“Deserting the Flag” as a Behavioral Strategy of Wehrmacht Soldiers and the Armies of Its Satellites (About the article by R.I. Larintsev, and A.N. Zablotskii “Defectors from the Wehrmacht at the Soviet-German Front in 1941–1943”)
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In this article, the author examines little-studied and controversial aspects of the issue of defectors from among soldiers of the German army and its allies on the Eastern Front during the Great Patriotic War. Special attention is given to the methodology and source study of the problem under consideration as well as to the analysis of the ideological and psychological prerequisites for the phenomenon of defecting to the enemy. The author comes to the conclusion that a comprehensive study of the problem of defectors opens up new perspectives for studying the history of military captivity during the Great Patriotic War.
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“O nedostatkakh politicheskogo oprosa voennoplennykh” [On the shortcomings of political interrogation of prisoners of war]. Informatsionnyi byulleten' “Opyt raboty na voiska i naseleniya protivnika” 7-go otdela Glav PU RKKA, no. 8 (1943): 27. (In Russian)
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Vsevolodov, V.A. “Literaturnoe nasledie ‘chernogo maiora': Lev Kopelev – propagandist” [The literary heritage of the ‘black major’: Lev Kopelev, a propagandist]. In Al'manakh germanskoi istorii [Almanac of German history], iss. 1, K 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya L'va Kopeleva. Industrial'noe obshchestvo v Germanii i ego razvitie. Nemtsy i “Vedomstvo” [To the
100th anniversary of Lev Kopelev’s birth. Industrial society in Germany and its development. The Germans and the “Agency”], edited by V.V. Ishchenko, 78–88. Moscow: Lenand, 2013. (In Russian)
Vsevolodov, V.A. “Srok khraneniya – postoyanno!” = “Zur ständigen Aufbewahrung”: kratkaya istoriya lagerya voennoplennykh i internirovannykh UPVI NKVD-MVD SSSR № 27 (1942–1950 gg.) [“For permanent storage!” = “Zur ständigen Aufbewahrung”: a brief history of the prisoner-of-war and internment camp of the UPVI NKVD-MVD USSR no. 27 (1942–1950)]. Krasnogorsk: Memorial'nyi muzei nemetskikh antifashistov, 2003. (In Russian)
Wigmans, J.H. Einer von Millionen. 10 Jahre Russland und Sibirien. Sonderausgabe. Eindhoven: Lecturis Verlag Eindhoven, 1973.
Zagorul'ko, M.M., S.G. Sidorov, and T.V. Tsarevskaya, comps. Voennoplennye v SSSR
1939–1956. Dokumenty i materialy [Prisoners of war in the USSR, 1939–1956. Documents and materials]. Moscow: Logos, 2000. (In Russian)
Great Patriotic War, Soviet–German front, Wehrmacht, Red Army, defectors, special propaganda
For citation:
Vsevolodov V.А. “‘Deserting the Flag’ as a Behavioral Strategy of Wehrmacht Soldiers and the Armies of Its Satellites (About the article by R.I. Larintsev, and A.N. Zablotskii ‘Defectors from the Wehrmacht at the Soviet-German Front in 1941–1943’).” Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 7, no. 4 (2023): 1503–16,

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