostly in the period between spring 1917 and early autumn 1917. Based on a significant number of published and archival sources, the articles of the collection consider little-known facts from the history of the Russian Revolution and propose new approaches to the interpretation of the situation in Russia in 1917.
Bazhanov, D.A. “Popytka D.N. Verderevskogo revolyutsionizirovat' upravlenie Baltiiskim flotom v iyune 1917 goda” [An attempt of D.N. Verderevskii to revolutionize the management of the Baltic Fleet in June 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 135–50. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Bugaev, R.A. “Obstoyatel'stva formirovaniya Oblastnogo komiteta armii, flota i rabochikh Finlyandii III sozyva v sentyabre 1917 goda” [Circumstances of forming the Regional Committee of the Army, Navy and Workers of Finland of the third convocation in September 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 159–65. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Dubrovskaya, E.Yu. “Petrozavodsk i Karel'skii krai v dni revolyutsionnykh peremen: deyatel'nost' gubernskikh i mestnykh organov vlasti (vesna – nachalo oseni 1917 g.)” [Petrozavodsk and Karelia in the days of revolutionary transformation: activities of the provincial and local bodies of power (Spring – early Autumn of 1917)]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 121–30. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Frumenkova, T.G. “Muzei Sankt-Peterburga k stoletiyu revolyutsii 1917 g.: izobrazitel'noe i dekorativno-prikladnoe iskusstvo (zametki istorika)” [St Petersburg museums for the centenary of the Revolution of 1917: fine and decorative arts (notes of a historian)]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 189–202. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Ganin, A.V. “‘Ya uznal, chto naznachen nachal'nikom levoi kolonny otryada, atakuyushchego Zimnii dvorets’: neizvestnye vospominaniya i pis'mo polkovnika G.P. Apreleva o sobytiyakh 1917 goda” [‘I have found out that I am appointed to lead the left column of the formation which is to attack the Winter Palace’: unknown memoirs and a letter of Colonel G.P. Aprelev on the events of 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 202–29. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Garchik, B. “Oktyabr'skaya revolyutsiya 1917 goda v sovremennoi pol'skoi istoriografii” [The Great October Revolution of 1917 in the contemporary Polish historiography]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 175–83. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Gordeev, P.N. “Tsarskosel'skoe dvortsovoe upravlenie v 1917 godu” [Tsarskoye Selo Palace Administration in 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 45–68. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Kalashnikov, V.V. “Prichiny Russkoi revolyutsii 1917 goda (Peterburgskii mezhdunarodnyi kollokvium 1993 goda)” [Causes of the Russian Revolution of 1917: St Petersburg international colloquium of 1993]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 165–75. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Kononova, T.I. “Gosudarstvennoe ustroistvo Rossii v proekte Osnovnogo zakona Vremennogo pravitel'stva” [State system of Russia in the Constitution project of the Provisional Government]. Uchenye zapiski Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarnye i sotsial'nye nauki, no. 1(45) 2012: 90–93. (In Russian)
Korolev, S.A. “Morskoi gvardeiskii ekipazh v dni Fevral'skoi revolyutsii 1917 goda” [The Naval Guard during the February Revolution of 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 14–22. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Kozlova, E.A. “Revel'skii Sovet rabochikh i voinskikh deputatov: sozdanie i struktura” [The Reval Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies: Its formation and structure]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 68–73. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Lavrova, E.M. “‘Mekhanicheski, plebistsitom my izgonim iz partii ee programmu i taktiku…’: demokratizatsiya zhizni revolyutsionnykh partii v 1917 godu i politicheskaya bor'ba” [‘Plebiscite will mechanically drive away the program and tactics from the party’: democratization of life in revolutionary parties in 1917 and political struggle]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 73–101. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Lonskaya, S.V. “Velikaya rossiiskaya revolyutsiya kak ob"ekt istoricheskoi yurisprudentsii” [The Great Russian Revolution as an object of historical jurisprudence]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 183–89. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Nikolaev, A.B. “Predstaviteli intelligentsii pered vremennymi sudami (Petrograd, mart–iyul' 1917 g.)” [Representatives of intelligentsia before the provisional courts of justice (Petrograd, March–July 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 107–15. