The “Violet” Spectrum of Russian Emigration

The “Violet” Spectrum of Russian Emigration

Andrei A. Ivanov
Full text:
The review examines the monograph by P. Bazanov devoted to the political and publishing activities of the “pro-Soviet” organizations of Russian emigration of the first wave: the Smenovekhovtsy, the Mladorossi, the National Maximalists, and other representatives of the post-revolutionary movement who rejected the idea of “activism,” i.e. terrorist and armed struggle against Soviet Russia. The analysis focuses on the views and activities of the emigrant movements that went beyond the pre-revolutionary party framework and political concepts and managed to creatively approach the understanding of the Bolshevik revolution and the new era in the life of our country. Special attention in the review is paid to the emergence of the terms “violet” and “ultraviolet,” the problem of the appearance of the slogan “The Tsar and the Soviets,” and biographical facts of the prominent figures of the post-revolutionary movement.
Andrei A. Ivanov
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Modern History of Russia
Saint Petersburg State University (5, Mendeleevskaya liniya, 199034 St Petersburg, Russia)
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Dushenko, K.V. Krasnoe i beloe: Iz istorii politicheskogo yazyka [Red and white: From the history of political language]. Moscow: INION RAN, 2018. (In Russian)
Ivanov, A.A. “‘Chernyi’ vzglyad na ‘zheltyi’ blok: konservativnaya kritika dumskoi liberal'noi oppozitsii v gody Pervoi mirovoi voiny” [The ‘black’ view on the ‘yellow’ bloc: conservative criticism of the Duma’s liberal opposition during the First World War]. In Tavricheskie chteniya 2020. Aktual'nye problemy parlamentarizma: istoriya i sovremennost': materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii (Sankt-Peterburg, Tavricheskii dvorets, 10–11 dekabrya 2020 g.) [Tauride Readings 2020. Current problems of parliamentarism: history and modernity. International scientific conference, St Petersburg, the Tauride Palace, December 5–6, 2019: collected scientific papers], 2 pts., edited by A.B. Nikolaev, pt. 2, 82–91. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2021. (In Russian)
Ivanov, A.A. “Reaktsionery, chernosotentsy, belogvardeitsy, fashisty: definitsii russkogo pravogo lagerya nachala XX veka” [Reactionaries, Black Hundreds, White Guards, Fascists: definitions of Russian right-wingers in the early 20th century]. Noveishaya istoriya Rossii, vol. 12, no. 4 (2022): 884–905. (In Russian)
P.N. Bazanov, “The Tsar and the Soviets”, the Smenovekhovtsy, the Mladorossi, post-revolutionaries, Russian emigration, “the violet”, “the ultraviolet”
For citation:
Ivanov, A.A. “The ‘Violet’ Spectrum of Russian Emigration.” Review of Tsar' i Sovety: russkaya emigratsiya v bor'be za rossiiskuyu gosudarstvennost': politicheskaya i izdatel'skaya deyatel'nost' [The Tsar and the Soviets: Russian emigration in the struggle for Russian statehood: political and publishing activities], by P.N. Bazanov (St Petersburg: Izdatel'stvo RKhGA, 2021, 2022). Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 7, no. 3 (2023): 1059–78.

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