The Franco-Russian Alliance in Historiography: On the Mechanisms of Rapprochement

The Franco-Russian Alliance in Historiography: On the Mechanisms of Rapprochement

Yuliya M. Galkina
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The article is devoted to the analysis of the historiographical heritage of Russia and France. The author focuses on the problem of identifying those interested in the Franco-Russian rapprochement and on the decision-making mechanisms in the French and Russian/Soviet leadership. Even though the relations between Russia and France in the 19th century were tense, the two countries managed to build a strategic dialogue and unite in the face of the German threat, overcoming political and cultural contradictions. The author represents the following interest groups in the Russian Empire and the French Third Republic: diplomats and the military, the financial elite, holders of salons and periodicals, and politically active members of the elite. Today, in the historiographical tradition, the idea of the strategic significance of the Franco-Russian Alliance continues to be fundamental, which means (as a direct consequence) its obviousness and lack of alternative for the political and military elite of the two countries. Meanwhile, such a point of view could be enriched by considering a wide range of supporters and opponents of the Russo-French Rapprochement. As promising areas for further research, it is possible to consider the problem of the participation of French banking capital in the rapprochement between France and Russia, to identify its connections with representatives of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and to take a closer look at the mechanisms for forming political opinion within “salon diplomacy”: whether the meetings of politicians, cultural figures, and opinion leaders influenced decision making in foreign policy and how exactly that happened.
Yuliya M. Galkina
Candidate of Historical Sciences
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
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Franco-Russian relations, Franco-Russian Alliance, Entente, historiography, diplomacy, Juliette Adam, Elizaveta Trubetskaya, Mikhail Katkov
For citation:
Galkina, Yu.M. “The Franco-Russian Alliance in Historiography: On the Mechanisms of Rapprochement.” Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 7, no. 2 (2023): 611–49,

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