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Petrov, A.I. “N.S. Chkheidze 27 fevralya 1917 g.” [N.S. Chkheidze on February 27, 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 68–73. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Rumyantsev, A.G. “Anichkov dvorets v dni Fevral'skoi revolyutsii: k voprosu po delu o ‘politseiskikh pulemetakh’” [Anichkov Palace in the days of the February Revolution: on the issue of the case of ‘police machine guns’]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 36–45. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Shvedova, V.V. “K voprosu o zarabotnoi plate sotrudnikov militsii v Vasileostrovskom raione v marte–oktyabre 1917 goda” [On the question of salaries of the militiamen in the territory of Vasileostrovsky District between March and October 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 68–73. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Smirnova, E.A. “Otnoshenie prepodavatelei vysshei shkoly Petrograda k Vremennomu pravitel'stvu” [Attitude of Petrograd higher school professors towards the Provisional Government]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 101–7. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Stogov, D.I. “K voprosu o prichastnosti B.V. Shtyurmera k ‘delu I.I. Kolyshko’ o shpionazhe v pol'zu Germanii (iyul'–avgust 1917 goda)” [On involvement of B.V. Stürmer in ‘I.I. Kolyshko’s case’ of espionage for Germany (July–August 1917)]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 150–59. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Tarasov, K.A. “Zapasnyi batal'on leib-gvardii Moskovskogo polka v Fevral'skoi revolyutsii” [The reserve battalion of the Moscow Guard Regiment in the February Revolution]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 22–36. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Zlatina, M.A. “Deyatel'nost' Osobogo soveshchaniya po ustroistvu bezhentsev po organizatsii likvidatsii uchrezhdenii pomoshchi zhertvam voiny (mart–sentyabr' 1917 g.)” [Activities of the Special Conference on Accommodation of Refugees on liquidation of the institutions assisting the war victims (March–September 1917)]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 115–21. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Bugaev, R.A. “Obstoyatel'stva formirovaniya Oblastnogo komiteta armii, flota i rabochikh Finlyandii III sozyva v sentyabre 1917 goda” [Circumstances of forming the Regional Committee of the Army, Navy and Workers of Finland of the third convocation in September 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 159–65. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Dubrovskaya, E.Yu. “Petrozavodsk i Karel'skii krai v dni revolyutsionnykh peremen: deyatel'nost' gubernskikh i mestnykh organov vlasti (vesna – nachalo oseni 1917 g.)” [Petrozavodsk and Karelia in the days of revolutionary transformation: activities of the provincial and local bodies of power (Spring – early Autumn of 1917)]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 121–30. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Frumenkova, T.G. “Muzei Sankt-Peterburga k stoletiyu revolyutsii 1917 g.: izobrazitel'noe i dekorativno-prikladnoe iskusstvo (zametki istorika)” [St Petersburg museums for the centenary of the Revolution of 1917: fine and decorative arts (notes of a historian)]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 189–202. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Ganin, A.V. “‘Ya uznal, chto naznachen nachal'nikom levoi kolonny otryada, atakuyushchego Zimnii dvorets’: neizvestnye vospominaniya i pis'mo polkovnika G.P. Apreleva o sobytiyakh 1917 goda” [‘I have found out that I am appointed to lead the left column of the formation which is to attack the Winter Palace’: unknown memoirs and a letter of Colonel G.P. Aprelev on the events of 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 202–29. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Garchik, B. “Oktyabr'skaya revolyutsiya 1917 goda v sovremennoi pol'skoi istoriografii” [The Great October Revolution of 1917 in the contemporary Polish historiography]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 175–83. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Gordeev, P.N. “Tsarskosel'skoe dvortsovoe upravlenie v 1917 godu” [Tsarskoye Selo Palace Administration in 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 45–68. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Kalashnikov, V.V. “Prichiny Russkoi revolyutsii 1917 goda (Peterburgskii mezhdunarodnyi kollokvium 1993 goda)” [Causes of the Russian Revolution of 1917: St Petersburg international colloquium of 1993]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 165–75. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Kononova, T.I. “Gosudarstvennoe ustroistvo Rossii v proekte Osnovnogo zakona Vremennogo pravitel'stva” [State system of Russia in the Constitution project of the Provisional Government]. Uchenye zapiski Orlovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarnye i sotsial'nye nauki, no. 1(45) 2012: 90–93. (In Russian)
