Anniversary Collection of Research Articles in Honor of Professor Andrei Nikolaev

Anniversary Collection of Research Articles in Honor of Professor Andrei Nikolaev

Andrey N. Egorov
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The review analyzes the collection of papers dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Andrei B. Nikolaev, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Russian History (19th – 21st Centuries) of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. The articles in the collection highlight A. Nikolaev’s contribution to the study of the State Duma’s role in the February Revolution and in the construction of new authority. Scientific and organizational role of A. Nikolaev, primarily, in the Tauride Readings, an annual scientific conference on the history of Russian parliamentarism, is pointed out. The importance of the collection under review is emphasized from the point of view of historiography and source study. It has been shown that, on the one hand, the collection reflects the development of historiographical thought concerning the role of the State Duma in revolutionary events, one of the most important issues of the Great Russian Revolution of 1917. On the other hand, new materials on political history of Russia in the early 20th century are introduced into scientific circulation in a number of articles of the collection under review.
Andrey N. Egorov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor
Cherepovets State University, Cherepovets, Russia
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Bokareva, L.S. “A.B. Nikolaev – serdtse SNO KRI (XIX–XXI vv.)” [A.B. Nikolaev is the heart of the Student Research Society of the Department of Russian History (19th – 21st centuries)]. In Gosudarstvennaya duma i revolyutsiya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov k 60-letiyu A.B. Nikolaeva [The State Duma and the Revolution: a collection of research papers dedicated to the 60th anniversary of A.B. Nikolaev], edited by S.M. Lyandres, 88–93. Ryazan: P.A. Tribunskii, 2022. (In Russian)
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Hasegawa, Ts. “A.B. Nikolaev i ego vklad v izuchenie Fevral'skoi revolyutsii” [A.B. Nikolaev and his contribution to the study of the February Revolution]. In Gosudarstvennaya duma i revolyutsiya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov k 60-letiyu A.B. Nikolaeva [The State Duma and the Revolution: a collection of research papers dedicated to the 60th anniversary of A.B. Nikolaev], edited by S.M. Lyandres, 24–36. Ryazan: P.A. Tribunskii, 2022. (In Russian).
Jurkowski, R. “Sbornik ‘Tavricheskie chteniya’ i ego nauchnyi redaktor A.B. Nikolaev” [The Tauride Readings Collection and its academic editor A.B. Nikolaev]. In Gosudarstvennaya duma i revolyutsiya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov k 60-letiyu A.B. Nikolaeva [The State Duma and the Revolution: a collection of research papers dedicated to the 60th anniversary of A.B. Nikolaev], edited by S.M. Lyandres, 66–80. Ryazan: P.A. Tribunskii, 2022. (In Russian)
Kalashnikov, V.V. “A.B. Nikolaev kak istorik Fevral'skoi revolyutsii” [A.B. Nikolaev as a historian of the February Revolution]. In Gosudarstvennaya duma i revolyutsiya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov k 60-letiyu A.B. Nikolaeva [The State Duma and the Revolution: a collection of research papers dedicated to the 60th anniversary of A.B. Nikolaev], edited by S.M. Lyandres,
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Khutsieva, V.V., and D.A. Bazhanov. “‘Soyuz ravnykh’: A.B. Nikolaev i aktualizatsiya nauchnykh istoricheskikh problem v ramkakh konferentsii ‘Gertsenovskie chteniya’
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Kir'yanov, I.K. “Istorik i istoricheskoe v otechestvennykh parlamentskikh diskussiyakh nachala XX veka” [The historian and the historical in domestic parliamentary discussions of the early 20th century]. In Gosudarstvennaya duma i revolyutsiya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov k
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Lyandres, S.M. “A.B. Nikolaev: memuarnye nabroski mnogoletnego kollegi i edinomyshlennika” [A.B. Nikolaev: memoir sketches of a long-time colleague and like-minded person]. In Gosudarstvennaya duma i revolyutsiya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov k 60-letiyu A.B. Nikolaeva [The State Duma and the Revolution: a collection of research papers dedicated to the 60th anniversary of A.B. Nikolaev], edited by S.M. Lyandres, 37–44. Ryazan: P.A. Tribunskii, 2022. (in Russian)
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Nikolaev, A.B. “Revolyutsiya i vlast': Gosudarstvennaya duma IV sozyva 27 fevralya – 3 marta 1917 g.” [Revolution and power: the State Duma of the fourth convocation, February 27 – March 3, 1917]. Doctoral diss. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 2005. (In Russian)  
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Solov'ev, K.A. “Paradoksy rossiiskoi partiinosti: oktyabristskii sluchai” [Paradoxes of the Russian party system: the Octobrist case]. In Gosudarstvennaya duma i revolyutsiya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov k 60-letiyu A.B. Nikolaeva [The State Duma and the Revolution: a collection of research papers dedicated to the 60th anniversary of A.B. Nikolaev], edited by S.M. Lyandres,
100–14. Ryazan: P.A. Tribunskii, 2022. (In Russian).
State Duma, February Revolution, parliamentarism, Andrei Nikolaev, historiography, commissars of the Provisional Government
For citation:
Egorov, A.N. “Anniversary Collection of Research Articles in Honor of Professor Andrei Nikolaev.” Review of Gosudarstvennaya duma i revolyutsiya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov k 60-letiyu A.B. Nikolaeva [The State Duma and the Revolution: a collection of research papers dedicated to the 60th anniversary of A.B. Nikolaev], edited by S.M. Lyandres (Ryazan: P.A. Tribunskii, 2022). Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 7, no. 3 (2023): 1079–94,

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