Vologda reformatories for juvenile delinquents (1918 – the 1920s)
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Based on the analysis of archival documents and scientific literature, the article discusses issues related to the formation and functioning of various types of reformatories for juvenile delinquents (school and shelter, probation and supervision station for morally defective children, reception center, children’s home, juvenile colony for difficult children, et al.) that operated in the territory of Vologda Governorate during the initial period of the Soviet era. The data on the location of these institutions, specific features of their management, and the number, composition and confinement conditions of the inmates were clarified. When characterizing the activities of these institutions, along with positive experience, the problems, difficulties and shortcomings in their work were considered and attention was paid to the measures taken to eliminate the latter. The author came to the conclusion that the history of the Vologda juvenile reformatories in 1918 – the 1920s was a reflection of the national policy of the Bolsheviks implemented at the regional level that was aimed at combating homelessness, neglect, and juvenile delinquency, at developing effective measures to eradicate and prevent these negative phenomena, and at searching for an optimal model of an institution for correcting difficult teenagers.
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Kolokol'nikova, Z.U., and N.V. Podlesnaya. “Uchrezhdeniya sotsial'nogo vospitaniya dlya moral'no-defektivnykh detei v Prieniseiskoi Sibiri v 20–30-e gody XX veka” [Institutions for social education of morally defective children in Yenisei Siberia in the 1920s–1930s]. Mezhdunarodnyi zhurnal prikladnykh i fundamental'nykh issledovanii, no. 1–1 (2015): 136–40. (In Russian)
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Materialy ko vtoromu Vserossiiskomu s"ezdu sotsial'no-pravovoi okhrany detei i podrostkov i detskikh domov 26 noyabrya 1924 g. [Materials for the Second All-Russian Congress for Social and Legal Protection of Children and Adolescents and Children’s Homes on November 26, 1924]. Moscow: [n.p.], 1924. (In Russian)
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Rozhkov, A.Yu. “Bor'ba s besprizornost'yu v pervoe sovetskoe desyatiletie” [Fighting homelessness in the first Soviet decade]. Voprosy istorii, no. 11. (2000): 134–39. (In Russian)
Ryabinina, N.V. “Moral'no defektivnye – kto oni? K istorii detskoi besprizornosti i prestupnosti v 1920-e gody” [The morally defective – who are they? On the history of juvenile homelessness and delinquency in the 1920s]. In Vek nyneshnii, vek minuvshii: sbornik [The present century, the past century: a collection], 56–65. Yaroslavl: YarGU, 1999. (In Russian)
Sazhina, I.S. Deyatel'nost' gosudarstva i obshchestvennykh organizatsii po likvidatsii detskoi besprizornosti v 1921–1928 gg.: Na materialakh Urala [The activities of the state and public organizations to eliminate juvenile homelessness in 1921–1928: Based on the materials from the Urals]. PhD thesis. Gorky Ural State University, 2003. (In Russian)
Shcherbinin, P.P., and I.A. Shikunova. “‘Ty defektivnyi ili amoral'nyi?’. Problemy selektsii i sotsializatsii ‘moral'no-defektivnykh’ detei v 20-e gg. XX veka v sovetskoi Rossii: regional'nye aspekty [‘Are you mentally defective or immoral?’ Problems of selection and socialization of ‘morally handicapped’ children in the 1920s in Soviet Russia: regional aspects]. Vestnik Tambovskogo universiteta. Seriya: Gumanitarnye nauki, vol. 24, no. 181 (2019): 173–84. (In Russian)
Shilova, O.M., and A.S. Pundyakov. “Regional'nye usloviya razvitiya praktiki sotsial'no-pedagogicheskogo obespecheniya detei v 20-e gody XX veka v Vologodskoi gubernii” [Regional conditions of the development of practices in social and pedagogical child support in Vologda Governorate in the 1920s]. Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N.A. Nekrasova. Seriya: Pedagogika. Psikhologiya. Sotsial'naya rabota. Yuvenologiya. Sotsiokinetika, vol. 15, no. 1 (2013): 259–62. (In Russian)
Shveitser, V.L., and S.M. Shabalov, eds. Besprizornye v trudovykh kommunakh. Praktika raboty s trudnymi det'mi: sbornik statei i materialov [The homeless in labor communes. Practice of working with difficult children: a collection of articles and materials]. Moscow: Glavsotsvos; Narkompros, 1925. (In Russian)
Slavko, A.A. Detskaya besprizornost' i beznadzornost' v Rossii kontsa 1920-kh – nachala 1950-kh godov: sotsial'nyi portret, prichiny, formy bor'by [Juvenile homelessness and neglect in Russia in the late 1920s – early 1950s: a social portrait, causes, forms of combat]. Doctoral thesis. Samara State University, 2011. (In Russian)
Smirnova, T.M. “Detskie doma i trudkolonii: zhizn' ‘gosudarstvennykh detei’ v Sovetskoi Rossii v 1920−1930-e gg.” [Children’s homes and labor colonies: the life of “state children” in Soviet Russia in the 1920s−1930s]. Vestnik Rossiiskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: Istoriya Rossii, no. 3 (2012): 16–38. (In Russian)
Smirnova, T.M. Deti strany Sovetov: ot gosudarstvennoi politiki k realiyam povsednevnoi zhizni. 1917–1940 gg. [Children of the Soviet country: from the state policy to the realities of everyday life. 1917–1940]. Moscow; St Petersburg: IRI RAN: Tsentr gumanitarnykh initsiativ, 2015. (In Russian)
Sycheva, N.S. “Stanovlenie i funktsionirovanie osnovnykh tipov uchebno-vospitatel'nykh uchrezhdenii dlya besprizornykh detei i podrostkov v 1920-e gody (arkhivnye materialy Dona)” [Formation and functioning of the main types of educational institutions for homeless children and adolescents in the 1920s (archival materials of the Don)]. Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Severo-Kavkazskii region. Obshchestvennye nauki, no. 2 (2013): 59–66. (In Russian)
Vilenskii, S.S., et al., comps. Deti GULAGa, 1918–1956 [Children of the GULAG, 1918–1956]. Moscow: MFD, 2002. (In Russian)
Weitz, S. Verwahrlosung, Delinquenz und Resozialisierung minderjähriger in der Sowjetunion: Zur Geschichte eines sozialpädagogischen Problems, dargestellt am Beispiel der Russischen Sowjetrepublik, 1917–1935. Marburg a. d. Lahn: Verlags- und Vertriebsgemeinschaft, 1978.
Zenzinov, V.M. Besprizornye [The Homeless]. Paris: Sovremennye zapiski, 1929. (In Russian)
Zharkova, A.A. Istoricheskii opyt bor'by s besprizornost'yu i pravonarusheniyami nesovershennoletnikh na Dal'nem Vostoke Rossii: 20-e–30-e gg. XX veka [Historical experience of combating homelessness and juvenile delinquency in the Russian Far East: the 1920s – 1930s]. PhD thesis. Far Eastern State University of Humanities, 2006. (In Russian)
history of Russian penitentiary system, Vologda Governorate, homelessness, neglect, juvenile delinquents, juvenile delinquency, juvenile reformatories
For citation:
Belova, N. “Vologda reformatories for juvenile delinquents (1918 – the 1920s),” Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 5, no. 4 (2021): 1143–97,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
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