Korolev, S.A. “Morskoi gvardeiskii ekipazh v dni Fevral'skoi revolyutsii 1917 goda” [The Naval Guard during the February Revolution of 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 14–22. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Kozlova, E.A. “Revel'skii Sovet rabochikh i voinskikh deputatov: sozdanie i struktura” [The Reval Soviet of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies: Its formation and structure]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 68–73. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Lavrova, E.M. “‘Mekhanicheski, plebistsitom my izgonim iz partii ee programmu i taktiku…’: demokratizatsiya zhizni revolyutsionnykh partii v 1917 godu i politicheskaya bor'ba” [‘Plebiscite will mechanically drive away the program and tactics from the party’: democratization of life in revolutionary parties in 1917 and political struggle]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 73–101. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Lonskaya, S.V. “Velikaya rossiiskaya revolyutsiya kak ob"ekt istoricheskoi yurisprudentsii” [The Great Russian Revolution as an object of historical jurisprudence]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 183–89. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Nikolaev, A.B. “Predstaviteli intelligentsii pered vremennymi sudami (Petrograd, mart–iyul' 1917 g.)” [Representatives of intelligentsia before the provisional courts of justice (Petrograd, March–July 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 107–15. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Petrov, A.I. “N.S. Chkheidze 27 fevralya 1917 g.” [N.S. Chkheidze on February 27, 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 68–73. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Rumyantsev, A.G. “Anichkov dvorets v dni Fevral'skoi revolyutsii: k voprosu po delu o ‘politseiskikh pulemetakh’” [Anichkov Palace in the days of the February Revolution: on the issue of the case of ‘police machine guns’]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 36–45. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Shvedova, V.V. “K voprosu o zarabotnoi plate sotrudnikov militsii v Vasileostrovskom raione v marte–oktyabre 1917 goda” [On the question of salaries of the militiamen in the territory of Vasileostrovsky District between March and October 1917]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 68–73. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Smirnova, E.A. “Otnoshenie prepodavatelei vysshei shkoly Petrograda k Vremennomu pravitel'stvu” [Attitude of Petrograd higher school professors towards the Provisional Government]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 101–7. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Stogov, D.I. “K voprosu o prichastnosti B.V. Shtyurmera k ‘delu I.I. Kolyshko’ o shpionazhe v pol'zu Germanii (iyul'–avgust 1917 goda)” [On involvement of B.V. Stürmer in ‘I.I. Kolyshko’s case’ of espionage for Germany (July–August 1917)]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 150–59. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Tarasov, K.A. “Zapasnyi batal'on leib-gvardii Moskovskogo polka v Fevral'skoi revolyutsii” [The reserve battalion of the Moscow Guard Regiment in the February Revolution]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 22–36. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
Zlatina, M.A. “Deyatel'nost' Osobogo soveshchaniya po ustroistvu bezhentsev po organizatsii likvidatsii uchrezhdenii pomoshchi zhertvam voiny (mart–sentyabr' 1917 g.)” [Activities of the Special Conference on Accommodation of Refugees on liquidation of the institutions assisting the war victims (March–September 1917)]. In Revolyutsiya 1917 goda v Rossii: novye podkhody i vzglyady: sbornik nauchnykh statei [The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov, 115–21. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020. (In Russian)
1917 in Russia, February Revolution, Petrograd garrison, political struggle, administrative bodies, historiography
For citation:
Musaev, V. “1917: Between February and October”. Review of: The Russian Revolution of 1917: new approaches and views: collection of scientific articles, edited by A.B. Nikolaev, D.A. Bazhanov, and A.A. Ivanov. St Petersburg: RGPU im. A.I. Gertsena, 2020”. Historia Provinciae – The Journal of Regional History, vol. 5, no. 3 (2021): 987–1012,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2587-8344 (Online)