History and Anti-History of the Partisan Movement in the East of Russia: Reflections on the Book Review of Krasnye partizany na vostoke Rossii. 1918–1922: deviatsii, anarkhiya i terror [Red partisans in the east of Russia. 1918–1922: Deviations, anarchy and terror], by A.G. Teplyakov (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2023)
Full text:
The review contains a critical analysis of the book by Novosibirsk historian A. Teplyakov devoted to the partisan movement in eastern Russia, Siberia, and the Far East during the Russian Civil War. General tendencies of covering this topic during the Soviet and post-Soviet periods are described. Attention is given to the author’s point of view and his perception of the topic, methodology, concepts and nomenclature of the research, its historiography and source base, and the main problems tackled in the book. The reviewer analyzes the conclusions drawn in the final part of the book, sheds light on the role and significance of this research in the study of the partisan movement history in eastern Russia during the Civil War, gives an overall assessment of this socio-political phenomenon, and indicates the prospects of its further elaboration within the framework of regional and all-Russian history.
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Shishkin, V.I. “Vlast' i naselenie partizanskikh regionov Sibiri vo vremya Grazhdanskoi voiny” [Authorities and population of the partisan regions in Siberia during the Civil War]. In Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii: Zhizn' v epokhu sotsial'nykh eksperimentov i voennykh ispytanii, 1917–1922: sbornik dokladov [Civil War in Russia. Life during the period of social experiments and military ordeals: Collected papers], edited by N.V. Mikhailov, and M.D. Steinberg, 394–409. St Petersburg: Nestor-istoriya, 2020. (In Russian)
Teplyakov, A.G. Krasnye partizany na vostoke Rossii. 1918–1922: deviatsii, anarkhiya i terror [Red partisans in the east of Russia. 1918–1922: Deviations, anarchy and terror]. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2023. (In Russian)
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Kondrashin, V.V. “Partizanskoe dvizhenie” [Partizan movement]. In Rossiya v Grazhdanskoi voine. 1918–1922: Entsiklopediya [Russia in the Civil War. 1918–1922. An encyclopedia], 3 vols., edited by A.K. Sorokin, vol. 2, I–P, 688–91. Moscow: Politicheskaya entsiklopediya, 2021. (In Russian)
Lar'kov, N.S. “Partizanskoe dvizhenie” [Partisan movement]. In Istoricheskaya entsiklopediya Sibiri [Historical encyclopedia of Siberia], 3 vols., edited by V.A. Lamin, vol. 2, К–Р, 579–81. Novosibirsk: Istoricheskoe nasledie Sibiri, 2009. (In Russian)
Lar'kov, N.S., and V.I. Shishkin. “Partizanskoe dvizhenie v Sibiri vo vremya Grazhdanskoi voiny” [Partisan movement in Siberia during the Civil War]. In Vlast' i obshchestvo v Sibiri v XX veke. Vyp. 4. Sbornik nauchnykh statei [Power and society in Siberia in the 20th century. Iss. 4. Collected Scientific Papers], edited by V.I. Shishkin, 76–114. Novosibirsk: Parallel', 2013. (In Russian)
“Partizanskoe dvizhenie v 1918–22” [Partisan movement in 1918–22]. In Grazhdanskaya voina i voennaya interventsiya v SSSR [Civil War and Intervention in the USSR], edited by S.S. Khromov, 429–40. Moscow: Sovetskaya entsiklopediya, 1987. (In Russian)
Pavlov, Ya.S. Narodnaya voina v tylu interventov i belogvardeitsev: (Rukovodstvo RKP(b) podpol'noi i partizanskoi bor'boi v gody vooruzhennoi inostrannoi interventsii i grazhdanskoi voiny) [People’s war in the rear of the interventionists and White Guards: (RKP(b)’s leadership of the underground and partisan struggle during the armed foreign intervention and the Civil War)]. Minsk: Belarus', 1983. (In Russian)
Pavlov, Ya.S. V.I. Lenin i partizanskoe dvizhenie [Lenin and partisan movement]. Minsk: Belarus', 1975. (In Russian)
Shishkin, V.I. “Bor'ba bol'shevikov za ob"edinenie sibirskikh partizan s Krasnoi armiei (dekabr' 1919 – aprel' 1920 g.)” [Struggle of the Bolsheviks for the unification of Siberian partisans with the Red Army (December 1919 – April 1920]. In Bol'sheviki vo glave trudyashchikhsya mass Sibiri v trekh rossiiskikh revolyutsiyakh: mezhvuzovskii sbornik nauchnykh trudov [The Bolsheviks heading the working masses of Siberia in three Russian revolutions. An interuniversity collection of scientific papers], edited by L.M. Goryushkin et al., 81–105. Novosibirsk: Novosibirskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 1986. (In Russian)
Shishkin, V.I. “Vlast' i naselenie partizanskikh regionov Sibiri vo vremya Grazhdanskoi voiny” [Authorities and population of the partisan regions in Siberia during the Civil War]. In Grazhdanskaya voina v Rossii: Zhizn' v epokhu sotsial'nykh eksperimentov i voennykh ispytanii, 1917–1922: sbornik dokladov [Civil War in Russia. Life during the period of social experiments and military ordeals: Collected papers], edited by N.V. Mikhailov, and M.D. Steinberg, 394–409. St Petersburg: Nestor-istoriya, 2020. (In Russian)
Teplyakov, A.G. Krasnye partizany na vostoke Rossii. 1918–1922: deviatsii, anarkhiya i terror [Red partisans in the east of Russia. 1918–1922: Deviations, anarchy and terror]. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2023. (In Russian)
Zhigalin, Ya.P. Partizanskie otryady zanimali goroda… [Partizan detachments occupied towns…]. Barnaul: Altaiskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1965. (In Russian)
Russian Civil War, partisan movement, guerrilla tactics, history, historiography, Siberia, Far East
For citation:
Goldin, V.I. “History and Anti-History of the Partisan Movement in the East of Russia: Reflections on the Book.” Review of Krasnye partizany na vostoke Rossii. 1918–1922: deviatsii, anarkhiya i terror [Red partisans in the east of Russia. 1918–1922: Deviations, anarchy and terror], by A.G. Teplyakov (Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2023). Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 8, no. 2 (2024): 730–41,; EDN: RKJGVH

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