Juvenile penitentiary institutions in Northern European Russia in the 1930s – 1950s
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This article deals with the history of juvenile penitentiary institutions of the NKVD (MVD) in Northern European Russia in the 1930s – 1950s in the context of the nationwide policy of eliminating homelessness, neglect, and juvenile delinquency. The publication contains a historiographical review and characterization of sources on the research topic. The relevance of the article is connected with insufficient previous study of the problem caused by the fact that in the Soviet period the ideological component limited the opportunities for an objective study of the problem of juvenile penitentiary institutions. The situation changed in the post-Soviet period when researchers gained access to the previously closed archival fonds and it became possible to publish collections of documents. The documentary base of this article is based on the information from published and unpublished historical sources, and the material is generalized in a new format involving the information from the archival materials which are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. The availability of an extensive source base made it possible to fully characterize various aspects of the activity of juvenile penitentiary institutions of the NKVD (MVD) in Northern European Russia in the 1930s – 1950s.
The author of the article demonstrates that the necessity to take actions aimed at eliminating homelessness, neglect, and delinquency among minors in combination with the presence of correctional labor institutions of the GULAG system in Northern European Russia ensured the formation of a developed structure of juvenile penitentiary institutions in the region. The optimal solution to the problem was to establish relatively small locally-based juvenile labor colonies and reception centers where the methods of re-education that met national standards were applied to adolescents. The author examines the process of establishing juvenile labor colonies and reception centers, shows the dynamics of the number of inmates, and highlights specific features of educational, professional, and production activities. It is concluded that the main part of juvenile penitentiary institutions began to operate during the Great Patriotic War, when the fight against fascist aggression led to an aggravation of socio-economic problems. The improvement of material and technical resources had a positive impact on production activities in juvenile labor colonies as well as on the organization of general education and vocational training of inmates.
The author of the article demonstrates that the necessity to take actions aimed at eliminating homelessness, neglect, and delinquency among minors in combination with the presence of correctional labor institutions of the GULAG system in Northern European Russia ensured the formation of a developed structure of juvenile penitentiary institutions in the region. The optimal solution to the problem was to establish relatively small locally-based juvenile labor colonies and reception centers where the methods of re-education that met national standards were applied to adolescents. The author examines the process of establishing juvenile labor colonies and reception centers, shows the dynamics of the number of inmates, and highlights specific features of educational, professional, and production activities. It is concluded that the main part of juvenile penitentiary institutions began to operate during the Great Patriotic War, when the fight against fascist aggression led to an aggravation of socio-economic problems. The improvement of material and technical resources had a positive impact on production activities in juvenile labor colonies as well as on the organization of general education and vocational training of inmates.
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Krasnozhenova, E.E. “Bor'ba s detskoi besprizornost'yu v Nizhnem Povolzh'e v period Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny” [Fighting against juvenile homelessness in the Lower Volga region during the Great Patriotic War]. Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta. Seriya Istoriya i filologiya, no. 1 (2013): 89–93. (In Russian)
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Leonyuk, F.A. “Organizatsiya proizvodstvennogo obucheniya – odna iz vazhneishikh zadach v rabote detskikh kolonii” [Organization of industrial training is one of the most important tasks in the work of juvenile colonies]. In Detskie kolonii. Byulleten' № 3 [Juvenile colonies. Bulletin no. 3], 3–6. Moscow: Otdel MVD SSSR po bor'be s detskoi besprizornost'yu i beznadzornost'yu, 1946. (In Russian)
Merkur'eva, V.S. “Pravovye osnovy zashchity detei v 1941–1943 gg. (na materialakh Stalingradskoi oblasti)” [Legal framework for the protection of children in 1941–1943 (based on the materials from Stalingrad Oblast)]. Izvestiya Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta, no. 1 (2015): 158–62. (In Russian)
Nevskii, V.V. Teoriya i praktika ispolneniya ugolovnykh nakazanii v otnoshenii neso-vershennoletnikh [Theory and practice of executing criminal sentences against minors]. Domodedovo: Respublikanskii institut povysheniya kvalifikatsii rabotnikov MVD Rossii, 1998. (In Russian)
Pankratov, R.I., E.G. Tarlo, and V.D. Ermakov. Deti, lishennye svobody [Children deprived of their liberty]. Moscow: Yurlitinform, 2003. [In Russian]
Pogrebinskii, M.S. Trudovaya kommuna OGPU [Labor commune of the OGPU]. Foreword and edited by M. Gor'kii. Moscow; Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, 1928. (In Russian)
Rozenberg, D.E. “Detskie pravonarusheniya i metody bor'by s nimi v RSFSR” [Juvenile offenses and methods of fighting against them in the RSFSR]. Vestnik sovetskoi yustitsii, no. 9–10 (1927): 358–59. (In Russian)
Sharapov A.E. Pravovoe regulirovanie ispolneniya nakazanii v otnoshenii nesovershennoletnikh prestupnikov v 30-kh godakh XX veka v SSSR [Legal regulation of the execution of sentences in relation to juvenile criminals in the 1930s in the USSR]. PhD diss. Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2011. (In Russian)
Shestakova, A.F. “Printsipy organizatsii ispravitel'no-trudovykh uchrezhdenii dlya molodezhi” [Principles of organizing correctional labor institutions for young people]. In Ot tyurem k vospitatel'nym uchrezhdeniyam: sbornik statei [From prisons to educational institutions: a collection of articles], edited by A.Ya. Vyshinskii, 309–49. Moscow: Sovetskoe zakonodatel'stvo, 1934. (In Russian)
Slavko, A.A. “Gosudarstvennoe regulirovanie protsessa likvidatsii detskoi besprizornosti v Rossii v gody Velikoi Otechestvennoi voiny i poslevoennyi period” [State regulation of the process of liquidating child homelessness in Russia during the Great Patriotic War and the post-war period]. Izvestiya Rossiiskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. A.I. Gertsena, no. 120 (2010): 33–43. (In Russian)
Smirnova, N.V. “Deyatel'nost' detskikh trudovykh kolonii MVD SSSR v poslevoennyi period” [Operation of juvenile labor colonies of the MVD of the USSR in the post-war period]. Ugolovno-ispolnitel'naya sistema: pravo, ekonomika, upravlenie, no. 2 (2004): 32–35. (In Russian)
Utevskii, B.S. V bor'be s detskoi prestupnost'yu. Ocherki zhizni i byta Moskovskogo trudovogo doma dlya nesovershennoletnikh pravonarushitelei [In the fight against juvenile delinquency. Essays on the life of the Moscow labor house for juvenile offenders]. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Narodnogo komissariata vnutrennikh del RSFSR, 1927. (In Russian)
Vygotskii, L.S. Pedologiya podrostka: zadaniya № 1–16 [Pedology of a teenager: tasks no. 1–16]. 2 vols. Moscow: Tsentral'naya tipografiya NKV, 1929–1931. (In Russian)
Zalkind, A.D. Voprosy sovetskoi pedagogiki [Issues of Soviet pedagogy]. Moscow; Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, 1930. (In Russian)
homelessness, neglect, juvenile delinquency, penitentiary system, juvenile labor colonies, reception centers, Northern European Russia
For citation:
Bublichenko, V. “Juvenile penitentiary institutions in Northern European Russia in the 1930s – 1950s.” Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 5, no. 4 (2021): 1198–1253.
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