The Influence of the Christian Church on the Formation of Reproductive Behavior ...

The Influence of the Christian Church on the Formation of Reproductive Behavior in the Old Russian Family

Svetlana V. Omel'yanchuk
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The article examines the role of the church in the formation of reproductive behavior in the Old Russian family. The historiographical analysis of the problem shows that it has not been
solved in either domestic or foreign literature. Christianity played a significant role in maintaining the importance of childbearing in ancient Russian society, proclaiming the appearance of offspring as the main purpose of marriage. This position of the church was close to the laity, for whom the birth of an heir meant the opportunity to pass down the acquired property, social status and power to children, to ensure prayer for the dead. In medieval society, the responsibility for the absence of children was assigned to a woman. Her childlessness was often followed by taking the monastic veil, sometimes forcibly. Taking the veil by his wife was the only opportunity for a man to terminate a childless marriage and get a chance of hope for fatherhood in a new marriage. Given the importance of procreation, married couples tried to have the long-awaited offspring by any means. To solve the problem of childbearing, they turned for help not only to the Christian church but also to pagan rituals, thus causing discontent of the church, which opposed the manifestations of paganism in matters of conception. From the Christian point of view, the birth of a child is a gift from God, and therefore it can be obtained only with the help of faith and prayer. The priests waged a fierce struggle against any means of preventing pregnancy and its termination. The husbands whose actions threatened to terminate their wives’ pregnancies were severely punished. Even more decisive actions were taken by the church in the fight against the murder of newborns. It constantly tightened the mother’s responsibility for this crime, from strict penance to the death
penalty. The author comes to the conclusion that in ancient Russian society the church assumed the function of forming reproductive behavior. It was reduced, on the one hand, to encouraging large families with many children and combating any actions aimed at preventing pregnancy or getting rid of a child and, on the other hand, to countering any vestiges of paganism, even if they were used to overcome the problem of infertility.
Svetlana V. Omel'yanchuk
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of History, Philosophy and Literature
Russian Institute of Theatre Arts – GITIS, Moscow, Russia
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Christianity, paganism, family, children, infertility, pregnancy, contraception, abortion
For citation:
Omel'yanchuk, S.V. “The Influence of the Christian Church on the Formation of Reproductive Behavior in the Old Russian Family.” Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 7, no. 1 (2023): 72–107.

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