Russian and Foreign Parliamentarism as Viewed by Contemporary Researchers
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The review analyzes the collection of papers of the Fifteenth International Scientific Conference “Current Problems of Parliamentarism: History and Modernity” (Tauride Readings 2021), held in St Petersburg in December 2021. The reviewer examines the problems and topics of the articles included in the collection as well as the issues put forward during the discussions and the round table. The analysis of various aspects of the activities of the State Duma in the early 20th century takes the central place in most studies. Special attention is paid to the materials devoted to parliamentarism in foreign countries (Great Britain, China, Croatia, and Germany).
Gaida, F.A. “Nikolai Maklakov: predely pravitel'stvennogo antiparlamentarizma v tret'eiyun'skii period” [Nikolai Maklakov: the limits of government anti-parliamentarism in the Third-of-June period]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1, 167–71. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Egorov, A.N. “Voennyi ministr A.F. Rediger i zakonodatel'nye organy Rossiiskoi imperii” [Minister of War A.F. Roediger and the legislative bodies of the Russian Empire]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1, 150–57. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Lukashevich, D.A. “Institut s"ezdov narodnykh deputatov SSSR kak faktor razrusheniya SSSR” [Institute of Congresses of People’s Deputies of the USSR as a factor in the destruction of the USSR]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 2, 129–33. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Nikolaev, A.B. “A.A. Bublikov – komissar Vremennogo pravitel'stva Gosudarstvennoi dumy v Ministerstve putei soobshcheniya” [A.A. Bublikov as Commissar of the Provisional Government of the State Duma in the Ministry of Railways]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers],
2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1, 219–48. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Nikolaev, A.B., ed. Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers]. 2 pts. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Novosel'skii, S.S. “Spory o parlamente v 1905 g.: diskussiya o vyborakh v Gosudarstvennuyu dumu” [Disputes about the parliament in 1905: the discussion about the elections to the State Duma]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1, 21–26. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Orchakova, L.G. “Voprosy prosveshcheniya i obrazovaniya v deyatel'nosti IV Gosudarstvennoi dumy (1912–1917)” [Questions of enlightenment and education in the activities of the Fourth State Duma (1912–1917)]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1, 104–08. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Petelin, B.V., and G.V. Stepanov. “‘Zelenaya povestka’ dlya Germanii: vybory v bundestag 2021 g.” [‘Green agenda’ for Germany: the 2021 Bundestag elections]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 2, 236–42. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Solov'ev, K.A. “Deputatskie budni. Chto delali i chto ne delali narodnye izbranniki Rossiiskoi imperii” [Deputy weekdays. What the elected representatives of the people of the Russian Empire did and did not do]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1,
43–39. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Sorokin, A.A. “Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov' i vybory v I Gosudarstvennuyu dumu (po materialam zhurnala ‘Tserkovnyi vestnik’)” [Russian Orthodox Church and the elections to the First State Duma (based on the materials of the journal “Tserkovnyi vestnik”)]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1, 55–60. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Timokhina, D.A. “‘Iz oktyabristskikh shchenkov, kak vidno, krupnoi sobaki ne byvat'’: moskovskie dovybory v Gosudarstvennuyu dumu 1909 g. i ikh itogi” [‘It seems that the Octobrist puppies will not turn into a big dog’: Moscow by-election to the 1909 State Duma and its results]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets,
9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1,
69–78. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Egorov, A.N. “Voennyi ministr A.F. Rediger i zakonodatel'nye organy Rossiiskoi imperii” [Minister of War A.F. Roediger and the legislative bodies of the Russian Empire]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1, 150–57. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Lukashevich, D.A. “Institut s"ezdov narodnykh deputatov SSSR kak faktor razrusheniya SSSR” [Institute of Congresses of People’s Deputies of the USSR as a factor in the destruction of the USSR]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 2, 129–33. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Nikolaev, A.B. “A.A. Bublikov – komissar Vremennogo pravitel'stva Gosudarstvennoi dumy v Ministerstve putei soobshcheniya” [A.A. Bublikov as Commissar of the Provisional Government of the State Duma in the Ministry of Railways]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers],
2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1, 219–48. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Nikolaev, A.B., ed. Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers]. 2 pts. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Novosel'skii, S.S. “Spory o parlamente v 1905 g.: diskussiya o vyborakh v Gosudarstvennuyu dumu” [Disputes about the parliament in 1905: the discussion about the elections to the State Duma]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1, 21–26. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Orchakova, L.G. “Voprosy prosveshcheniya i obrazovaniya v deyatel'nosti IV Gosudarstvennoi dumy (1912–1917)” [Questions of enlightenment and education in the activities of the Fourth State Duma (1912–1917)]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1, 104–08. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Petelin, B.V., and G.V. Stepanov. “‘Zelenaya povestka’ dlya Germanii: vybory v bundestag 2021 g.” [‘Green agenda’ for Germany: the 2021 Bundestag elections]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 2, 236–42. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Solov'ev, K.A. “Deputatskie budni. Chto delali i chto ne delali narodnye izbranniki Rossiiskoi imperii” [Deputy weekdays. What the elected representatives of the people of the Russian Empire did and did not do]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1,
43–39. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Sorokin, A.A. “Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkov' i vybory v I Gosudarstvennuyu dumu (po materialam zhurnala ‘Tserkovnyi vestnik’)” [Russian Orthodox Church and the elections to the First State Duma (based on the materials of the journal “Tserkovnyi vestnik”)]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1, 55–60. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Timokhina, D.A. “‘Iz oktyabristskikh shchenkov, kak vidno, krupnoi sobaki ne byvat'’: moskovskie dovybory v Gosudarstvennuyu dumu 1909 g. i ikh itogi” [‘It seems that the Octobrist puppies will not turn into a big dog’: Moscow by-election to the 1909 State Duma and its results]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets,
9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 1,
69–78. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022. (In Russian)
Russian Empire, USSR, parliamentarism, State Duma, State Council, government, deputies
For citation:
Dobrovol'skii, E.S. “Russian and Foreign Parliamentarism as Viewed by Contemporary Researchers.” Review of Tavricheskie chteniya 2021. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': Mezhdunarodnaya nauchnaya konferentsiya (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 9–10 dekabrya 2021 g.): Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Tauride Readings 2021. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 9–10, 2021: Collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev (St Petersburg: Asterion, 2022). Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 7, no. 3 (2023): 1095–114,
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
ISSN 2587-8344 (Online)