Vitalii Ivanovich Startsev, an Outstanding Researcher of the Political History o...

Vitalii Ivanovich Startsev, an Outstanding Researcher of the Political History of Twentieth-Century Russia and the Russian Revolution of 1917 Review of Politicheskaya istoriya Rossii XX veka: k 90-letiyu professora Vitaliya Ivanovicha Startseva: Sbornik vospominanii i nauchnykh statei [Political history of twentieth-century Russia: On the 90th anniversary of Professor Vitalii I. Startsev: A collection of memoirs and scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev et al. (St Petersburg: Asterion, 2023)

Svetlana E. Rudneva
Full text:
The reviewer analyzes a collection of scientific articles Political History of Twentieth-Century Russia. The collection contains the proceedings of the international scientific conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Professor Vitalii I. Startsev, which was held on September 14–15, 2021 by the Department of Russian History (19th–21st Centuries) of the Institute of History and Social Sciences of the Herzen State Pedagogical University. The reviewer considers the recollections of V. Startsev and the key articles in the collection on problems that were in the focus of his attention and notes the importance of the collection under review from historiographical and source-study points of view. It is emphasized that the articles included in the collection help to evaluate the contribution of outstanding historian V. Startsev to the study of the problems of political history of twentieth-century Russia and the Russian revolution of 1917, introduce novelty into the interpretation of the events of the revolutionary period, and contribute to the rethinking of some previous historiographical provisions. In addition, in many articles of the collection, new sources on various aspects of the political history of Russia of the early 20th century are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.
Svetlana E. Rudneva
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of History
Russian University of Transport (MIIT)
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A collection of memoirs and scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev et al., 149–56. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2023. (In Russian)
Ganin, A.V. “‘Mozhet byt' moi perezhivaniya v eto urodlivoe vremya posluzhat urokom…’. Nachal'nik General'nogo shtaba general V.V. Marushevskii o revolyutsionnykh sobytiyakh 1917 g.” [‘Maybe my experiences in this ugly time will serve as a lesson...’. Chief of the General Staff General V.V. Marushevskii on the revolutionary events of 1917]. In Politicheskaya istoriya Rossii XX veka: k 90-letiyu professora Vitaliya Ivanovicha Startseva: Sbornik vospominanii i nauchnykh statei [Political history of twentieth-century Russia: On the 90th anniversary of Professor
Vitalii I. Startsev: A collection of memoirs and scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev et al., 110–16. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2023. (In Russian).
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A collection of memoirs and scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev et al., 117–33. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2023. (In Russian)
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Kalashnikov, V.V. “O taktike bol'shevikov letom – osen'yu 1917 goda (razmyshleniya nad rabotami V.I. Startseva)” [On the tactics of the Bolsheviks in the summer–autumn of 1917 (reflections on the works of V.I. Startsev)]. In Politicheskaya istoriya Rossii XX veka: k 90-letiyu professora Vitaliya Ivanovicha Startseva: Sbornik vospominanii i nauchnykh statei [Political history of twentieth-century Russia: On the 90th anniversary of Professor Vitalii I. Startsev:
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Vitalii I. Startsev: A collection of memoirs and scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev et al., 41–54. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2023. (In Russian)
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Vitalii I. Startsev: A collection of memoirs and scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev et al., 134–49. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2023. (In Russian)
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Vitalii I. Startsev: A collection of memoirs and scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev et al., 70–89. St Petersburg: Asterion, 2023. (In Russian)
the Russian Revolution of 1917, political history of Russia of the 20th century, V.I. Startsev, scientific conferences, historiography, source studies
For citation:
Rudneva, S.Е. “Vitalii Ivanovich Startsev, an Outstanding Researcher of the Political History of Twentieth-Century Russia and the Russian Revolution of 1917.” Review of Politicheskaya istoriya Rossii XX veka: k 90-letiyu professora Vitaliya Ivanovicha Startseva: Sbornik vospominanii i nauchnykh statei [Political history of twentieth-century Russia: On the 90th anniversary of Professor Vitalii I. Startsev: A collection of memoirs and scientific articles], edited by A.B. Nikolaev et al. (St Petersburg: Asterion, 2023). Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 8, no. 3 (2024): 1061–73,; EDN: OZJDRE

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