The article addresses the issue of monetary allowance for general police officials in the Belarusian governorates in the 1860s–80s. In modern historiography, there are two views on the financial support of police officials in the Russian Empire. Based on studies of various regions of the empire, most researchers believe that the police were underfunded throughout the period despite a salary rise in 1862. At the same time, some historians highlight a gradual improvement in the financial situation of officials in general and relatively favorable conditions for officials in city and uyezd police departments during the reign of Alexander II. Official records indicate that the salaries of police officials and lower ranks in the Belarusian governorates were comparable to those in other governorates. The Polish uprising of 1863–64 and aggravation of the internal political situation connected with it did not result in increased salaries. Government measures to encourage people to move to the Belarusian governorates for service or to reward police officials lacked reliable funding. Increments were insignificant and were applied selectively, which did not greatly influence the financial well-being of police officers. By the late 1860s, local administration in the Belarusian governorates noted the inadequate salaries of city police, which negatively affected personnel quality. The lower ranks of city police departments received very limited salaries, often less than those of hired laborers in agriculture. Similarly, the lower ranks of rural police either did not receive any payment for performing their duties or were paid symbolically, which is why uyezd police officials lacked reliable subordinates. However, uyezd police officials were in a more favorable position compared to city police due to the lower cost of living in rural areas. The analysis of the salaries of police officials in the Belarusian governorates shows that the negative assessment of the monetary provision of the minions of the law reflects their financial situation more adequately.
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executive police, rural precinct warden, senior village warden, junior village warden, village constable, policeman, Belarusian governorates, salary, police officials
For citation:
Kiselev, A.А. “Salaries of the Officers of the General Police in the Belarusian Governorates (1855–1881).” Historia Provinciae – the Journal of Regional History, vol. 8, no. 4 (2024): 1126–74,; EDN: OHTLSD